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  • This is how STUPID SERVICES ARE!!

    Slight Edge just emailed their newsletter to me and this sentence was in there.

    This 1 play is in the HARDWOOD PLAYOFF GAME this evening between the SPURS' & NUGGETS'. Many of you, we know are wondering, who to take with this weird line, and the trend that has been going on.

    Just another point on not to use services!

    Don't ever pay anyone for picks. I have done it, and I'm am warning others not to.

    Thank you
    It's always noon somewhere!

    My Fish and Aquariums

    Griffey's Posted Record

  • #2
    Originally posted by griffey_mojo
    Slight Edge just emailed their newsletter to me and this sentence was in there.

    This 1 play is in the HARDWOOD PLAYOFF GAME this evening between the SPURS' & NUGGETS'. Many of you, we know are wondering, who to take with this weird line, and the trend that has been going on.

    Just another point on not to use services!

    Don't ever pay anyone for picks. I have done it, and I'm am warning others not to.

    Thank you
    You see this kind of nonsense a lot during football season, when some(miserable)excuses for sports services in their promotional newsletters or ads will tell you that they have a GOY of 1000000 million* play going two to three weeks out.
    How stupid is that considering they are trying to base a GOY play two-3 weeks in the future based on how the teams are doing today?
    Sadly, some naive people/suckers will believe it and sign up on the day they see the ad.


    • #3
      Did he pick the Spurs or Denver???????????? probably screwed that up too...kapt

      Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


      • #4
        Originally posted by savage1
        You see this kind of nonsense a lot during football season, when some(miserable)excuses for sports services in their promotional newsletters or ads will tell you that they have a GOY of 1000000 million* play going two to three weeks out.
        How stupid is that considering they are trying to base a GOY play two-3 weeks in the future based on how the teams are doing today?
        Sadly, some naive people/suckers will believe it and sign up on the day they see the ad.

        So true, yet stupid as hell when those Fuck Heads continue to use that kind of bullshit to market their so-called Big Plays...The other one that is stupid also is, "I had this one circled in Red since last year". ...Ok, so its 9 months and many games later, your play which you seemed to have already determined to be your GOY play from last year, still qualify to be a GOY now?...Does it match up with what is happening in the present and also with what has occurred since the start of this new season?

        Of course you wont know cause their Big Plays are never backed up at all with any reasoning or viable info which would show why it is still a strong play...You only get some statement that is Hyping Up a Big Play coming up and that is it...Its no wonder why, when the game loses, others feel like they were just ripped off and scammed. :angryfire

        That is why you need to get these guys to provide a fully back-up, handicapped Write-Up which will cover his past thoughts, since he said he had this one circled from last season, to go along with his present reasoning that match-up and currently still confirms his initial reasons that he had back then...The only way to do this and be legit about it, is to provide your clients with a fully backed-Up analysis supporting that GOY play....If none is provide, especially with a Big Play is being advertised for sale...then run the other way fast...or else dont complain when the game loses 55-3...cause you just got warned.

        At least with a Report covering every or mostly every angle of the game...which then is displayed in the report by using at least 2 of the 3 Main Handicapping, Fundamental and Situational, beside other pertinent info, one can see why this play has the value to be a big play...Then, if the game should happen to lose, which does happen for many reasons, you at least can determine if it was just a unforeseen intangible, an unpredictable occurrance, or something which no one could possibly see or believe would, an injury during the game taking out a teams main weapon or most important player, a career game by some bench warmer who never averages 2 pts a game, yet scores 45 pts in this one, the last time he would ever score more than his avg of 2 pts again lol....that one is funny now, as I look back on it now..but it wasnt then when it happened....Anyway, what I am saying is no one likes to lose, but at least you as a client will not feel like you have just been ripped off or scammed....and especially if the work they provided you was fully backed up to the T, with alot of thorough intelligent reasoning, very insightful thought, and good matchup analysis showing adv and disadv with strengths and weakness, plus alot of info to then back up these projections and reasonings...and not just with bullshit and general public info disguise and passed off like a legit analysis...Then at least you can see what the capper is thinking and then determine if it makes sense or not...

        I believe in providing this for my clients so that they can see what I see and so that they can feel the confidence I feel in this play...and especially if it is a Big Play I have...That to me, is the least I can do for my clients...and is something I feel should be an automatic if you want to show that you are a legitamate Sports Handicapper and want to earn the Respect of those who are new to your service...Only the wannabes and frauds disguising as a legit sports handicapper will disagree or have a problem with doing this for their clients...Wanna guess why that is?

        Go ask them if they will provide you with a Complete, not a partial or a two-three liner, or one filled with some general public info that your own kids may know, but a Complete fully handicapped Report or Write-Up and analysis....Remember, anyone can post a play and label it with a Big Title, or advertise a Big Play with alot of Hype, maybe even using a big record to win you over...they know that no one can absolutely without a doubt verify its validity and that is why they use it, instead of provide reasoning like I stated.

        And, just because you hear someone state that this so and so person went 2-0 on his last two big doesnt mean or give his self proclaimed posted record any more validity to it, just because someone says they won two straight games from following this guys plays...Shit, this person could of gotten the lucky side of the play they released...Know what I you cant verify it or he doesnt direct you to where you can verify it..Then how can you believe it?...At least with a indepth Analysis and Complete handicapping breakdown of this particular game, you will be able to see for one that he maybe a legit handicapper, and two you will be able to at least see his reasonings and why it is that this play deserves to be such a strong play to match all its Hype.

        Its about time that you people who want to use services because you need help with your sports investing, start being alittle more smarter investors and start asking for things besides someones record when you already know you cannot verify its validity completely...I am not saying records are not good or useful at all....Records are very useful, I am just saying dont simply rely on them alone...get more (ie, handicapped analysis of the game) to backs this record and handicapper up...This is the minimum I would do, if I was you.

        Lastly, watch out for the Hype...but know that it is Ok, as long as it comes with, again something backing up that hype....Just like a player who talks alot of smack before the game...You dont have to like it, but as long as he can back it up with his play, you at least cant complain about it....Remember, there is nothing wrong with paying someone for their services, hell we do it almost everyday in one form or another...Just make sure you RESPECT them and/or their abilities, and that you know they are Hard Working at least you will be alot safer than sorry later......JMO, TFWIW.....GL and Aloha CC.


        • #5
          I thought this would get more responses. :confused:


          • #6
            Originally posted by Co-Captain
            I thought this would get more responses. :confused:
            That may be a good thing.
            Remember the three R's:
            Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.


            • #7
              Originally posted by rwall
              That may be a good thing.
              Depends who you think its a good thing for, I guess.


              • #8
                I'm a believer there are good and bad in everything, even services. Unfortunately it seems there are more bad then good in that business and that just means the honest guy needs to work harder.
                Your advise seems logical and sincere.
                I'm personally not a proponent of services, they're just not for me. But it is none of my business how someone spends their money.

                I think the lack of responses were good for you.
                Remember the three R's:
                Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.

