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Monte, Wayne, Spark

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  • Monte, Wayne, Spark

    I thought this was going to go away, but it's still lingering and I"m not sure what to do here.

    First to Monte and Wayne, I apologize if you thought that I was leaving you out in my post this morning. I have talked to Spark more then I've talked to you both combined. And he was the one that emailed me yesterday to tell me that there was a big problem going on.

    I'll be quite honest in saying that If given the choice between the two I'd take Spark's friendship over posting here, and there would be ZERO hesitation on my part. To disappoint him with what he took as mis-leading him and this forum hurts more then anything else, because Spark is one of the most awesome human beings I've ever come in contact with.

    So I made it a point to try to make things better with him. That was my main focus, and I apologize for making you both second and third fiddle.

    I understand where you all are coming from with what you have perceived. I respect that because i understand it's been done before by another member and its almost like "here we go again" when the perception was made here. But reality is not perception. My intentions was not to undercut Monte or this site whatsoever. I was not in any competetion with him at all, nor wanted to be. I said that from teh first time I decided to try this. My question is, there has been NOTHING that I have done before this that could lead you to believe that I would be under-handed, so Wayne why can't you give me the beneifit of that doubt on that? Why can't you put yourself in my shoes and understand things from my point of view?

    How much respect do I have for this site, and the people here? I closed down my feeble attempt at a forum in a matter of a minute because I wanted you three to understand that there was ZERO malice on my part. And I did...and it's done.

    I understand there was some uncertainity about the super bowl contest that I helped run due to the emails that I would get from members. I said it yesterday and I'll say it again... not one person who emailed me about the super bowl contest got received anything regarding my service or forum or whatever UNLESS they had emailed me directly before to inquire about my serivce at a preivious time. I made sure of that when doing all this. I took extra measures to make sure everything was on the up and up. If anyone received something from me that inquired about the super bowl contest that hasn't already emailed me before then I'll leave now and not look back. That's how confident I am that I did that contest the right way.

    i just want to move on here....somehow. Wayne, Monte and Spark you have extended a lot of curtousys my way. It's been much appreciated and not un-noticed. I do apologize if I singled one person out more then the other. You must know that I appreciate all three of you very much, but I'm not going to lie...the relationship I have with Spark which was the best, and now I'm hoping to maintain means more to me then anything.

    I hope this is the last post regarding this. I hope we can move on and continue to win the books money.


  • #2

    In the blue corner. Fighting out of the windy city. He stands @ 6'1 tall weighs 215lbs his Last fight was a TKO of Jesus Christ, the pride of the Louis & Clark expedition Ladies and gentleman the SHUFFLE BOARD MASTER SPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRKKKKKKK KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

    And fighting out of the read corner, Standing at 4 feet 5 inches tall, weighing 155lbs making his boxing debut. The pride and joy of Greenville,SC THE BALD BADASS daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKKKKK KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
    Last edited by 10DimeBry; 02-20-2006, 04:48 PM.
    2013 NCAA POD Record

    8-3ATS +3.80 units

    2013 NFL POD Record

    1-2 ATS -4.50 units


    • #3
      OMG...thats fucking hilarious!!!! lol


      • #4
        Dime I wondered when you were going to wake up. LOL
        Today I will be Happier than a Bird with a French Fry


        • #5
          Vince Mchmahon just called... He wants the copyrights to this fight and have them face each other in ...................................



          • #6
            Dime my coffee just want flying across the room :red
            1 of 1 Morons


            • #7
              Guys, this is pretty serious. Maybe not to you but to Rook, Dime show a little restraint will you.
              Wayne, for what its worth, please give the guy another shot. I know you and Monte probably have been scammed a million times, but if you live your life never trusting cause you have been burned, well then that is sad.
              I have nothing to gain by standing up for him and asking for another shot, and i dont see where he does either.
              I was one of the members who notified Spark about this, I really feel bad about that, but thought it was the thing to do. I really love this place and i think Rook does to, i dont see malice on his part. Poor judgement yes.
              What is one more chance really going to hurt, his tract record was perfect before this. Is this a place where one bad turn and your gone? Thats all i have to say, thanks for the oppurtunity to do that
              Questions, comments, complaints:
              [email protected]


              • #8
                It's NOT sad JC. I trust many people. My Mom, Girlfriend, sister, friends locally, Joe and some others here.

                I don't have to trust all or agree with your opinion to be a good person or sad.


                • #9

                  JC, Don't feel bad, you were not the only one who told him and i'm sure it would have been found out sooner or later. Read my post about Monte in the other thread again and let it sink in ... PLEASE! He also isn't gone last time i checked.



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by wayne1218
                    It's NOT sad JC. I trust many people. My Mom, Girlfriend, sister, friends locally, Joe and some others here.

                    I don't have to trust all or agree with your opinion to be a good person or sad.

                    That sad statement wasnt intended as an insult. And i would never think you have to agree with any of my opinions. And i thought he was gone, from posting anywhere except the service thread. Sorry if i came across in a condescending manner
                    Questions, comments, complaints:
                    [email protected]


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by wayne1218

                      JC, Don't feel bad, you were not the only one who told him and i'm sure it would have been found out sooner or later. Read my post about Monte in the other thread again and let it sink in ... PLEASE! He also isn't gone last time i checked.


                      This is going to be my last post here about this subject. I hope that the emails continue with you Wayne.

                      "It would have been found out sooner or later" has the under tones that I was hiding something. I was not. He would have know if he would have opened the email that was sent on Wednesday, however we've already been through this, he just files my emails because it was included in my daily card. I was not hiding anything, nor would I have.

                      I know we disagree on this right at the moment Wayne, but I needed to make sure my point is across on that. I hope you have a great night and knock the books in the ass.

                      I'm moving on now, but you have my numbers and my email if you want to continue the discussion in private.



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by jcindaville
                        And i thought he was gone, from posting anywhere except the service thread.
                        Talk to Monte about that one JC. He also has to look out for himself here and people seem to forget that.


                        • #13
                          John you keep saying we disagree as in me & you. Joe and Monte feel as i do and that is a fact. I happen to be the one talking to you right now.


                          • #14
                            You Guys Are A Bunch Of Cry A Man And Stop Crying Like Biatches!!!!! Rook Made Amistake And Apologize. Thats It


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by joe-mo
                              You Guys Are A Bunch Of Cry A Man And Stop Crying Like Biatches!!!!! Rook Made Amistake And Apologize. Thats It
                              Call Monte a cry baby and a bitch and wave good bye when you do it.

                              You are in HIS HOUSE my friend and if you don't like it, LEAVE!

