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Automakers and Loan

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  • Automakers and Loan

    Wow MSNBC telling it how it is about the corrupt politacians!!Corker from Tenn has a new Volkswagen plant and Shelby has the largest Toyota plant in the the US..They want UAW to take cuts for the automakers to move forward but MSNBC say the american autoworkers would need a pay raise to make the wages of the foreign carworkers in Kentucky.

    We wonder why our country is in trouble Congress what a joke!!! Like the american people don't know they have there own Agenda..

  • #2
    AIG got no restrictions on the $150 billion that they got.

    The automakers have all kinds of restrictions being placed on them.

    The Financial institutes that got the TARP money are not loaning it out which does nobody any good.


    • #3
      Yeah it is amazing the politicians that we elect are demanding the american workers to take pay cuts how ironic.
      There are web sites popping up to boycott Alabama and Tenn already, this will turn americans against americans all because of there douche bag senaters!


      • #4
        Amazing how they gave the banks 700 Billion no questions asked of which the first part already got spent and nobody has a clue where it went.

        Now the auto industry needs a 25 billion loan and these idiots on Capitol Hill make them jump through hoops and call them out like they are some sort of saints.

        Iraq + the banks = Trillions and they are doing this......pathetic.



        • #5
          President Bush to the ironic is that???


          • #6
            gm ford etc

            quit paying people $70.00 plus per hour and benefits to push a broom!!!! they need to file chapter 11 and re-structure. if i ran the company i work for the way they run their companys i would need a bail out too!!! notice small businesses are not asking for shit they just have to go under
            Money Talks, Bullshit Runs the Marathon


            • #7
              Originally posted by MtrCtyPimp View Post
              Amazing how they gave the banks 700 Billion no questions asked of which the first part already got spent and nobody has a clue where it went.

              Now the auto industry needs a 25 billion loan and these idiots on Capitol Hill make them jump through hoops and call them out like they are some sort of saints.

              Iraq + the banks = Trillions and they are doing this......pathetic.

              The banks are holding onto the TARP money which doesn't help anyone. The purpose of the TARP money was to put liquidity back into the market.


              • #8
                Originally posted by HBK View Post
                quit paying people $70.00 plus per hour and benefits to push a broom!!!! they need to file chapter 11 and re-structure. if i ran the company i work for the way they run their companys i would need a bail out too!!! notice small businesses are not asking for shit they just have to go under
                First off a small business won't cripple the economy further if they went under.

                Second you are correct with the janitor making 100K/year being ridiculous but those days are over.

                Third they cant file for bankruptcy because nobody will buy their products anymore and that in effect would be suicide.

                There is precedence with these loans when Chrysler was given them 30 years ago and the govt. was repaid with interest.

                I dont know about you guys but if the govt. in general continues down this path of dicking around with the people America might not be far from a revolution.



                • #9
                  Originally posted by HBK View Post
                  quit paying people $70.00 plus per hour and benefits to push a broom!!!! they need to file chapter 11 and re-structure. if i ran the company i work for the way they run their companys i would need a bail out too!!! notice small businesses are not asking for shit they just have to go under
                  Your an idiot please know the facts before you show how pathetic you are.Those jobs were the thing of the past all cleaning is now outsorsed for 11 dollars an hour..You show me a UAW member making 70 dollars an hour on there paycheck I'll show you a free national health care plan for the US.

                  Thanks for checking in though with your meaningless thoughts!!


                  • #10
                    Also 1 auto worker has a direct effect on 10 other jobs, where would that leave you O wise one?


                    • #11
                      i would leave 0

                      our company employee's about 30 people and does almost 2 mil a year in sales. i don't fly to washington on a private plane costing $20,000 to beg for money! go read your facts, go to any news source abc,nbc ect... fork-lift operaters make $105 per hour for the car makers! here in texas, i right to work state they make 10-20 per hour companys still in business no begging for tax payer help!!! so maybe you need to get your facts straight!!! i will be damned if i have to bust my ass to bail out stupid ass companys who over-pay people!!! chapter 11 would give the auto makers a chance to tear up old union contracts and start fresh!!! basically get back in line!! they need to do that
                      Money Talks, Bullshit Runs the Marathon


                      • #12

                        you work for are directly close too the auto makers, i see that!! i don't agree with the bank bail out either, a family for four making what i make ( as a single guy ) should not get a 250K home loan!!!! america always bounces back and the auto industry will too, but shit people gotta think!!!
                        Money Talks, Bullshit Runs the Marathon


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by HBK View Post
                          you work for are directly close too the auto makers, i see that!! i don't agree with the bank bail out either, a family for four making what i make ( as a single guy ) should not get a 250K home loan!!!! america always bounces back and the auto industry will too, but shit people gotta think!!!

                          No, your information is absurdly incorrect. The UAW workers make $55 an hour compared with $45 an hour for the foreign transplants. If you keep in mind it takes 18 man hours to build a vehicle it gives the foreign manufacturers a $180 advantage per vehicle. That is negligible on a $25K vehicle. Add to this the fact that new employees under the last contract are being paid $14 an hour you can actually see that the new employees are making less than their southern counterparts. Once the older workers retire (which shouldn't take longer then a few more years) the big three with the blessing of the UAW will have a lower labor cost per vehicle than the southern workers. The bottom line is the labor model has been fixed, it's not retroactive, but has been addressed and fixed for a few years now.

                          The auto companies do use a number higher than what the workers actually earn based on legacy costs, or the cost they are paying retirees. This number raises the price tag to roughly $73 an hour. The foreign transplants simply don't have that costs because they are new, and have no legacy here. There are lots of reasons this didn't go through, but labor costs and business models aren't any of them.

                          This was taken from somebody that knows more about it than me. Also organized labor set the standard for people's pay, the reason why non union people get payed more is because of the union's wages..
                          Last edited by FATCAT; 12-17-2008, 01:15 AM.

