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  • #76
    Originally posted by FB Coach13 View Post
    Hey Big just a question on Zigo, why do you like it so much, i see they are in the red on alot of financial catagories, just wondering why u find this one so attractive. Thanks
    My financial advisor friends tell me, they've turned it around. It's already up to $6.86. This stock went for $90 a share back in 2001. It'll get to $10 fairly soon.


    • #77
      You looking at this for a long or short term deal with zigo, i was just thinking that i prob dont have the cash to get enough shares for it to matter in the short term, but could prob swing a couple hundred shares and sit on it for awhile. Wat r u thinking the ceiling is on this? Possibly making a run like it did a few years back, or even half of that.


      • #78
        Originally posted by FB Coach13 View Post
        You looking at this for a long or short term deal with zigo, i was just thinking that i prob dont have the cash to get enough shares for it to matter in the short term, but could prob swing a couple hundred shares and sit on it for awhile. Wat r u thinking the ceiling is on this? Possibly making a run like it did a few years back, or even half of that.
        I think it'll hit $10 in the next 6 months. So really short term. I usually don't play long term stuff. Do you like to play stuff under a $1? I'll keep throwing some stocks from time to time and give you the info that I receive.


        • #79
          anyone have any idea the ceiling for ACLS? its at .65. at what point do i sell? i such a damn newbie


          • #80
            Originally posted by BigWeiner View Post
            I think it'll hit $10 in the next 6 months. So really short term. I usually don't play long term stuff. Do you like to play stuff under a $1? I'll keep throwing some stocks from time to time and give you the info that I receive.
            Hey Big, im not a Huge fan of playing stocks under $1 for the most part they are very unstable. Ihowever do own 1 stock that I bought under $1, it is GNBT got 1500 shares @ .43 per. it is at about .65 or so now. Im a more long term guy, like to buy then wait for it to keep rising over time. I tend to like to try and buy stock generally betwwen the $4-$9 area, which i feel has potential to at least double from where i bought it. Feel free to throw out any info u receive, i would be more than happy to check into it, no matter what the price of the stock is. Thanks.


            • #81
              Originally posted by AlexTheGreat View Post
              anyone have any idea the ceiling for ACLS? its at .65. at what point do i sell? i such a damn newbie
              hey Alex how many shares did u buy and @ what price?


              • #82
                Hey Big, one more thing if you have time will u check out CNO, and let me know what you think. Didnt see any debt on their books,and have had a ton of sales for big bucks.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by AlexTheGreat View Post
                  anyone have any idea the ceiling for ACLS? its at .65. at what point do i sell? i such a damn newbie
                  What did you buy it at? I'd like to think that it might get back to $5 one day, but that might be a little long term. If you can make good money selling it around $1, go for it.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by FB Coach13 View Post
                    Hey Big, one more thing if you have time will u check out CNO, and let me know what you think. Didnt see any debt on their books,and have had a ton of sales for big bucks.
                    At quick glance it doesn't look good to me. I don't see it going much higher anytime soon. It looks like they were a mess a little while ago and the stock dropped and now it's rebounded to where it should be IMO.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by FB Coach13 View Post
                      Hey Big, im not a Huge fan of playing stocks under $1 for the most part they are very unstable. Ihowever do own 1 stock that I bought under $1, it is GNBT got 1500 shares @ .43 per. it is at about .65 or so now. Im a more long term guy, like to buy then wait for it to keep rising over time. I tend to like to try and buy stock generally betwwen the $4-$9 area, which i feel has potential to at least double from where i bought it. Feel free to throw out any info u receive, i would be more than happy to check into it, no matter what the price of the stock is. Thanks.
                      I totally understand. There's a lot of risk with those stocks, but you can buy a ton, so small movement pays off. GNBT is pretty low risk at this point, with high reward, might as well wait it out. I like to catch stocks when the market is down. Here's a couple I'm looking at in each price range.
                      <$1 DSTI $0.61
                      <$5 NOVL $4.70


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by BigWeiner View Post
                        I totally understand. There's a lot of risk with those stocks, but you can buy a ton, so small movement pays off. GNBT is pretty low risk at this point, with high reward, might as well wait it out. I like to catch stocks when the market is down. Here's a couple I'm looking at in each price range.
                        <$1 DSTI $0.61
                        <$5 NOVL $4.70
                        Are these long-term 4 u if u get in?


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by FB Coach13 View Post
                          Are these long-term 4 u if u get in?
                          No. I never post long term stuff. My retirement account is for the long term stuff. This is a gambling site. 6 months is what I'm usually looking at.


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by BigWeiner View Post
                            What did you buy it at? I'd like to think that it might get back to $5 one day, but that might be a little long term. If you can make good money selling it around $1, go for it.
                            i got it around .46. bought 1000 shares.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by AlexTheGreat View Post
                              i got it around .46. bought 1000 shares.
                              I would hold onto for a little while.


                              • #90
                                I prob should know this but i cant think right now, what does .OB mean if its after a stock?

