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NFL Pre-Season "BIG GAME PLAY"...going today, Saturday!

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  • NFL Pre-Season "BIG GAME PLAY"...going today, Saturday!

    Aloha Gang...

    Keeping this short and sweet...Today, I have a rare NFL Pre-Season "BIG GAME PLAY" ....along with a Special-Top Rated Totals Play of the Week selection in MLB..both going off in the Evening Set (between 6 pm EST and 7pm EST).

    Contact me for these two Bad Boys, and get them at another Low Price Special discount...Till then, gotta run as I need to put together that indepth Write-Up and Big Game Analysis for this "BGP", like always which will show you why I played this game so Big and exactly why I felt it was a very solid play to make that investment in...No one else does this, but I do and my "BGPs", results and record speaks for themselves....Remember, anyone can post a big play and label it with a big title...but try backing it up with some info/insights, etc so we can all see the Value and Quality in them.....Hope to see you all on board...Bases is solid, but on the Gridiron is where I like to Rock-N-Roll....Aloha CC.


    Comp Play on: Cincy -128
    Last edited by Co-Captain; 08-20-2005, 03:57 PM.

  • #2

    My NFL Pre-Season "BIG GAME PLAY"-GAME OF THE WEEK selection I released was on Buffalo -5.5.

    My MLB Special-Top Rated Totals Play of the Day I released was on Minny/Seattle Under 8 -125.

    I will post their Write-Ups and Game Analysis alittle later so you can see why it is that I played these Bad Boys so big today...Anyways, if your on them as well...then GL to Us and Lets Kick Some Ass....Aloha CC.

    ================================================== =========================================

    *UFC Comp Play 4 "Super Saturday" on:

    Jeremy Horn +161

    -I am taking underdog Horn +161 over Liddell to get the upset and make Liddell tap out again.....Horn is to smart and to good on the ground and he wont get into no up and up with Liddell like those other dummies did (Corture, Ortiz, etc) ...Chuck on the ground is out of his element and cannot come close to meeting the skills of Horn, who has also won over 100 fights and hasnt been knocked out....Plus, Horn in his first UFC 6 years ago, choked Liddell out and gave him his first lost...As long as Horn can get Liddell on the ground, Liddell will tire and he wont has as much sting in his punches....I expect Horn to take Liddell deep into this one, seeing as its a 5 rounder if I am not mistaken....Liddell will want to stand-up but I just dont see Horn at all going away from his strength and fighting Chuck's game.

    Horn is also in solid shape...and he will be able to take alot out of Liddell, no doubt....On the ground is where this one will be spent and it should be boring as hell, but we should see Jeremy work his body into position to get Chuck to submit.... Watch for a submission by Liddell in the later rounds when I expect Horn to use his grapling to his advantage and Liddells lack of balanced ground defensiveness/offensive attack to work against him...Liddell will tire not only by throwing punches on the ground, which should have no real effect and he will also tire trying to monuever away from Horns leverage and moves...Trying to counter someone's moves on the ground in itself is very tiring and not being able to take an offensive as much is very frustrating and this combination is what I see will be the deciding factor for Horn...Remember 165 lbs Royce Gracie in UFC 1....Well, today Horn gets back more respect for the Ground Em and Pound Em fighters....Small Upset!
    Last edited by Co-Captain; 08-20-2005, 07:39 PM.


    • #3
      FYI: .

      -This the rest of my Evening Set I released today on "Super Saturday"

      Adding Evening Set:



      Indy -6
      Carolina -3



      Cincy -128
      Clev -126


      Balt/Clev Under 9 +104
      Minny +105

      -Will post my Late Set released today later...Till then, if your on the same..then Lets Go Get Em!...Aloha CC.


      • #4

        *NFL Pre-Season "BIG GAME PLAY"-GAME OF THE WEEK: ....I released on Super Sat.

        BUFFALO -5.5 (EZ 27-7 Blowout Winner!)

        -In this game we have two teams who hasnt quite been on on Fire yet offensively...however, Buffalo in this matchup has something that is stronger than offense and what wins games...and that is a solid Defense...They also have several other Advantages as well over the Packers today, and below is a list of them which I feel will play a major role, along with a few Situational Edges that is also in the Buff's favor today.

        Advantage #1 : Buffalo's Depth in their QB rotation...Young Star starter Losman makes his 2nd start...He will then be supported by two Veteran QB's with 11 years exp between them, in Holcomb and Matthews....Solid advantage with this game experience for the Buff's in the 2nd half...Farve and GB will not be so fortunate with Rookie Rodgers making his first road start and coming off of a terrible 1st outing....Then following him the Pack has 2, second year, reserves who no one has even heard of and who is not expected to do much either.

        -Advantage #2 : Buffalo's Depth on Defense....The Buff's return the NFL's #2 ranked Defense, in yards allowed last year...This Buff defense was also ranked 1st in forcing turnovers with 39 last season...One one starter is gone...but this teams core of defensive studs is back and better...6 Pro Bowlers is on this defense and no other team can claim the same...not even the Patriots....GB struggled with running the ball in their last game vs dont expect things to get better against this run stuffing unit.

        Advantage #3 : Buffalo's Blitzing Style of Play on Defense....This aggressive blitzing package that the Buffs will come with should cause alot of problems for these Young QB's in getting their rhythum down....Farve is Farve but it will force a change in his approach as well...and especially because he wont have the services of his trusty TE Franks, who is still out due to contract negotiation....This Blitz package worked wonders against GB 2 weeks ago and it surely has given the GB coaches something to really worry about, as that game was a controlled scrimmage and this is not...Farve, Rodgers, Nall all will have big X's on their backs today.

