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More Reflections on Handicappers

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  • More Reflections on Handicappers

    Ok first let me say that we all know sports gambling/sports services aren't exactly what they teach in Sunday School.
    That being said, sports handicapping services are considered a business by many(monkey business by some), and thus there needs to be a code of ethics.
    In just the last week alone we have seen Chuck Franklin on at least three separate occasions post two sets of different plays on the same game and then unbelieveably tried to defend it by saying/implying that the real plays are what the paying customers get and that nothing else matters.
    Of late we have also see cappers like OC Dooley spin their records and talk for the most part about their winning plays thus giving a false impression.
    Even worse,with him there is a game which he clearly lost two days ago(see the OC Dooley post), and yet which he is STILL claiming as a win;no matter whether it was an oversight or by intent, the fact remains it was done and that is BAD; sadly, as I stated, the last I looked earlier today, he is still claiming the game won.
    Unfortunately there are too many like these two guys and too many like Phil Ste ele of North Co ast, which have private deals with the offshore sports books.
    Not to single anyone out, but it is really too bad that there aren't more guys like Buzz, who is hard working and ALWAYS tells the truthm the whole truth and nothing but the truth(I used that line as the subject of another thread I started today) and most importanly is a very good capper.
    It is too bad that guys like Buzz have to suffer because of the tactics used by the cappers I cited above.
    Perhaps if some of the scamdicappers changed their ways, they might have a little more credibility and even some customers.

  • #2


    • #3
      always some bad apples


      • #4
        savage, i just emailed him and called him out. wait and see what happens.


        • #5
          Originally posted by MAL
          savage, i just emailed him and called him out. wait and see what happens.
          PLEASE let us know the outcome and how he spins his "oversight."
          ps I wonder if he knows/cares that this has been posted by me and others on numerous threads.
          Last edited by savage1; 09-27-2005, 01:32 PM.


          • #6
            See below.
            Last edited by savage1; 09-27-2005, 01:53 PM.


            • #7
              Mal-don't necessarily expect an answer right away. After all, his nickname is "the spider", and as we all know, spiders spin their webs(in this case OC will have to spin his answer) and that may take some time.
              ps I will predict that he will give you his plays today for nothing for pointing out his error.
              Last edited by savage1; 09-27-2005, 01:52 PM.


              • #8
                hey savage- on another best damn website he says he had sf +6.
                i called him out there also.
                Last edited by MAL; 09-27-2005, 01:55 PM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by MAL
                  hey savage- on another best damn website he says he had sf +6.
                  i called him out there also.
                  I am not surprised;he uses the line to his advantage like many cappers.
                  The main point is that he is still claiming a MONEY LINE winner on San Francisco on TUESDAY when Dallas clearly won the game.


                  • #10
                    The way I see it at this point is that Doo ley is full of "doo doo".


                    • #11

                      You Know I Have Been Posting All My Plays On The Board To Help The Victims Of All These Storms . Would Anyone Else Do That Hell Know !!!! Why Because Then There Real Record Would Be There And All There Bullshit Would Be Usless . Anyone Can Say I Hit 70%
                      But Until They Prove It Its Bullshit !!


                      • #12
                        To add a few more comments to my original post, I think that better than 90% of the paid cappers(I am talking about the biggies like North Coas t Feist and his crew, Root, Big A l, Loser Lawrence, Dooley, although he is small potatoes compared to the first guys I mentioned, and many more) are out to make money first for THEMSELVES by any means;the games are secondary to the marketing of their products.
                        Just tune in any Saturday to the capping shows if you want to see deceptive ads which will make you puke.
                        As the chief guy at godspicks has said "people buy the sizzle and not the steak."
                        Fortunately as we all know, for the most part when you see a steak sizzle , it looks tasty and usually is.
                        The same cannot be said for the "sizzle" of most of the cappers;the "sizzle" in this case as we have seen consists of lies, misrepresentation/spin of one's records(Hello Oc Dooley), claiming to have inside information and scouts on the college campuses and with all of the professional teams(all of which is bullshit), knowledge of non-existent injuries from the trainers room(hello NASA), non-existent and made up undefeated systems and backended systems(hello Big A l, NASA and Loser Lawrence), knowledge of made up gamblers allegedly betting hundreds oif thousands of dollars on everyday baseball games(BS again-NASA comes to mind again), claims made no matter when you call the comp. line that gamblers are up 50-100K in a week or so playing a certain capper's picks(hello Joh nny Demarco and Stu Feiner), cappers claiming that another capper(sometimes non existent) is rated the best out of 2000 cappers and is rated #1 by all 5 "major" sports monitors(which are never mentioned);the plays are really those of the real capper and NOT the other one, the reason being that the capper doing the ad knows he is laughed at by the public and that no one believes him;the most obvious choice here is Jack Price singing the praise of his make believe partner Corey Black(head), whom NO ONE has ever heard of except Jack for obvious reasons-HE DOESN'T EXIST.
                        Anywats, sorry if I went on too long;feel free to comment or ad to add your own experiences, as I am sure most of us would love to hear about your feelings and personal experiences with the "sizzle" which should be termed Bullsizzle.
                        Last edited by savage1; 09-28-2005, 01:12 AM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by ROCKDEMANSPORTS
                          You Know I Have Been Posting All My Plays On The Board To Help The Victims Of All These Storms . Would Anyone Else Do That Hell Know !!!! Why Because Then There Real Record Would Be There And All There Bullshit Would Be Usless . Anyone Can Say I Hit 70%
                          But Until They Prove It Its Bullshit !!

                          Hey Rockdemansports,

                          I posted my Real Records in my threads with all my plays...and I have already made a contribution to the Red Cross already...Plus I dont ever make claims of hitting a certain % ..until I actually do...But never say its guaranteed to remain that way...unless it does...No Guarantees in this Business...but not all of us are bad guys...So say, no one but me and Co-Captain next time...LOL....Gracious Amigo...and Aloha CC.
                          Last edited by Co-Captain; 09-28-2005, 01:27 AM.


                          • #14
                            I want to add something that is very important which I forgot in my last post:
                            How can we forget the multi million star and even billion star lock games advertised by some services(Chucky Franklin and his crew at Big Green Machine have been notorious fof this in the past), and some capper send emails promoting their plays and their records with really huge typed capital letters that even a blind man can see(Ashton comes to mind of late);when you have to resort to that, it says to me that your plays can't stand on their own merits.
                            Last edited by savage1; 09-28-2005, 01:32 AM.

