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Jimmy's Can't Lose 10,000,000* NFL & MLB Super System Lock goes tonight!

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  • Jimmy's Can't Lose 10,000,000* NFL & MLB Super System Lock goes tonight!

    Today's Newsletter from
    Friday, August 12, 2005 -- HOME of the NATION'S #1 Handicapper Jimmy Reilly.
    Now for our*Free Pick from
    Free Pick - MLB*- Washington -110 vs. Colorado

    Weekly*Recap- A $100 clients is up $420 this week following our Money Management System at *******
    ****** Jimmy Reilly and his professional*staff are*19-4 this 2005 MLB season with Super System Locks and were documented hitting 79.7% by all 5 Major Sports Monitors*in the 2004-05 NFL season at!*
    *Today is the strongest Lock since the 2001 MLB season and with the inside information provided to our NFL staff, we are able to release the first 10,000,000 star Super System Lock of the NFL Preseason that "Can't Lose"! Our professional staff at will*continue to give our clients the inside information that gives our clients an edge that you*can only get with a team of professionals behind you!* Gentlemen, winning is no coincidence, daily extensive*research from our*professional staff*and*inside information is what will get you the money for the rest of the*season in the MLB and into the NFL& College Football season! Our staff has uncovered*significant inside information received from an NFL team playing tonight*will not be reported to the gambling public and*gives our clients a tremendous betting edge tonight which is the reason why our clients will receive their first 10,000,000 star Super System Lock of the NFL Preseason!*Continue making huge profits today in the MLB as Jimmy Reilly and his MLB staff that consist of 12 former minor league coaches, umpires and scouts will release the strongest*MLB Super System Lock Formula*since the 2001 MLB season*available right now Everyone in the industry knows of*Jimmy Reilly's MLB*Super System Lock Formula that*was*developed at*in 1996*and used with tremendous success for*almost a decade has a documented percentage of 81.4%. Over the past*Four Years at with*our current*professional MLB staff Mr. Reilly put together in the 2001 MLB*season, the*Super System Lock Formula is documented an amazing*44-11! This MLB*Super System Lock Formula*is consisted of*pitchers ERA's, team batting averages against lefty's or righty's and home-plate*Umpire strike zones.*It is difficult to find a game that*falls into this Super System Formula, but when it does, It's*a Winner!*The inside information received by our MLB staff confirms that*today's*Super*System Lock*Winner*in the*MLB is*the strongest we have seen in over*4 years*since the*2001*Season and the inside information received from our NFL staff gives us a Super System Lock that "can't Lose"!* Our Super System Lock Formula has a rating system that ranges from 1-25 and in order to release a Super System Lock and*it must*fall anywhere between 20-25.*Tonight's NFL Preseason Game*has a 23 rating and our*MLB*game is*a perfect 25 on the rating charts*and that means it Can't Lose!*You Must Take Advantage,*games like this don't come around like this*every day!*Experience*the success of having a professional NFL&MLB*team of scouts and handicappers behind you Today with the Right Inside Information! Receive*Jimmy's 10,000,000 star*Super System Lock Formula NFL&*MLB*Winner, Two*Top Rated MLB selections all on*Today's Card at!**If you*want Guaranteed*huge profits today, Jimmy Reilly's NFL&*MLB staff*has your winning tickets on Tap Now!**
    Right now is the perfect time of the year*to take a serious look at the type of investment you want to make for the remainder of the*MLB season and the*start of the NFL Preseason. Invest in one of our long-term packages, while cutting your daily cost average down to save you thousands. Take a look*Today at Jimmy Reilly's*nationally recognized*Money Management System at*This Money Management System you can only receive*at Guarantees that you collect from your book week after week whether it be a $100 or $1,000 per week. The Nevada Sports Monitor and Gambling Times*rated JR*TIPS the #1*Sports service on the net*for the 3rd year in a ROW! Gentlemen, this is no accident. After 3 decades in the business, Jimmy Reilly's contacts remain second to none behind the scenes in our elite Gambling community!!! You see the daily results and the best way to Guarantee yourself Huge Profits like the clients at JRTIPS*is to join our Winning Team Starting Today*at***
    ****Receive the NFL & MLB*Super System Lock Formula*Winners plus Two*Top Rated MLB selections right now at*for only $25.00!!!!*Take advantage of the discounted MLB/NFL Preseason package that gives you all Top Rated selections, including all VIP Billionaire Boy's Club selections*throughout*the Entire NFL Preseason For*Only $129.99. Various other packages that best suit your needs are available on our home page at**

    TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR College & Pro Football Season*Package"- All Top rated selection in the College & Pro Football throughout the 2006 Super Bowl including all of Jimmy Reilly's,*Lim Nguyen's and all of our guest Handicappers for the ENTIRE NFL Regular Season and Playoff run as well as ALL College Football Releases which includes ALL of our VIP TOP RATED selections in the NBA and MLB! Our documented record speaks for it's self! We have not had a losing week this season*at *Take a look at one of the only two systems Jimmy Reilly follows, his Money Management System and invest your money wisely at OFFER EXPIRES TODAY! ONLY $599.99!!!

    There is nobody on this planet making more money for players right now than! Jimmy Reilly has stressed MONEY MANAGEMENT to his players over the past decade and has made a wealthy lifestyle for himself and his private players by following his money management program at* Jimmy believes it takes money to make money and with the increased number of professional scouts and our GUEST CAPPERS including some of the World Series Of Poker Champions as seen on ESPN, this year's*Major League Baseball Season at will be our most profitable season ever! Gentlemen, the bottom line at is*MAKING a PROFIT EVERY WEEK! If you missed out on the BIG WINNERS this week already at, WIN BIG TONIGHT with at!
    Remember the old saying, "an apple a day will keep the doctor away", the same goes for gambling," a WINNER a day keeps the bookie away". You can lead*a horse to water but can't make him drink. Jimmy follows simple rules that he implements daily, get the RIGHT INFORMATION, handicap each and every game on the board daily and find your #1 money play for the day which are Jimmy's Money Management releases at *There are BEST BETS daily, but the key to the day is hitting the MONEY PLAY!!! Jimmy Reilly consistently over the past decade has hit the money play over 74.3% of the time. Guys, you must be patient and wait for the mistakes and with Jimmy Reilly's Money Management program he has used for his Private Clients for over a decade, Jimmy will GUARANTEE you BIG PROFITS at NOTHING makes more sense then to invest in one of our long-term packages, while cutting your daily cost average down to save you hundreds. Our clients receive 2 to 4 games daily plus our Bonus Plays. Take advantage of the MONEY PLAYS that we are releasing today. Again start winning now and visit us at or call toll-free at 1-888-433-5060 and get signed up today at!

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