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Trade Thread II

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  • #46

    I watch DJT from time to time, but the time to get in was a while ago, but who would have known? If you had bot this stock before the show expecting somthing, you would have nothing.

    The reason the stock is moving is cause there is a possible recapitalization of the company, a cash infusion. Him buying another resort doesnt help the balance sheet. If you want in, you are in thinking DJ gives up a percentage of his ownership for some cash..and that bondholders will be nice and ease up on the balance sheet.

    I love the show btw...


    • #47
      yeah I do too thanks for your insight. He is hosting saturday night live this weekend, will be a must see. I recently bought both of his books, find him to be very interesting

      thought the purchase of a new hotel (especially that one which has so much potential- biggest in northern nevada) might send it up off the press release. Shows what I know.


      • #48

        Added to the nnz big bounce gonna hold on for another week or so. Sold my GBN and Merck with good profits today. Thinking of taking my profits with hal too. Not sure how much longer services will run.

        Happy trading


        • #49

          I sold NGEN cause the profits were in front of me, and only left a little on the table. What is worse, the gap up today..I wasnt around..some real life stuff keeps me from pre-market trading..darn it. But the retrace today doesnt shock me one bit. My plan is to buy NANX next time around..I like its action better than NGEN. Or..JMAR/ALTI/CBMX (which I got a nice one on a few weeks ago).

          You have some guts trading MRK.. I cant stand that stock. When I lived in Philly, one of my biggest clients had MRK..held it for years..she had like 6k shares. I was always trying to talk her into selling the stock. It seems that they never do anything right and trail the general sector. Congrats on the nice gain if you had it, and good job on Haliburton too..another stock I cannot trade. They have too much downside for me..seems to be a "slick" ran organization if you get what I mean.

          49erman.. Great show last night..and next week looks cool. I think they fire both the people who 1 or team 2..both get fired..should be great. I really like the tips he gives and his advisors..very sharp..


          • #50

            If you like his advice you definatly need to pick his new book up, the whole thing contains advice and his storys, I find it hard to put it down. Got killed today in basketball, but confident I passed my test today.


            • #51

              Sold the last of my NGEN at 10 bucks..

              Now time to see if the sector pulls in, and buy some NANX (or NGEN if it gets lower in relation NANX) or maybe some JMAR/CBMX/ALTI some sort of combo.

              Sitting on a bunch of cash again..time to start looking!

              Oh, no CHTR purchase yet..also no CPTH purchase last week..stock doubled yesterday, pulled back today..


              • #52

                I just opened a Roth IRA and I'm buying LU with that plan. I am looking for something fairly cheap, under $10 a share, that has the potential to really climb down the road, and I mean way down the road. Do you think LU is a good choice or is there something else that you suggest?

                Good luck,


                • #53

                  I can name 5 others that will outperform LU in the long run. One other thing, taking little profits when the market gives them can be better than long term holding. Feel free to ask away on any tip that you are considering.

                  I would take NT over LU in a heartbeat. I also like SONSE over LU, even CHTR over LU. Also JDSU and (gulp) SUNW over LU. We are speaking of low priced stocks in this list..

                  LU is flooded in debt, technology/segment is past tech..CHTR has tons of debt too, but I think the biz is better vs LU.

                  In the same space, I would gamble with Q over LU, but anything phone only is going to be limited upside.

                  Even TERN or MRVC or FIBR over LU.

                  That is a start, one other thing...every one of these names are fine, including LU if you buy in pieces, use a cheap broker and bail if the market tells you to..

                  Hope that helped a little!!


                  • #54
                    Thanks Wallstreet!
                    Good luck,


                    • #55
                      wallstreet :

                      clean out your in-box , no way to tell you the tip I was talking about the other nite .



                      :cool: :cool: :cool:
                      " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


                      • #56


                        I got that message yesterday, I didnt know what the hell it was talking about..since PM's arent used too often.



                        • #57
                          Market coming in for us here..

                          I will start creating a list of stocks to pick up on this dip..

                          We need the VIX to get higher (more fear into the market) and another two days like today, we will be there.. some great names are coming back to me, I can use another round of profits!!!

