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Amazing Sports Service That Gives You More Then Invested Back If It Is A Loser!!!

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  • Amazing Sports Service That Gives You More Then Invested Back If It Is A Loser!!!

    Thats right folks, I will give you more then invested on my service on ebay back if I do not hit my lock picks. Please look at my auction even if you are curious. Email me with questions
    [email protected]

    NCAAF 0-1
    NFL 1-0
    NBA 0-1
    REALITY TV 1-0
    NCAAB 2-4



  • #2
    Need a Comp play in every post to advertise on this site ....


    • #3

      I will post the Comp Play Right now.. Sorry about that

      KC Chiefs +2 tonight
      NCAAF 0-1
      NFL 1-0
      NBA 0-1
      REALITY TV 1-0
      NCAAB 2-4




      • #4
        Are you or have you ever been a previous member to BC because your IP matches another member??? ...


        • #5

          I have been a member since MAY 2005, Yesterday I tried to leave a post but it wouldn't let me so i figured i didn't register right, so i used my Yahoo email to re-register. I email [email protected] to find out what was wrong, i just got an email back this morning saying I could post. Just figured something was wrong with my registration because I never got my confirmation Email? Does that help?? Thanks Kevin
          NCAAF 0-1
          NFL 1-0
          NBA 0-1
          REALITY TV 1-0
          NCAAB 2-4




          • #6
            You have mail


            • #7
              I want everyone to know that I matched up this guys IP with SustainDan's ... after I sent him an e-mail telling him that his IP matched another member he came back and said he is Dan's brother ... another member trying to scam you guys ...


              • #8

                Thanks Spark as always


                • #9
                  Just two family members can't be separate users? I have no clue why you would call this a scam?
                  NCAAF 0-1
                  NFL 1-0
                  NBA 0-1
                  REALITY TV 1-0
                  NCAAB 2-4




                  • #10
                    You can look at my feedback rating on ebay, I have been doing auctions and selling sports memorabilia since 1998. So I don't know why you are callling me a scam. I was introduced to this site by Dan and I became a registered user may 2005. He used my computer at work over the summer. SO I think that it is unfair you wrote that.
                    NCAAF 0-1
                    NFL 1-0
                    NBA 0-1
                    REALITY TV 1-0
                    NCAAB 2-4




                    • #11
                      spark I promise you this is my brother and not me...I mean first off hes not a scam, secondly is it wrong for two family members to be on here????
                      Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


                      • #12
                        Fucking scam. This guy is a loser it just so happens that your brother just went service? Ban this asshole.


                        • #13
                          O yea baldy ban me because my family member is on here just because you have no life behind a computer doesnt mean you have to stick you nose in everyones fucking asshole prick
                          Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


                          • #14
                            Danny Bye Bye Bye


                            • #15
                              Please ill pay you any money in the world to prove your assumption of him being me is right. There is no possible way youd win because Im at FSU right now on a laptop on their dorm room lan line while he is in his office on his computer back in WPB
                              Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit

