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Hit 80% Sportsinvesting For Real!!!!

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  • #76
    Originally posted by sharpinvestor
    well im done trying to promote this guy. Its not that i love hating, hate on me all you want they aren't my plays so it doesnt affect me. Im trying to get his plays because he told me he hits 80% he posts on the ****com in the ******as well says his players are hitting 80% he was doing well with free plays he sent me before they went 10-2, so i thought id try to find someone because his price was expensive i was looking to split with 1-2 guys. Oh well learning lesson ill be riding free plays from you guys in the forum and hopefully you do better than 50%
    2 day bann for leaving a URL and promoting another site ....


    • #77
      Maybe he gets his plays from George Washington?

      He just flips the quarter, and good ole George tells him who to play...


      • #78 forget...these aren't his plays, they are someone else's that he's trying to promote...what a joke!


        • #79
          Originally posted by BLOCK044
 forget...these aren't his plays, they are someone else's that he's trying to promote...what a joke!
          I am speaking about the guy he gets them from.


          • #80
            80% guy

            There was guy lst year on another site promoting the same exact thing only looking for 2 people, the guy is really expensive, the exct same bullshit. Claimed he would give me the plays free for a week and he did. The asshole didn't hit 50% and I never heard from him again. Called himself Mr lasvegas orsomething like that. This guys a real winner. It's amazing how he won't give up.


            • #81
              Iam So Tired Of Looking At This Jerkoff Thread THIS SHIT IS OLDER THEN SPARK IF THAT GIVES U ANY IDEA.........
              MY MEAT IN THE HOT DESERT.......


              • #82
                I can eat 80% of the Pizza Hut buffet on Fridays.


                "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
                is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"

