I know wayne...You always hated me since day 1... Today is your lucky day!! Bye
Whoa Whoa Whoa doc .. come on BigGuy ... I do not want to step in here but how is that going to help anything kid ... Just get your ass back here and lets move on ...
Good job on kicking out a great member to this forum. What else can we expect from you??
Do you think i was serious? C'MON!
I assumed he was joking so i was as well.
Why would i think otherwise? It's not like he was the one getting bashed here or something???? Why would one friggin service thread send him away? It makes no sense to me!
Why would i think otherwise? It's not like he was the one getting bashed here or something???? Why would one friggin service thread send him away? It makes no sense to me!
Wayne you know i do not get in your stuff like you do not get in mine but That is exactly the way i took it .. as a joke ... I also know if you did not like doc I would know about it ...
Wayne you know i do not get in your stuff like you do not get in mine but That is exactly the way i took it .. as a joke ... I also know if you did not like doc I would know about it ...
No Doubt. What, when, and where in this thread did Doc get enough grief to leave here. I can't believe Jimmy (of all people) had his response. It made less sense than Lovedoc's! He should know me better than that but i guess i was wrong about him as well!
No Doubt. What, when, and where in this thread did Doc get enough grief to leave here. I can't believe Jimmy (of all people) had his response. It made less sense than Lovedoc's! He should know me better than that but i guess i was wrong about him as well!
Sexy Chicky as long as you have no dicky and Sexy darkhair could on crawl on top of you and show what the Herbwiser is made of > Your making Herbie so horny talking all this shit i have to knock the bottom out of something... SEXY Darkhair do you have a really bushy pussy one like i could go HERBIE hunting in damn I just made a miss.
hahaha...dude, i got ya man!! I would like to give myself some props for that one!! We never had any problems with each other bro...You know your good in my book!
hahaha...dude, i got ya man!! I would like to give myself some props for that one!! We never had any problems with each other bro...You know your good in my book!
You got me because i know you have thought that before with me not liking you. You're crazy, and a very important part of this site brother!