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Time for the All-Nighter!!

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  • Time for the All-Nighter!!

    I can't sleep after I lose like this.. I just feel like shit, and thrive for better the next day. I am going to pull an all-nighter, get some winners ready, and post our member plays here tomorrow! Be ready 4 some fun!! If anyone has any questions, you can email me.. I WILL be up.. I will check my email every once in awhile.

    I don't know if I need to post a comp when Im not advertising or not, but just in case Comp play Seattle under

  • #2
    I can't sleep either. Tough to be a die hard Eagles fan after a game like that.


    • #3
      Originally posted by BigMike
      I can't sleep either. Tough to be a die hard Eagles fan after a game like that.
      Don't worry, you will get a huge rematch in the NFC Championship game!


      • #4
        Where is Spearit?.... Spearit, you better show up before I have to put an Alert out!


        • #5
          Originally posted by chickswithpicks
          Don't worry, you will get a huge rematch in the NFC Championship game!

          Bullshit, the Eagles are my #2 team, and I'm fucking pissed. McNabb played the worst game I've seen him play since he was a rookie. I don't care what anyone says, fucking him and TO need to squash this shit. TO was open countless times, and McNabb miss him time after time...I'm not saying he did it cuz they're not talking, but fuck, he didn't miss him last year. Mark my words, the Falcons will not be in the NFC championship game cuz Michael Vick fucking sucks. You can talk all you want about his highlight reel runs, blah, blah, blah, he can't fucking throw a pass to save his life. They will never win a BIG game against a good D with him at QB. He's a waste of a talent. Other than that throw to Jenkins, his balls were all over...HE SUCKS, and I wish people would stop sucking his di*k.


          • #6
            I hear you buddy this was a very difficult game to watch and I'm depressed right now. BUT I seriously think the Falcons gave the Eagles ALL they had tonight and they were still right there with a chance to win. With all the things the Eagles did wrong to the play calling, the turnovers, McNabb looking pathetic, Bad kick/punt returns, missed FGs they still only lost by 4 and in reality should have won this game. I'm going to try my best and not get all worked up over this one and look for them to come back strong and blow the fucking doors off the Niners at the Linc.


            • #7
              Yea, they should definitely blow the fucking sorry Niners out. I just heard that the last 6 SB losers lost their 1st game. Fuck, if I knew that, I would've never bet on the Eagles. I'm starting to think there's a curse on the teams that lose the SB! Why do I have a crazy feeling about the EAGLES this year? Something inside is telling me they ain't gonna make it to the SB this year now. THEY ARE WAY BETTER THAN THE SORRY ASS FALCONS (I HATE FUCKING VICK), and they lost. Somebody tell McNabb and TO to get over this BS...they can't win with this garbage.


              • #8
                This fucking sucks...I'm sick to my stomach...the only consolation is that the year TB won the SB, they lost their 1st game to NO.

                P.S. By the way, the Vikes are definitely not winning the SB cuz a team has never won the SB after losing to TB during the season...HAHA.

