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  • Wallstreet/Savage

    Thanks a ton for starting this up here for "us degenerates"!!

    I will be looking to spend some light bucks in this area with all of your suggestions here in the near term....until I learn a little more more your input.


    (I'll try and add a little with trying to find my one best pick in sports when it shows itself in payment!) I think they are ALL good but once in a while there is a "gem"....thanks again!! Goldv
    I am NOT schizophrenic......and NEITHER am I! Just paranoid that fear may overcome my insanity!

  • #2

    Speaking for myself, you are always welcome to participate and experience things here.

    I dont fancy myself as a great capper at all, but I consider myself to be above average in the stocks area, so it is the least I can do to add where I can and be of help here.

    Eventually I would like this to be a daytrading forum/investing forum where a bunch of us are traders and exchanging ideas, trades both long and short..share from each other. Some of my most profitable periods were when I was on neutral stock forums (Silicon Investor) and I knew the traders there and we shared exit and entries and made a very nice ammt of money..

    I want to do that here..make a strong group of people who also make a ton of $$$$$$$


    • #3
      Thanks Wallstreet!

      I will obviously defer to your expertise (and the others here who are experts more so than I) in the financial area. To date I just messed around with some Mutuals but want to delve into some areas that you guys have talked about. Just you use one of the on-line services such as Ameritrade or Suretrade or similar service?

      This should be a great forum!

      By the way: my big play for tomorrow will be Providence -11 if you wish to try it!

      G-Town is a vastly over rated team with a highly inflated W/L record as they played no one until their last game vs. Duke and you saw they have not much....Prov is the opposite....a vastly underrated team with an under valued W/L and they showed what they have vs UCONN on the road. Look for big win from the Friars tomorrow night in a home game!

      THANKS again for starting up this forum! Looking forward to it!! Goldv
      I am NOT schizophrenic......and NEITHER am I! Just paranoid that fear may overcome my insanity!


      • #4
        By the way GoldVike, I happened to see your reply to me, in the wrong thread, earlier today. I laughed out loud about the Yosimite(sp) Sam cartoon reference. I remember that cartoon like it was just on today!! Thanks a lot for the response! I hope you stick around! Good Luck!
        "No man alive likes to be called high smellin' and low down.." Rooster Cogburn (John Wayne)


        • #5
          That one was a classic!

          I ALWAYS THOUGHT Warner Brothers was wayyyyyy ahead of their time! Some of the best "adult" humor came from those and the Rocky & Bullwinkle Show.

          I gonna hang around here and see if my feeble brain can absorb some of you guys financial wisdom!! THANKS!! Gv
          I am NOT schizophrenic......and NEITHER am I! Just paranoid that fear may overcome my insanity!


          • #6
            If you are interested in a long term stock, check out my post to wallstreet. Might be of interest to ya. That stock has been outstanding to us. We have owned it about 3 years + or -
            Thanks again for your plays, and your humor on this forum! Good Luck!
            Last edited by xcaliber; 01-25-2004, 10:34 PM.
            "No man alive likes to be called high smellin' and low down.." Rooster Cogburn (John Wayne)


            • #7
              Thanks a lot

              xcal! FRX for the long term....On file and thanks!!

              If anyone is into Mutuals at all this one may have some good prominse in the next 2 to 4 yrs. Janus Orion

              I bought it (had others and was expanding the portfolio) as an initial issue at 10 buck per as most all of theirs are. That was when the techies and virtually everything else was going heavy. Of course, the market dumped and so so did Munies and this one dropped out to just over 3 bucks per. It has done a steady climb back and still sits at only 6 plus per share now. I will double check their current major core holding as they got out of techs (obviously) and now are more logical. I would think this could be a good 15 buck performer in that time. FWIW!!

              Hope ya got my BIG STOCK PAYBACK PLAY #1 (BSP2) With [PROV -11[/B] last night!! I have no BIG plays tonight but will be playing in order:

              I.U. -1
              FLOR -2
              WISC MIL -3

              BULL/LAC (O)193

              If any of these "trip your trigger"!


              Still wondering though if anyone uses Ameritrade....Suretrade or others and have had good luck with them??

              AS ALWAYS....THANKS A LOT!! Gv
              I am NOT schizophrenic......and NEITHER am I! Just paranoid that fear may overcome my insanity!

