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  • #16
    Originally posted by SPARK
    No, But I will edit out your info on this site if that would help ...

    No problem I already copied and pasted it on my pc for legal matters.
    Fast Eddie Sports is not out to scam clients and/or friends and you can ask Uncle Mo for a referral, if that would make you have a better day.

    Good Luck
    Fast Eddie
    ...winning and grinning...


    • #17
      Originally posted by Ripple


      when are these guys going to wise up around here..we dont miss to many tricks and scams thats my boy spark masterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

      BUSTED you said it correct.
      Whoever wrote this up and posted it on the internet.

      Fast Eddie
      ...winning and grinning...


      • #18
        Fast Eddie

        Originally posted by Fast Eddie
        No problem I already copied and pasted it on my pc for legal matters.
        Fast Eddie Sports is not out to scam clients and/or friends and you can ask Uncle Mo for a referral, if that would make you have a better day.

        Good Luck
        Fast Eddie
        Said it a long time ago and say it now...With a name like Fast Eddie in this business, should tell everyone to stay away....

        As far as your reference to asking UncleMo about you, this is all probably before you were exposed as the scammer you are...I'm sure since then UncleMo has not paid you any more money for someone elses picks....Maybe he has...

        You can't change who and what you are to innocent naive people....You're to settled into this type of life....What a shame, and what a waste of a good pumping heart in a wasted mind...kapt

        Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


        • #19
          fast eddie u state u never heard of jimmy..well he knows you he posted ur plays at 1 am today here they are..

          Today, 01:26 AM
          Registered User Join Date: Mar 2005
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          #2 Today, 01:27 AM
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          #3 Today, 01:28 AM
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          • #20
            Why is this guy still posting here after this?


            • #21
              why do u guys still let jimmy on here also..and where did jimmy get fast eddie plays from at jimmy fast eddie too..


              • #22
                Hey Ripple

                Originally posted by Ripple
                fast eddie u state u never heard of jimmy..well he knows you he posted ur plays at 1 am today here they are..

                Today, 01:26 AM
                Registered User Join Date: Mar 2005
                Posts: 646

                Saturday Service's


                Fast Eddie Sports

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                #2 Today, 01:27 AM
                Registered User Join Date: Mar 2005
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                #3 Today, 01:28 AM
                Registered User Join Date: Mar 2005
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                I don't know you either, but you posted my plays on another fourm in the service plays.

                aka Dylan or something like that ??

                What does that or this have to do with the price of tea in China.

                My nickname in high school and college was Fast Eddie cause I was pretty damn good at basketball, baseball and golf.

                Have a good day.
                Fast Eddie
                ...winning and grinning...


                • #23
                  yes im dylan and im a few more nicks too...did u just find this out too ,,woooooowwwwwww what took u so long everyforum knows most my nicks,,i even put rip in my dylan posts,,so everyone knows..whats does this (my nick) have to do withthe price of tea in you say...well enjoy ur stay at the other forum..because looks like wayne said ur history..bye bye wooooohooooooooooooooo

                  yes i did post ur plays i post everyones plays i see..isnt that what these service sections are for..
                  Last edited by Ripple; 07-23-2005, 01:21 PM.

