I have been browsing this site for some time, and would like to put my service on here and see how you respond. I think you will take it in with open arms! Not only are we the least expensive, but we are in our opinion the most accurate. Let me explain how we choose our games each day. We have a group of 4 handicappers here at moneymaker handicapping, we ALL have to agree on the games we choose before they go out, making it a better overall pick!
So you can imagine, we stay up a while before we find 3 or 4 games that match up for all of us. We call it the Multi-Handicapper system, that has proven to be very effective!
I will post our picks for 7 days! You will see a unit gain, as well as a Win/Loss ratio second to none!
I see some of you people on here agruing, if you have something rude to say, please Dont. i am here to help people not fight. I want to make you money!
So enough about me lets get right to the picks
IF you have any questions about my service dont hesitate to email me at moneymakerhandicapping@yaho*.com I will be glad to help you with anything.
I have some good plays today so WIN BIG!!
0-0 +/- 0 units sice posting on Sunday May 29th, 2005
Todays plays (plays are on a 1-15 unit scale)
Detroit/Miami under 177.5 (-110)--------------------10 units
New York yankees RL -1.5 (+107)-------------7 units
La Dodgers ML(-107)-------------------------5 units
Good luck!
I have been browsing this site for some time, and would like to put my service on here and see how you respond. I think you will take it in with open arms! Not only are we the least expensive, but we are in our opinion the most accurate. Let me explain how we choose our games each day. We have a group of 4 handicappers here at moneymaker handicapping, we ALL have to agree on the games we choose before they go out, making it a better overall pick!
So you can imagine, we stay up a while before we find 3 or 4 games that match up for all of us. We call it the Multi-Handicapper system, that has proven to be very effective!
I will post our picks for 7 days! You will see a unit gain, as well as a Win/Loss ratio second to none!
I see some of you people on here agruing, if you have something rude to say, please Dont. i am here to help people not fight. I want to make you money!
So enough about me lets get right to the picks
IF you have any questions about my service dont hesitate to email me at moneymakerhandicapping@yaho*.com I will be glad to help you with anything.
I have some good plays today so WIN BIG!!
0-0 +/- 0 units sice posting on Sunday May 29th, 2005
Todays plays (plays are on a 1-15 unit scale)
Detroit/Miami under 177.5 (-110)--------------------10 units
New York yankees RL -1.5 (+107)-------------7 units
La Dodgers ML(-107)-------------------------5 units
Good luck!