        Advantage #4 : GB's Defense missing their Big Dawgs upfront as well as, several Studs in the Secondary, due to, LB Diggs, DT Jackson, DT Hunt, and DT Williams...SS Roman, CB Harris, and CB Thomas are out....Now the Pack will have to make due with 4 rookies and 1 second year reserve to fill their voids....Not good vs this team that is going to pound the ball first and them hit you with the play action second.

        Advantage #5 : GB's Re-Vamped OL (only 2 starters back with one Rookie G making start) vs Buffalo's Veteran All Pro Run stuffing Front 7, who allowed the 2nd fewest yards last year...and forced the most turnovers with 39 last season....So far this pre-season they have 9 TFL, 6 Sacks, and allowed 0 rushing 1st downs...Also held Indy to just -5 yards rushing on 15 carries in their last game....Plus, this defensive front already was successful clearing paths for their head-hunting blitzers to record 8 sacks against GB in scrimmage at Lambeau 2 weeks ago...And I dont see the Packs Hogs being quick enough to stop all the lanes straight to their QBs...and that should result in possible turnovers as well.

        *Situational Edges in Favor of the Bills:

        -Buffalo's 1st Home Game is a Sellout!...The Ralph Wilson Stadium with its 73,967 capacity will be loud and enthusiastic about this team and its upcoming season...The crowd noise should affect the Rookie and Reserves, not this will play huge dividends when he is taken out of the game...most likely by mid 2nd Quarter.

        -New Era for Buffalo with Losman in and Bledsoe out...The Bills got their Defense and now they have their future star QB and also their future star RB...and both are ready to step on to the scene this year.

        -Bills play on a Turf field...which works to in their advantage as this fast track makes their already quick team, especially on defense, that much more quicker...most notebly off the corner on blitz's.

        -I feel that the Coaching Tendencies in this preseason game favors Buffalo more as their 2nd year Head man will want to get this new era started off on a positive note....GB's Sherman I feel for one, doesnt like this game at all, especially because of the Bills blitzing defense which can put an end to their season if Brett gets taken out by one of them...This game for the Pack, especially on offense will be used to practice schemes against the blitzes, something that they will face again against Philly and Pitt this year.....Plus, I dont feel GB is taking this game to seriously especially with all their injured players out and with a new OL that simply needs to get their snaps in.....Farve was sharp in the first game, which was said to be his best start ever in the its again, its a game to practice and work on weaknesses...not one to take seriously or play all out to win impressively....Bills wants to win this one big...while GB is just looking to survive without more injuries..

        -Pre-season QB rotation gives the Bills a big Situational Edge as GB wont rely on Farve to win it in the end....Onces he's taken out, he wont be back...not in a meaningingless preseason..

        *Some Stats, Trends, and Info:

        -Bills two punters on 9 punts vs the Colts averaged a solid 47.9 ypk...and starter Moorman on his 4 punts averaged 50 ypk...This should help keep the field position in the Bills favor today.

        -GB's injury plagued Defense in their 1st game vs SD allowed a whopping 5.1 ypp, and 125 yards rushing for 4.5 ypc average..

        -GB also had 6 fumbles which they lost 3...and only rushed for 2.9 ypc for 79 yards...They also only recorded just 2 rushing 1st downs and just 196 total yards on offense vs SD's defense.

        -SD out yardaged, out 1st downed, and held the TOP edge over GB....eventhough they committed 12 penalties for 88 yards in that game..

        -Bills offense showing solid balance with 123 rushing (4.6 ypc) and 122 passing...RB Macghee may be out for this one, but the Bill still have a trio of solid young RBs in Williams, Lee, and Gates, who all contributed in their first game vs Indy.

        -Bills, in their last game, still held the TOP 33:08 to 26:52...eventhough they had 11 less plays on offense, was out 1st downed 18 to 12, and committed 19 penalties for 146 yards...This indicates line of scrimmage was controlled on both sides by the Bills, which is something I fully expect them to duplicate again today against the Packers.

        Bottom line in this one is that there are to many Advantages and Situational Edges favoring the Bills over the Packers in this Preseason matchup today....The Packers are wounded and worried, while the Bills are excited and enthusiastic...Season opening game at Home for the Bills vs a team with an aging injury prone Vet QB, a Rookie QB as his backup, a Defense missing over half their starters, an OL that is trying to gell again like the past two seasons well oiled machine, and with coaches who are fully preoccupied with preventing Buffalo's Blitzes from killing Farve and really nothing else...simply points and says to me "BIG GAME PLAY" selection on the Bills....The Bills are surprisingly way ahead of this Packers team right now, and they know this as well....So with everything in favor of the Bills today...I am playing this game as my first NFL Pre-season "BIG GAME PLAY"-GAME OF THE WEEK selection.....GL and ALOHA CC.

        please disregard any typos or grammatical errors as I didnt have time to edit this analysis...thxs.

        ================================================== ======================================

        My "BGPs" again simply are the Best Plays I got bar none and they continue to Kick Ass in All Sports hitting Over 73% since 2003....Dont miss out on the next "BGP" in the Bases or in Football coming up...Again Gang, the proof of their Value and Success speaks for itself...and the Quality and Hard Work I put into Handicapping them is right here in the Indepth Write-Up and Big Game Analysis which I provide with all my "BGP's" , that I feel are Second to None...but which also serves as proof that these Plays are simply the product of honest/knowledgeable Sports Handicapping, and NOT just a play posted with a Big Title..or with a bogus Unverifiable Record....which then is covered even more with alot of worthless HYPE, just like those Scamming Touts like to always use...inorder to cover its obvious lack of substance and worthlessness as a solid credible investment product....Dont be fooled by the Hype Gang...demand some substance and some backing of these play, from those selling these so called Big play "Locks" or Gurantees BS plays....That is one step to becoming a smarter investor in this game....JMO, TFWIW...Aloha CC..

