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  • Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
    Don't care why the stock jumped. What I care about is how are they getting the monies to do these studies? I know of studies that Doctors can't get monies for that could help people.
    Doesn't this quote from the link answer your question to some extent?-either that or I don't understand you question:

    On closing, Socius purchased 400 shares of Series C Preferred for an aggregate purchase price of $4 million. Proceeds will be used for clinical activities, including the Phase I/II trial for Stargardt's Disease, a potential clinical trial for Dry Age-Related Macular Degeneration and general corporate purposes.


    • Originally posted by FB Coach13 View Post
      Well I guys I bought some IMUC, 500 shares, bought in at 1.24 so not a huge risk. A guy I talk to gave me this stock, who is pretty good with the market. He told me about the stock DNDN prob about 2 years and it was around $3 a share and now is hovering around $40, so Im hoping he right on this one too.
      IMUC.ob got FDA approval this morning to start phase 2 for their drug, expecting a nice jump today, hopefully no looking back now


      • Originally posted by savage1 View Post
        The stock is now back at .21 after falling to as low as .14.
        Most importantly, catch this which just appeared in the New York Post today(two pages) .
        With a ton of shares at an average of .08, hopefully this will propel the stock lot higher and most importantly improve the lot of mankind:

        Stem cell research aims to cure blindness and paralysis -

        Moondog- I sure hope you still have your shares and added as I did at lower prices.
        Others take a look at it-if the tests go well, there is the potential here for ENORMOUS profits(I already have enormous profits).
        As always, do your own dd before buying this stock or for that matter any stock.
        I'm still buying.This stock is going to sky rocket in the next couple of months.


        • Originally posted by moondog22 View Post
          I'm still buying.This stock is going to sky rocket in the next couple of months.
          Need to jump on this myself. Thx
          FUCK YOU, FUCK ME


          • Originally posted by moondog22 View Post
            I'm still buying.This stock is going to sky rocket in the next couple of months.
            I agree-shares wise, this is the most number of shares I have ever owned by far in a legitimate penny stock, and if things go as planned, as far as I am concerned, sky's the limit over the next few years.
            That said, and as a warning to anyone reading this, although I am loaded with this stock, I could comfortably afford to lose my entire investment if things go south.
            You should have the same philosophy in investing in any speculative stock of this nature.
            Best of luck moondog and anyone else who owns or buys this stock,


            • Originally posted by savage1 View Post
              I agree-shares wise, this is the most number of shares I have ever owned by far in a legitimate penny stock, and if things go as planned, as far as I am concerned, sky's the limit over the next few years.
              That said, and as a warning to anyone reading this, although I am loaded with this stock, I could comfortably afford to lose my entire investment if things go south.
              You should have the same philosophy in investing in any speculative stock of this nature.
              Best of luck moondog and anyone else who owns or buys this stock,
              Good advice Savage...diversifying is key. I'd guess you & most others have both long term & short term goals/investments. These type of stocks IMO are high risk high return investments & like you said, if things went south, so be it & take your lumps & move on. Hopefully this is a needle in hay stack that turns into pot of gold. Thx guys.
              FUCK YOU, FUCK ME


              • Originally posted by vinnyvegas View Post
                Good advice Savage...diversifying is key. I'd guess you & most others have both long term & short term goals/investments. These type of stocks IMO are high risk high return investments & like you said, if things went south, so be it & take your lumps & move on. Hopefully this is a needle in hay stack that turns into pot of gold. Thx guys.
                Good luck Vinny-I hope you do well with this stock(if you own it and biy it) and all of your other "safer" investments.


                • a lil expensive for some at-around $25, HGSI. Lupus news coming within 2 months,try and catch this between $23-24ish if ya can. It`s worth minimum of $34 upon news/shortly thereafter,could possibly hit $40++. Not all prior picks big winners however, at least 2 MAIN ones were,still are....CHTP and INCY. GLE


                  • IMUC, sitting around $2 a share now, hoping for a slow stead increase on this one till towards the end of this year when some of their phase 2 data starts to come out.


                    • Hey guys, I just decided to join the stock market the other day. I put $2000 in an etrade acct and my 1st purchase went to CTIC for 1000 shares at .42. They have a cancer drug that is in phase 3 and if FDA approve, this stock could SOAR!!

                      Anyone else got any inside tips??


                      • you still believe that ACTC will sky rocket?


                        • Originally posted by The Lovedoc View Post
                 you still believe that ACTC will sky rocket?
                          Lovedoc-In answer to your question, I feel that with the FDA approval and the trials to begin in several months, there is tremendous potential if everything goes as planned.
                          In all honesy though, even if everything goes as planned, it might take a while for the company to get its product to the market and to show real profitabilty.
                          That said, if the trials are successful, that should give a big lift to the stock in the short run.
                          There quite a few shares out there(one and half billion or so and that could curtail the gains initially.
                          As far as my own confidence level goes, lets just say that stock is by far the largest holding in my speculative account(the great majority of my money is managed professionally and invested in blue chip and proven companies) and my shares are numbered in the high six figures.
                          I strongly suggest that you either join or at least read the posts at the Ihub ACTC Forum on-there are extremely knowledgeable folks over there(especially Rocky) who will enlighten you about all you need to know both about the company and the current share structure(the latter which you might have a little understand if you are new at this-I myself am confused myself by some of the talk ,but the most important thing is that the company seems to be on its way to good things).
                          Don't buy into the hype about $20, $50, $100 a share(you find this mostly on the mostly moronic Yahoo chatboard).
                          I do feel conservatively though that some time this year stock could go back to its old high of around .27 or even $.50 and beyond IF things go as planned.
                          Hope that helps and I wil check out the stock you recommended in the other thread.
                          As always, do your own dd and NEVER invest more in ANY penny stock than you can comfortably afford to lose, as over time the odds are vastly against you-I can testify to that. lol


                          • LEGC Corp (xprt)
                            Book value is $2.46. If they were going to go bankrupt, they would be making plans and NOT SELLING ASSETS!!! Come on think about it. They are selling assets quickly to get by this March 31 liquitidy problem. They have close to $300 MM in annual revenue!! They are selling certain assets, paying off their debt, and will be a leaner, smaller, DEBT FREE profitable company. They'll cut whatever fat(salaries/personnel) that they need to reduce expenses and get back to making money in a profitable industry.

                            LECG has a upside potential. Its upside is 1751.9%. Its consensus target price is $3.50-$5.00/share within 12-15 months based on the average of all estimates.That is worth the wait.


                            • Guys! Buy XPRT now!!! it was just .18 a few days should open around .30. My target price for this is 1.20!!!


                              • Originally posted by The Lovedoc View Post
                                Guys! Buy XPRT now!!! it was just .18 a few days should open around .30. My target price for this is 1.20!!!
                                Thanks wallstreet

