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North Co ast Lies/Omissions

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  • North Co ast Lies/Omissions

    Today on his comp. phone Phil Ste ele announced that he won his 5 star(which he did) and had an overall winning day yesterday.
    Well, he did go 4-3 on regular plays and with the 5* did have a winning day.
    HOWEVER, NO mention was made of the fact that he went 0-3 with his totals including a 3 1/2 and 1-2 with his smaller college plays;if these plays are considered, then Phil had a "nice" losing day and not even close to even on the day.
    I guess the "lesser" total plays and smaller colleges only count if they win. better.
    The only "system" play, one which has never lost and Phil Ste ele's 5* for every week of every month, is that he will NEVER discuss anything which shows him as nowhere as good as he claims and in fact will drag him back to his usual (at best) mediocrity.
    Last edited by savage1; 10-23-2005, 06:26 PM.

  • #2
    Savage, N. Coast is one of those services that some members claim is on the up and up.

    I believe most services start with good intentions. However, over time they all become scams.


    • #3
      Originally posted by frankb03
      Savage, N. Coast is one of those services that some members claim is on the up and up.

      I believe most services start with good intentions. However, over time they all become scams.
      Frank-I agree. The fact that Phil is in bed with two sportsbooks, the latter which go out of their way to give all kind of free service to North Co ast Services( I received their mailers in the mail at the beginning of each of the last two football seasons) has to at least call into question the integrity of his service.
      Obviously, this is a separate topic from the one about which this one is centered.
      In actuality, the two issues are related-give the impression by falsifying/omitting some things and send some suckers down to the sportsbooks who believe he is winning.
      When Phil loses, he gets taken care of by the sportsbooks;yes sir-Phil and his two offshores compose one big happy family.
      Last edited by savage1; 10-23-2005, 06:43 PM.


      • #4
        Phil talks about all of the "con artists" out there and rightfully so.
        Yet from what I can see he himself is a con artist in a sense also, as he 1)skirts/spins his record as stated in my prior post and 2) has many different clubs(and don't forget his two newsletters, Powersweep and Powerplay), and thus can cite whichever one happens to be winning at a certain time OR take one of his clubs which has not been winning of late but refer to any time frame he wishes to show that this particular club is winning.
        Thus, if one doesn't read between the lines and take a real careful look at what his record is using objective criterion, it is easy to see how Phil can lead people to believe that he is really much more than the mediocre handicapper he really is.


        • #5
          As expected, "Spinning" Phil is up to his old tricks again.
          On comp. line he emphasized that his comp. line has been winning as well as his marquis plays and sort of pooh poohed the fact that he lost his big late phone play yesterday and went 1-2. He is still describing Saturday as a winning day even though I clearly showed in my first post in this forum that he lost Saturday and ALL his plays were considered.
          Just rememeber that when you are ready to buy your next used car, go see Phil at Spintime Motors;I am sure he has a one owner, mint condition 1972 Chevy Vega with "only" 450000 miles on it with original engine.
          Last edited by savage1; 10-24-2005, 12:12 PM.


          • #6
            And I know that he "won" his 5 star Sat however you had to shop around. My 3 locals all had minus 2 on the game so if you did not have many choices, you probably pushed the game

            However, they (services) are all the same. Call PPP's free line and he is trying to sell his Basketball package with no mention of his big losing day yesterday. (He harped yesterday about how much he loved the card) To follow a service who throws out 5 diff packages a day, it's your own fault if you lose. I understand that you can not win every weekend but if you have 5 diff packages (over/unders, false favs, service plays, small college plays etc..) you are basically guaranteed to win one of them.


            • #7
              Big John-its sure nice to know that there are thinking folks out there like you.
              I think of Phil/North Co ast as sneaky/covert deceptive rather than like a lot of services which just tell boldface lies.
              In Phil's case one has to examine his modus operandi very carefully to see that the net result of his indirect way of lying/spinning(not talking about losers, having multiple clubs, using time frames which make his record look good, etc.) is the same of those services which overtly lie and misrepresent themselves.


