My clients had a killer weekend (8-1) and have gone (4-1) so far this week. They are raking in the cash and laughing all the way to the bank. You check the other forums and know that most of the services on there have been getting buried. Not my clients. They have come to expect the highest quality WINNING selections from me and I have not let them down. It's Wednesday, the eve of the Big Dance..are you ready to lay your money down with the probability of winning. Or have you had to "pay your man" yesterday and are hoping to break even this week? For $15 per day you can be a winner by joining my clients and getting my selections each and every day and betting with confidence. I don't have any salesmen, no giltzy advertising, so I can keep my overhead down and pass the saving on to you by charging only $15 per day. How about these number...65.7% winners in January, 62.8% winners in February, and 64.9% winners so far in March. You can contact me at my e-mail address: [email protected] to inquire about weekly and monthly rates. Start winning today and never look back! My comp play for today is: Philadelphia (NHL)
As always, Good Luck,
E.K. Sports Associates
As always, Good Luck,
E.K. Sports Associates