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Nort h Coast Debacle

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  • #16
    I just received a postcard that Phil's Double Bowel I mean Bowl Issue of Power Sw eep is now available for just $20 with priority mailing.
    Just think-you can now avail yourself of more useless information, which has even less to do with how teams will perform in the post season than in the regular season.
    Lets see -first Phil raises the cost of 900 number calls to his service and now like a whore is advertising that his Bowl Issue is ready-things must be tough in NC land.
    I wonder if some day we will see Phil and his hired help walking up and down the aisles in the stadiums selling Power Swe ep in the same manner that the other guys sell peanuts, ice cream, etc.
    I can hear the vendors now-"Hey get your Power Sw eep hot off the presses, loaded with fact filled info-everything you need to win!"


    • #17
      Phil said today on his comp. that he won BOTH his Monday night magic play and his Totals Play, which were BOTH on the OVER in the football game, giving the false impression that he went 2-0 last night, when he fact he had Phil, making him 1-1This is just another of the cleverly spun deceptive practices used by this guy to make his record better sound better than it is.


      • #18
        You crack me up...more power to you


        • #19
          Here is your(actually my) daily take on Northc oast:

          Phil Ste ele kind of reminds me of some kind of great free offer you receive on the internet or in the mail. You get this tremendous product or vacation for nothing, and you say to yourself "Wow."
          However, somewhere written within the ad in tiny print there is something written telling you you must buy something or do something else to receive the offer, which takes all of the attractiveness out of the latter(it is only there because it is required by law).
          Obviously, the folks who run the ad hope you don't read the fine print and take the "free offer." How does this strike you? You got it-DECEPTION!
          Is Phil really that much different? Well, the only difference the way I see it is that Phil is NOT required to tell you everything(and does not), thus making him even more deceptive than the ad in my analogy.

          Yeah I realize that I myself am probably a reincarnated broken record by saying essentially the same thing about Phil all the time, but well, I enjoy writing my takes and hope that at least some of you get a chuckle.


          • #20
            Savage remind me not to ever get on your bad side. I hate scamdicappers also. The w ise guys aka the spor ts exchange out of baltimore are the worst. they have a show that comes on saturdays and sundays in the am, which they tape on wednesdays. these fucking clowns, al price, tony woodward, and crew spout off how good they have been doing, telling you to call them and they will win you tons of money. i hired these assholes, and they would give me one play and the very next saturday they would be spouting off how they hit that game when it lost to their paying customers. they would brag on all the winners they gave out the previous week never mentioning that overall they were down 5-9 games for the week. i try not to hate anyone on this planet, i really do. but if those guys got beheaded by alquada(spelled wrong) tomorrow i would love to witness with a smile on my face. taking advantage of people with lies, taking their money and then giving them losing selections is horrible. i used to hate all services, but have since changed my mind on that, i met rook on this site and realize not all people lie about their selections. if a person wants to pay a person for their selections, have at it, just dont lie when it comes to your record.
            Questions, comments, complaints:
            [email protected]


            • #21
              Jcindaville-thankfully there are still a few good and honest guys like Rook, Buzz and some others.
              Personally most people learn the hard way about services(I did thats for sure), and what you said about their lying is all SO TRUE.
              However, as I am sure you are aware by now, some of these con artists like Northc oast are pretty slick and clever, and their deceit is not so obvious except to those like me who keep very careful track as to what they say about themselves and compare it to the REAL truth.


              • #22
                Originally posted by savage1
                Jcindaville-thankfully there are still a few good and honest guys like Rook, Buzz and some others.
                Personally most people learn the hard way about services(I did thats for sure), and what you said about their lying is all SO TRUE.
                However, as I am sure you are aware by now, some of these con artists like Northc oast are pretty slick and clever, and their deceit is not so obvious except to those like me who keep very careful track as to what they say about themselves and compare it to the REAL truth.

                Savage, bash on those sons of bitches from here to eternity. Someone has to keep them in line. Hopefully 1 of these days,when they meet their maker they will feal the pain that they have caused so many people.
                Questions, comments, complaints:
                [email protected]


                • #23
                  Jcindaville-this is probably in terribly bad taste, but can you imagine what would happen to a service if it lied about his record to a Terrorist?
                  Seriously, unless I am banned, I will keep up on my crusade.
                  ps what Phil did the other night-taking a 1-1 night and making it sound like 2-0 (post 17) is just so typical of his modus operandi.
                  Please no one take the remark seriously about terrorists;I was simply trying to make a point with some well rather sick humor.
                  Last edited by savage1; 12-07-2005, 11:11 AM.


                  • #24
                    I Do Enjoy Reading Your Post About These
                    Scamdicappers. If Monte Does Not Object To It, Please
                    Keep Posting.


                    • #25
                      LSUMINSTER-Inasmuch as I would never post my own picks(they might be worse than those of the scamdicappers), I just do what I think I am good at and hope that it helps newbies and/or younger people who haven't been "around the block a few times" simply see that "what glitters is not always gold."
                      Last edited by savage1; 12-07-2005, 05:49 PM.


                      • #26
                        Savage and JC....

                        Thank you for the words.

                        And Savage...I LOVE reading your threads about this and others in this crazy business. It makes me even more proud that I'm doing the exact OPPOSITE of these fools.

                        Keep up the fantastic work.


                        • #27
                          Rook-Guys like you and Buzz are what real handicapping services should be about.
                          Perhaps if the Feiners, Jack Price's, Joh nny Demarco's and yes even the allegedly honest Phil Ste ele, who always says "We aren't like those other services,"(what a crock of shit that is), etc. took a hint from you guys, perhaps it might give a boost totheir sinking business and give the gambling public a different view on these guys.

