Im really the wife of B I G A L.. Please don't make bad remarks about B I G A L because he has NEVER wagered on a game. It is not Al's fault! I just simply won't let him! I mean, can you blame me? My husband gives out a GOY every single day, and when he doesn't give out a GOY, it is his GOM! If I let him bet every play he gave out, we would be on the streets, instead of in our mansion that AL has worked so hard for! AL is very good at scamming, and he keeps getting better. AL fools people with claims like I am 87-10 in this situation, when he is not 87-10, the trend he saw was 87-10, and anybody could look up trends.. Anyway, AL is a good guy, and I just hate to see him get bashed because he has NEVER wagered. Oh, and be sure to check out B I G A L's site, he has 10 GOY's, 7 GOM's, and 7 GOW's going this week! You can find them at http://www.ihaveneverwageredinmylife...* Thanks, and hope to see you there soon!!
Comp Game of the Year for tonight Georgia
Thanks, B I G A L's wife
Comp Game of the Year for tonight Georgia
Thanks, B I G A L's wife
