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A "Banner" Day for Wayne Root

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  • A "Banner" Day for Wayne Root

    Wayne went a "stellar" 0-6 in the NFL today with the following:
    Baltimore, Tennessee, Denver, Pitt., Dallas and Detroit.
    In honor of this and his overall performance, I think Wayne should take one of the o's out of his last name and change it to Wayne (Rot)ten and that we refer to him subsequently as Wayne Rotten.

  • #2
    Savage, I hope you didn't follow those plays today.


    • #3
      Diesel-come on;You know me better than that.
      His picks are one of the LAST I would play as a group.
      San Diego actually made my day thanks to DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Manager's GOY!!!!!!!
      ps I liked it even without his opinion.
      Last edited by savage1; 12-04-2005, 11:50 PM.


      • #4


        • #5
          Diesel-The congrats should go to Wayne Rotten, as he went 0-6, not as tough as 6-0 but yet a pretty good feat for an arrogant POS who thinks he is better and smarter than everyone else!


          • #6
            OCD? j/k!!!!
            Pre-ban 1-0 (+1.00)
            Post ban 6-4 (+3.90)


            • #7
              Last Sat Last week were similar results for Wayne Rotten 1-7
              "The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice.


              • #8
                I know some guys that bought Wayne's package 2 months ago and have gone something like 11- 28 with his picks. His "No Limit" plays have lost going 2-6 including last night with Va. Tech. and the big one last Sunday with Washington +3 (Wayne's NFL GOY)
                I thought it was interesting Savage mentioned his Manager's GOY as San Diego because my associate told me he was instructed to play Oak +11'!
                5* 0-0
                4* 0-0
                3* 1-0
                2* 1-0
                1* 0-1

                God Bless America

                To win :1* unit = $100


                • #9
                  Bwade-I did not buy Daaa Manager's GOY, but it was posted on several other sites;if the play was really Oakland, then I feel even better, although I was going to play the Chargers anyways.
                  I am not surprised at what you say about the folks who bought Rotten's picks.


                  • #10
                    Well, amidst these allegations that Root is giving out both sides to his NFL games I am trying to contact one of the guys who uses his service to see what side they are getting!
                    5* 0-0
                    4* 0-0
                    3* 1-0
                    2* 1-0
                    1* 0-1

                    God Bless America

                    To win :1* unit = $100


                    • #11
                      Bwade-someone on another forum stated that the basis for all of ROTTEN'S picks is simply to go against the consensus of card parlay plays in his local casino.
                      If this is true, can you imagine someone spending $500 or more for just one pick from this "privileged" information which takes so "long" to gather? lol
                      ps Its no wonder the stock price of his company has lost 99.999%of its value and is trading under $.03.
                      Last edited by savage1; 12-05-2005, 04:58 PM.


                      • #12
                        ps Daaaa Manager just said hic GOY was San Diego lst night.


                        • #13
                          Just play the opposite of what root gives out as the GOY, and your gauranteed to win big.
                          "Heres to virgins... thanks for nothing"


                          • #14
                            Whoa Batez302 congrats on your 1st post! Welcome to the site. As for your comment, it sounds like it actually might make sense if you know his record thus far in the NFL.
                            My friend who gets his picks..... will call him "no thrash", said that Wayne's guys told his group to play Phil. +3' and under 41! We'll see how he does and if anyone else can report of Wayne's group giving out Seattle -3'.
                            As far as I'm concerned, Wayne's picks are only worth about uhhhh.......fie' Buucks!
                            5* 0-0
                            4* 0-0
                            3* 1-0
                            2* 1-0
                            1* 0-1

                            God Bless America

                            To win :1* unit = $100


                            • #15
                              Fie bucks??? please explain.
                              "Heres to virgins... thanks for nothing"

