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Should You Worry About Europe's Back Door Bank Run?

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  • Should You Worry About Europe's Back Door Bank Run?

    On Wednesday, Fitch Ratings Inc. downgraded its credit ratings on five of Europe's biggest banks, and while that decision made headlines, it's not the most important story to come out of Europe this week.The real story, which the mainstream media is neglecting, is that there are signs of an underground run on Europe's

    Should You Worry About Europe?s Back Door Bank Run? | YOLO Trader Alerts

  • #2
    Only you would start a thread about some Europeans back door. You must have been in one lately


    • #3
      Originally posted by vols fan View Post
      Only you would start a thread about some Europeans back door. You must have been in one lately
      The USA is thinking of helping the EU out so it won't come back and hit us with a recession again.


      • #4
        Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
        The USA is thinking of helping the EU out so it won't come back and hit us with a recession again.
        Monte, did you really say the "US" is thinking of helping...

        Just read into thing of what this f'n fed is doing....WHAT HAPPENED THIS WEEK, well just read this...

        We know two things with certainty: In the week ended December 13 (14th excluded) one or more banks, most likely European, borrowed up to $2.5 billion from the Fed's Primary Credit Discount Window. And since US banks are drowning in dollar-based liquidity, any need to approach the Discount Window now, in the context of trillions of Excess Reserves, carries with its exponentially greater stigmata than it ever did during Lehman days. Also, in the week ended December 14, the Fed did a mid-month settlement of $31 billion in MBS purchases - a transaction which allowed a Primary Dealer to source critical liquidity, based on $30 billion in buyback authorization granted for the period beginning December 13. What we do not know for fact is whether the $30 billion in MBS purchases was completed on Tursday or Wednesday, and whether this is a delayed settlement for previous purchases, although due to the mid-month settlement process, it is possible that any transaction could have settled immediately. And for those seeking a specific "bank bailout" date, the 13th looks quite reasonable: it was the first day when an MBS purchase was permitted and it was the last day when a bulk Discount Window loan could have been performed.

        But wouldn't the market learn of even a hushed European bailout? And wouldn't there be a massive sell off if it became clear that exactly two weeks after the Fed's coordinated broad bailout of European banks, it had to engage in another, far more politically tenuous bailout, this time via a $2.5 billion free money loan to a cash scrambling bank? Well, if the news was leaked at 2pm on Tuesday it sure would explain the market reaction...

        So while much of the presented above is circumstantial, perhaps the next time Congress is debating with Ben Bernanke just how good it is for the US taxpayers to bail out European banks, someone can ask him just who it was that the Fed once again bailed out the week of December 14. Because America obviously does not have enough problems of its own...

        Did The Fed Quietly Bail Out A Bank On Tuesday? | ZeroHedge

        RON PAUL 2012

        if no one saw him on LENO last night, Watch TV. Watch Movies. | Online | Free | Hulu jay leno and watch what he has to say...the crowd was pumped, and it even got me to donate to his campaign last night


        • #5
          bump for monte....

          Remember obama wanted to give our country clarity


          • #6
            Did you know that the Federal Reserves in an Illegal entity and no one knows who even owns them.


            • #7

              Did you read my post #6? Did you know this?


              • #8
                Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                Did you know that the Federal Reserves in an Illegal entity and no one knows who even owns them.
                Amazing how Obama can't make it work then. That's right up his alley dealing with corrupt entities.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
                  Amazing how Obama can't make it work then. That's right up his alley dealing with corrupt entities.
                  I'm a Republican, but Im almost to the point of rooting for re-electing Obama. That way he can either be the awesome and get us out of this jam or be the worst president of all time(and maybe assasinated).


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Letswinalot View Post
                    I'm a Republican, but Im almost to the point of rooting for re-electing Obama. That way he can either be the awesome canidate he acted like and get us out of this jam or be the worst president of all time(and maybe assasinated).


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                      Did you know that the Federal Reserves in an Illegal entity and no one knows who even owns them.
                      Really, your going to come with that?

                      Your telling me we can't stop what they fed is currently doing, cuz no one knows who owns them, bullshit...

                      Bernanke, geithner and obama (great trio)

                      that is just ignorance to say it's an illegal entitly and no one knows who ones them...

                      NICE earnings ORCL...Nice earning RIMM...this world is just great but for some reason we have spent 5 trillion on what, and now we will be bailing out europe cuz all goldman s and all the bankers are exposed to this crap...HIP HIP HORRAY for our country and the leaders who are leading us in this direction...

                      Hey monte, just plz tell me 1 or 2 reasons obama should be re-elected in 2012, and tell me what he has done well.....i'd love to see what any member here could do with 5 trillion dollars....


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                        Did you know that the Federal Reserves in an Illegal entity and no one knows who even owns them.
                        And what i do know, it's not their f'n job to bail out Europe, pretty simple..
                        Last edited by Watchtower76; 12-20-2011, 07:12 PM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Watchtower76 View Post
                          Really, your going to come with that?

                          Your telling me we can't stop what they fed is currently doing, cuz no one knows who owns them, bullshit...

                          Bernanke, geithner and obama (great trio)

                          that is just ignorance to say it's an illegal entitly and no one knows who ones them...

                          NICE earnings ORCL...Nice earning RIMM...this world is just great but for some reason we have spent 5 trillion on what, and now we will be bailing out europe cuz all goldman s and all the bankers are exposed to this crap...HIP HIP HORRAY for our country and the leaders who are leading us in this direction...

                          Hey monte, just plz tell me 1 or 2 reasons obama should be re-elected in 2012, and tell me what he has done well.....i'd love to see what any member here could do with 5 trillion dollars....
                          I asked you a simple question and you turned into a damn book. I think it's a joke that the Federal Reserve is an illegal entity that no one knows who owns them. I suggest you do some looking up of your facts and when you come back don't put words into my mouth that I haven't said. You seem paranoid to me with your response.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Watchtower76 View Post
                            And what i do know, it's not their f'n job to bail out Europe, pretty simple..
                            Yeah, it's our job

