MLB YTD 92-60 61% +74.06 units
MLB Last 32 26-6 81% +61.62 units
MLB 4 unit plays 8-4 67% +17.22 units
GOY,GOM, GOW 3-0 100% +19 units
We won in college football Thursday, and lost Friday making us 1-1 on the week in NCAA Foots. However, tomorrow we have a HUGE 5 Unit NCAA Blowout Game of the week. This game should, and will be a total BLOWOUT, just like advertised. Like I have been stating, we usually always hit our big plays. We will also be releasing a HUGE 4 unit NCAA play and a 3 unit MLB play. We won again in MLB making us 26-6 Last 32 plays 81%. Build your bankroll for tomorrows NFL! You get our 5 unit NCAA Blowout of the Week, our 4 unit HUGE NCAA play, and our 3 unit MLB play for just $25! To take advantage of the books tomorrow, send $25 paypal to [email protected] or email [email protected] for other details! Thanks, and hope to see you win with us tomorrow!
paypal [email protected]
email [email protected]
Comp play Saturday Missouri Tigers -20.5
MLB Last 32 26-6 81% +61.62 units
MLB 4 unit plays 8-4 67% +17.22 units
GOY,GOM, GOW 3-0 100% +19 units
We won in college football Thursday, and lost Friday making us 1-1 on the week in NCAA Foots. However, tomorrow we have a HUGE 5 Unit NCAA Blowout Game of the week. This game should, and will be a total BLOWOUT, just like advertised. Like I have been stating, we usually always hit our big plays. We will also be releasing a HUGE 4 unit NCAA play and a 3 unit MLB play. We won again in MLB making us 26-6 Last 32 plays 81%. Build your bankroll for tomorrows NFL! You get our 5 unit NCAA Blowout of the Week, our 4 unit HUGE NCAA play, and our 3 unit MLB play for just $25! To take advantage of the books tomorrow, send $25 paypal to [email protected] or email [email protected] for other details! Thanks, and hope to see you win with us tomorrow!
paypal [email protected]
email [email protected]
Comp play Saturday Missouri Tigers -20.5