              • #8
                Originally posted by savage1
                Big John-its sure nice to know that there are thinking folks out there like you.
                I think of Phil/North Co ast as sneaky/covert deceptive rather than like a lot of services which just tell boldface lies.
                In Phil's case one has to examine his modus operandi very carefully to see that the net result of his indirect way of lying/spinning(not talking about losers, having multiple clubs, using time frames which make his record look good, etc.) is the same of those services which overtly lie and misrepresent themselves.
                I wonder if he actually does bet his games. Why should he? I know that there must have been a ton people who signed up for his plays this weekend which just means more money for Phil. If you were to just call his free line every week, you would think that he would make you money every week


                • #9
                  Someone once said he does usually not bet the games he gives out.
                  Don't worry about Phil-as Imsaid in another thread, Phil has deals with several offshore books, which I am sure reimburse him if he sends them customers and the latter lose.(this is of course to the regular reveneur obtained from late phones and his Powerweep newsletter).


                  • #10
                    Phil seems to always want to choose whatever picks(and only the picks) which project him to always be winning.
                    Instead of that dumb speech he gives every time a big play loses(It goes something like this-"You know us here at North Co ast Sports, unlike those other services I always tell you about our "rare" losing days as well as the many winning ones), he should really change it to "You know us here at NC Sports, unlike those other services which merely falsify there records and lie, we here at NC are much more creative;we of course always tell you about our many winning days, but on those "rare" times when we lose a big play or have a bad day, we soften the blow by telling all of you about how good we have been on the days and our records when we have won, omitting some losing plays, and of course pick one of our many selective clubs and selective time frames to "prove" that to you."
                    "We at North Co ast pride ourselves in being the "best' service over the last 20+ years and especially in knowing how to give the impression that we are the "best."
                    We are a Football and football only service, and while those other services are worrying about basketball, hockey and baseball, we here at NC are hard at work spending 365 days a year trying to think of new ways to make us appear to be the best football service out there."
                    Last edited by savage1; 10-25-2005, 03:12 PM.


                    • #11
                      Someone just pointed out in another forum that now Phil is bragging about a new set of plays, his PERSONAL NFL PLAYS, which are of course different from his regular late phone service plays. Of course he is 16-4 in these new plays.
                      What is next-perhaps Phil's personal plays when he is having a PERSONAL bowel movement?
                      Last edited by savage1; 10-27-2005, 02:31 PM.


                      • #12
                        As someone on the other forum stated, Phil has 9 different clubs, and if you include Powersweep and the comps., he has 11 different ways to convince you he is always winning;for my mind he is a slick, cunning and clever BS Artist of the highest magniture;thankfully some of us can see through what he does and expose him!


                        • #13
                          FLASH-Phil Ste ele/NorthCo ast just "barely" misses with his 4* Game of the Month for October on the Redskins!


                          • #14
                            Second flash-Phil Ste ele went 0-4 today on his late phone service plays inlcuding his Sunday night loser.
                            The only question I have is whether any of those 10 or so different clubs/newsletters he has won this weekend;methinks not.
                            If he can't spin his weekend record, have no fear, he will tell you how great he has been on Monday nights.
                            If you are lucky, Phil might even feel sorry for those who played his games(not for himself though as I am sure Millenium and Royal Sportsbooks will "take care of him" for those whom he referred to them and lost) and offer you perhaps a 10 year subscription to Powersweep covering the years 2006 through 2016 for "only" $1200 with the following guarantee:If after the ten years you don't show a profit playing all the picks contained in the newsletter, Phil will give you a subscription to the 2017 Powersweep newsletter for "only" $75, which by then will constitute a tremendous savings over the newsstand price.
                            Last edited by savage1; 10-31-2005, 12:18 AM.


                            • #15
                              Savage, No disrespect towards you but are you obssessed with this guy

