I noticed your comments about RE investing. I am starting to get into this and I am very excited about working my first deal. A buddy of mine a long time ago got Carleton Sheets program and of course never did anything with it, so I borrowed it and went through the whole thing.
I was wondering about your website, what is the url? I'd like to take a look at it if possible. I am still extremely new at this and just now learning ways to locate REO's and other foreclosures. I live in KC and the investor market is pretty flooded right now. I have inquired on at least 20 properties and the bigtime investors have already snatched these up. Guess I better be more timely. I am trying to figure out how to get the info as soon as it hits the market, instead of waiting to see it in the classifieds.
Since I am just starting out, I am looking to get rehabs and rentals w/ very little down. Not a lot of cash on hand, a little bit of equity in my own home, but other than that, just trying to figure this market out.
I was wondering about your website, what is the url? I'd like to take a look at it if possible. I am still extremely new at this and just now learning ways to locate REO's and other foreclosures. I live in KC and the investor market is pretty flooded right now. I have inquired on at least 20 properties and the bigtime investors have already snatched these up. Guess I better be more timely. I am trying to figure out how to get the info as soon as it hits the market, instead of waiting to see it in the classifieds.
Since I am just starting out, I am looking to get rehabs and rentals w/ very little down. Not a lot of cash on hand, a little bit of equity in my own home, but other than that, just trying to figure this market out.