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  • #16
    Hey Ripple,

    Is this your job, you are amazing with all these stats, can't wait for Football season,

    where's monty's site????


    • #17
      dude ur on monte;s site..

      is this my job? if it is its a no paid job,,lmfao...

      im just making my spreadsheets out for footbnall..were going to have the best spreadsheets going,,ill post whos hot and whos not,,and etcx etc,,i actually enjoy doing research and tallys,,but ill be honestwith you.. i new these guys were bad ...but i didnt think they were that bad,,,,,theres a few good guys that post on here if there good there make money,,ill have them email me there plays at 1:05pm so i can keep track if they want and ill add them to my spreadsheet..

      thanks watchtower..

      i love that dylan song all along the that where u got ur nick from..
      Last edited by Ripple; 08-16-2005, 02:15 PM.


      • #18
        Dave Matthews is where i got the watchtower, last name is tauer.....and i've seen those guys probably 40+ times...great song, expecially how dave sings it, of course the genious wrote it....dylans voice is for the birds though

        appreciate the time you put into this, and i look forward to fading those idiot service plays, not saying i woud do any better......


        • #19
          B/C Updated Non-Service Record to compare:
          Past 30 Days

          Spear-it Total Premium Package For Nadda

          42-27 61%

          (Units Up +22 on equal odds. All totals so odds may vary only by 10 or 20 generally.) Realistically +16 to +18 units up. Usually a total is -115 when played or can be a dog nut of less or even a +110.

          Rip- Glad to see ya post this- it does help us to see the money wasted out there by others.
          Last edited by Spearit; 08-16-2005, 02:20 PM.
          "The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Ripple
            dude ur on monte;s site..

            is this my job? if it is its a no paid job,,lmfao...

            im just making my spreadsheets out for footbnall..were going to have the best spreadsheets going,,ill post whos hot and whos not,,and etcx etc,,i actually enjoy doing research and tallys,,but ill be honestwith you.. i new these guys were bad ...but i didnt think they were that bad,,,,,theres a few good guys that post on here if there good there make money,,ill have them email me there plays at 1:05pm so i can keep track if they want and ill add them to my spreadsheet..

            thanks watchtower..

            i love that dylan song all along the that where u got ur nick from..
            I also like Neil Young and Jimmi Hendrix version too Rip.


            • #21
              spearit ,,ur record is awesome moondaog and watchtower thanks guys


              • #22
                services that won last night on the steelers :uzi:
                RIPS FADES
                national sports reporter..2-0
                compu sports 1-1
                greg darban
                wayne root
                chuck franklin 2-0
                final score
                united world sports 2-0
                winning pts
                stat man 1-1
                sports consultants
                Specialty Spts
                HANK GREEN SPORTS
                Panama City Systematics
                Profitable Sports :
                SPORTS EXCHANGE PITT
                H-D SPORTS:2-0
                JIMMYS PICS:
                GOLD STAR:
                DIABLO ENTERPRISES:
                CEASAR SPORTS:


                • #23
                  services that lost last night philly or the under
                  DDC SPORTS:
                  OBX SPTS:
                  Scotty Spreitzers ****** play for Monday
                  pro picks
                  wagering edge
                  Marc Lawrence 100% perfect NFL Monday Espn Game
                  ASHLEY SPORTS
                  JIM HURLEY
                  Mike Neri Sports
                  len banker
                  alex smart
                  bradley owen..
                  lt profits
                  Hate 2 Lose Sports

                  Coach Corner
                  Sports Syn
                  Pt Spread Beaters
                  Wiseguys Unlimited
                  Service Insider
                  SAILAWAY SPORTS
                  AJ Apollo
                  & plenty more will continue in a few.


                  • #24

                    bradley owen hes terrible the last 30 days ,,another service to fade away

                    he bets 9 games a day how do u win doing that

                    angels run line -1.5

                    why i like to post records..on there site they state bradley owen is 3-1 in his last 4 bases..thats totally wrong...he went 4-4 in bases last and a total of 4-5 with the eagles..also before yesterday he lost 6 in a row and these scammers dont have the balls to tell you guys the truth,,if these services are just honest than people wouldnt have a problem with there record,,BUt chit like thisa bothers me that they do this and some young kid going to fall for the hype and buy these guys..PLEASE DONT BUY ANY OF THERE PLAYS..


