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OC Dooley's 1 way Advertising

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  • #16
    I chatted with OC a few times on line a while back;he seems like a nice guy, and he even gave me his picks on the house a few times.
    on the other hand , as you know from this thread, he does things or omits things which detracts from him as a capper;he in effect at times tries to blow smoke up your ass, and I feel it is within my rights to call him out on this.


    • #17
      If you (and everyone else) knows the "spin", "lies" etc, why get bothered by it? It seems like you waste A LOT of time reading through service emails and calling free pick lines. For what? To prove the point they're all scammers and liars? I think we all know that. Sounds like a HUGE waste of time.
      Pre-ban 1-0 (+1.00)
      Post ban 6-4 (+3.90)


      • #18
        Originally posted by capperjohn1
        If you (and everyone else) knows the "spin", "lies" etc, why get bothered by it? It seems like you waste A LOT of time reading through service emails and calling free pick lines. For what? To prove the point they're all scammers and liars? I think we all know that. Sounds like a HUGE waste of time.
        In YOUR opinion it is a waste of time but not mine.
        If you notice, 268 people have read this particular thread(granted a few of those were mine), and I notice that when I talk about others services on other threads which I start, there is similar interest.
        Therfore, I have to assume that at least some of those reading the posts are interested in what I have to say and that at least a few of those may be new at this.
        If just one person out of all those(hopefully more) is enlightened by what I say, then to me it is worth the effort.
        I do respect your opinion, but I say simply don't read my posts if you think they are a waste of time.


        • #19
          IT DONT OPEN IT! :christmas


          • #20
            What I meant by a "waste" was the fact that you seem to call all of these free pick/comp lines to these crooks. And you sound like you're surprised by their antics. What are you going to post on the day you track down a comp line who doesn't "spin" (unlikely!!)? I have time on my hands to read posts. I was just curious about the free time you have to call all these lines and post the updates. Good luck...
            Pre-ban 1-0 (+1.00)
            Post ban 6-4 (+3.90)


            • #21
              Savage, I have to give it to Brian Mac he actually admitted he lost the side and total, very impressed


              • #22
                Originally posted by illjaunt
                Savage, I have to give it to Brian Mac he actually admitted he lost the side and total, very impressed
                What is really ironic illjaunt is that Phil Ste ele for once said NOTHING about last night; he also lost BOTH side and total.
                Mac admits it and Steele says nothing;now that is what I call "balance." lol
                Last edited by savage1; 09-14-2005, 12:43 AM.


                • #23
                  maybe some of these people are starting to be honest just a little bit...
                  RED LIGHT UP THAT CIGAR


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by illjaunt
                    maybe some of these people are starting to be honest just a little bit...
                    Yeah and you know what-maybe they don't do it for altruistic reasons;perhaps they realize that the shit they used to pull years ago and get away with before the internet is a thing of the past;if they don't admit their losses, people like you and I will expose them!


                    • #25
                      I hope so.....
                      RED LIGHT UP THAT CIGAR


                      • #26
                        You know and as I have stated before wouldn't it be great if Ralph Nader or a Ralph Nader type really did a thorough investigation into all the noted cappers, the veracity of their records over time and actually showed how many people(if any) would actually be ahead if they played all the games as rated(and I don't mean zillion star locks but a simple rating system say 1-4 or 1-5) after the costs were figured in.
                        I think over a period of several years one would find that the great majority of paid cappers9and the people who paid for their picks) were down and a lot of them WAY down.


                        • #27
                          especially if they used brian mac he is unbelieveable how many units he plays a day.....
                          RED LIGHT UP THAT CIGAR


                          • #28
                            I still find it amazing/unbelieveable when you and I believe someone else monitored him last year and he was down 40K;then when you didn't get his picks any more, all of a sudden one day out of nowhere on his comp phone in June or July he announces that during the previous 3 or 4 months(when he was not monitored) that he has made untold thousands of units and has had only a handful of losing weeks. Hmmm.


                            • #29
                              I just received an email from OC stating that once again he swept his big plays yesterday with a 4* on Florida and a 3* on Clemson.
                              What OC does NOT mention is that his 2*'s went 1-5 with Vandy(winner) with all of the rest of his games LOSERS, Kent, Idaho, Central Florida, Tulane and Over the total in San Diego State.
                              Thus, he won 9 stars yesterday and lost 11 stars(2.2x5) for a LOSING day overall.
                              I guess the lower rated games count only when you win, OR if the lower rated games win and the higher rated games lose, only the lower rated games count.
                              Now you can see why that when in the past when OC has been monitored over any period of time, he has always been mediocre at best.
                              Obviously if you read his one way writeups of his record, as I just pointed out, you get an entirely different impression.


                              • #30
                                I think I finally figured out OC: He has invented a new creative type of math, which he hopes will allow him to make his service profitable.
                                It goes something like this for his rating system:
                                3* and 4* picks are among his highest rated picks;therefore when they win, he accentuates them.
                                Now if on the same day his higher rated plays win and his lower rated picks(2*'s) do not, he doesn't mention them, the feeling being that they don't count and need not be mentioned because people were not supposed to play them, and more importantly because they were losses and might detract from the 3 and 4*'s which won.
                                On the other hand, if the 2*s win and the 3 and 4*s lose or split out, then he won't talk about them but only mention the 2*s, the reason being I guess that the higher rated plays should have not been played because they lost or split and ONLY the lower rated plays should have been played;in any case, OC thinks as long as he can project that he won something, that is all that matters, and again the bottom line is increasing the profitability of his service.
                                Now if BOTH his higher and lower rated plays, OC will simply say nothing, as his customers were supposed to have had the insight to know that the plays would lose, and more importantly because admission of losses might reflect badly on him.
                                By OC Dooley's reasoning, if say there were 8 horses in a horse race and he bet on all of them to win, he would come back the next day and said he "won."
                                If you are confused by above, well to tell youthe truth, so am I by OC's rating system and to coin the old phrase, "his fuzzy math."

