ZMH is out of my price range, but buying on historic highs has never been good investing for me. Others will buy on breakouts and do quite well, I try and buy on momentum like this and the stock gets whacked. It is a good theory and does work..example would be TASR..someone here asked me about it last split and I was hesitant..that was when the stock was at 50 I missed a double plus until today because I semi fear extended dont let that disuade you. The chart looks fantastic, it has to hold the 50 day moving average which is right if it failed and you wanted in..wait for the stock to move through the 50 day upwards..then buy. Or buy now and dont let the 50 day be pierced to the downside.
That VISH I cant really give a thumbs up on..I see a 1 for 10 reverse split a few yrs ago and highs of 2.50 max. If I were to buy I would wait for consolidation back to .25 or so and dont look for a 10 bagger, I dont see it in the cards.
Man did that IPYS get me that trading pattern looked like good ole OTCBB manipulation..suck the little guy in and crack him in the head. I am glad you made out, that is a nice big fat gain.