                    • #25
                      I think it is only appropriate to have Bob Dylan sing this for ya now Rip - Since you are the WatchTower to all of us here. Thanks for your hard work- Don't get mad - get even. You do that by exposing them. You are the wildcat that growls -Spearit

                      There must be some way out of here," said the joker to the thief,
                      "There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief.

                      Businessmen, they drink my wine, ploughmen dig my earth,
                      None of them along the line know what any of it is worth."

                      "No reason to get excited," the thief, he kindly spoke,
                      "There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke.

                      But you and I, we've been through that, and this is not our fate,
                      So let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late."

                      All along the watchtower, princes kept the view
                      While all the women came and went, barefoot servants, too.

                      Outside in the distance a wildcat did growl,
                      Two riders were approaching, the wind began to howl.
                      "The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice.


                      • #26
                        wooooooohooooooooo spearit


                        • #27
                          check out this shit..i got this letter from 3g sports telling me how good they were last yr they sux i got there record,,keep lying services and keep sending me stuff because im checking it carefully and if ur lying ur going to be exposed big time::


                          *** EARLYBIRD SPECIAL $995. for EVERYTHING from today Thru the
                          SUPERBOWL(you'll get MLB Baseball thru the World Series, COLLEGE & PRO
                          Football, Pre-Season Football, NBA, College Basketball, and the FREE Consensus
                          Reports, A $3000+ Value)

                          All selections are monitored and documented for accuracy from an Independent Source. Last year a $100. bettor WON OVER $9000. Just think how much you can WIN this FOOTBALL SEASON$$

                          WHY BUY ?


                          14 Years of hard work, honesty, and winning.

                          Take a moment to figure out how much you'll win this season! Some
                          have been better than others. IN fact, some have been fabulous -
                          approaching 70%.

                          There aren't too many Honest & Winning services like myself ( your not honest scumbag u post fake plays and records,,,Rip)that won't
                          harass you or make you pay for certain or "Special" Games or Picks.

                          Handicapping a sporting event takes lots of time and dedication to be
                          successful. Sports handicappers look at games differently from the
                          casual bettor. I look deep into games to determine the strengths of teams,
                          studying box scores, personnel, coaches, stats, trends, past history and
                          current strengths to name a few to get many different angles looking
                          for an edge in the line.

                          *** DON'T fall for the other garbage other services push such as a 80%
                          or more success rate should be approached with suspicion. Anyone can
                          hit 80% in a very short period of time and I should emphasize short.
                          Anybody claiming to win 80% or more of their picks is obviously a fraud.
                          (your a fucking fraud asshole lying to ur customers,,Rip)

                          From the time you sign up until the end of your package, you are
                          with the respect you deserve. You are given a toll free voicemail and
                          pin so calls are always FREE.
                          Updates are early, prompt, and timely with precise,
                          accurate information.
                          Our toll free office # is also available should you
                          have questions for me directly.

                          I want you to feel good about your experience as a
                          member of 3G-Sports service.
                          All selections are monitored and documented.

                          Office: 1-888-218-1165

                          hes full of shit
                          i got his record
                          nfl,,,72-88 45%,,,,,-24,80 how the fuck did a player win 9000 if they have a losing record,,,i emailed him and it wasnt nice,,IM sure he wont answer me,,but this letter is on everysite withinh the next 30 minutes,,

                          u fucking scumbag 3 g sports,plus guys if u remember we got tony from 3g sports posting fake plays on bc and spark and ole blueyes caught he redhanded and my buddy spark banned him..THis is a warning to all services//ill do my best to protect all my poster friends on these sites,,so dont try and fucked my friends or me..Be honest and you will do fine,,im all over the services big time for the next month,,sorry i just hate the word service..
                          Last edited by Ripple; 08-16-2005, 09:00 PM.


                          • #28
                            heres tony response to me from 3 g sports,,why when there moniitored they have all the excuses in the world,,Services why get monitored if ur not going to tell the truth..At least MOgul sports told me the truth and it got corrected Mogul sports is a stand up guy
                            from tony from 3 g sports
                            I think i was around 50% in NFL but did very well on my 10*'s/

                            National Sports Monitor also counts FREE picks as service piocks
                            ----- Original Message -----

                            now hes blaming his record on his free picks,,cut me a fucking break,,when i lose because the guy missed the exra poiint is my bookie going to say its okay,,unbelievable services..

