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I can see this is going to be a

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  • #16
    I totaly agree Buzz I got a service too and I dont use any of that GOY or 20 star or gaurentee crap and thats all it is crap for marketing theres no such thing a gaurentee in sports I dont want to go on a rant here but some of the stuff I see from some cappers is total bullshit I get emails from a couple normaly I just delete em but every now and then I'll read one just cant believe someone can write some of this stuff I can read though the lines and most other around on the forums and actually knows about sports betting can see throught the crap but a lot of new people cant and they get taken advantage of and that gives a bad name to all handicappers which is'nt true I've talked to a few fellas who are at it and they're good honest fellas, I dont know Buzz but everything he says there is true and it gets to me when people say all handicappers are just scam artist it aint true you just got to see through all the crap to find a good one anyway thats my rant for the day.


    • #17
      I dont think they say all handicappers are scam artist, I believe alot of people think that all services or people who charge for their plays are scam artists....And I totally understand why that some of these clowns just continue to keep giving them the ammo and reasons to keep believing this as the total truth...So you really can't blame anyone for labeling everyone involved in this industry as being that way...Just to much clowns running around and there's nothing really anyone can do about it. :angryfire

      All one can do is try to distance themselves from these guys...and all I suggest people do so as to prevent from getting scammed by anyone is to be Smarter Sports Investors .

      I will be back with more later..
      Last edited by Co-Captain; 06-14-2005, 04:24 PM.


      • #18
        Sorry thats what I meant people who charge for picks but I agree there are a lot of reasons for people to think the way they do lets say I claim a 58% record for a full season with about 3-5 picks per day on average of -110 per game lets say in baseball thats a really good season no one could complain with that but whos gonna pay for that when someone else is claiming 70% then they buy they're picks get scamed cause no ones goona hit 70% then they think all services are scams which is totaly understandalble. The thing that gets me sometimes is when someone will ask a question like anyone know any good services or something like that and they get 20 responces saying all services are scam artists which is true in maybe a lot of cases but not every case. I think with monitors and forums are so popular now and more people becoming educated on sports betting it may weed out some of these scammers and help the honest services andgive more credibility to the whole buisness well maybe maybe not who knows.


        • #19
          Sometimes it just amazes me when services want to continue to us words like LOCK or GuARANTEE to WIN....or the claim to have INSIDE INFORMATION...For one, it amazes me because people are aware of thes kinds of statements and words as being nothing but a bunch of crap...yet they still go on to use it to advertise their Bullshit play...No play is a LOCK and there is No Such Thing As a Guarantee in this business..

          Why not just state your record regarding this type of strong plays instead...As surely you already have found success and a method of qualifying these type of games into these type of categories, right...Cause if you dont then you have no business stating that it is a Lock or a Guarantee Dumbass!...And, the fact that you dont post your Record for these Lock or Guarantee plays proves to me that they are bullshit....Hell, my BGP's are my Best plays, I make sure to keep a Record because for one I am damn proud of their success and second, I make sure they can be documented somehow by someone or at someplace that I have no control over once I post it or send it out...Those who use monitoring site will soon see that they are very questionalble in their practices, and that others are already questioning who is actually behind all these sites...and why so many have been popping up all over the place.

          Gang...all you need to do is read between the lines of some of these guys adds and you will find alot of wholes...The more holes, the more its bullshit.

          ie, this play is a LOCK or We Guarantee this Game wont lose....when these clowns make this kind of statement...If it was true then they would be able to post a record...and accurate record to show everyone how good they are...Remember, if me Big play went 30-5 and are 4 unit plays you think that I would advertise a Guarantee Lock or cant lose game...Maybe....Ok, what about this...Do you think that I woud post with it my Awesome Record if it was true....Hell yes!..and would you think that I would also post the record of + Units as to show everyone it is just posting a W/L record in MLB everyone knows is meaningless, cause evren a losing record can show a positive results...

          Again, just read between the lines...and ask these guy questions, etc...I for one is so amazed by the stupidity of these guys...
          Last edited by Co-Captain; 06-23-2005, 12:16 PM.

