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Jimmy's Super System Lock NBA Game of the Year + 10,000,000* SSL MLB Winner!

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  • Jimmy's Super System Lock NBA Game of the Year + 10,000,000* SSL MLB Winner!

    Today's Newsletter from
    Thursday, May 12, 2005 -- HOME of the NATION'S #1 Handicapper Jimmy Reilly.
    Now for our*Free Pick from
    MLB - Take Los Angeles +131 vs. St. Louis
    Monday Night Recap-*JRTIPS goes*2 out of 3 last night with 10,000,000 star*Winners on Dallas and Under the Total, Houston/Florida in the bases*at*****

    **********Jimmy Reilly, his staff and our award winning guest handicappers go 2-1 last night with 10,000,000 star selections as they nailed Dallas in the*NBA and Under the Total, Houston/Florida in the bases last night at!/*Gentlemen, since Jimmy Reilly put together his MLB staff of 12 professional scouts headed by Top Scout Dean Jacob and started rating their MLB selections, they are now a percent*4-0 with Top Rated 10,000,000 star selections after last night's Winner on Under the Total, Houston/Florida at Tonight, for the first time all year, all clients will receive a*10,000,000 star Super System Lock Formula Winner in the MLB and NBA.*Everyone in the industry knows of*Jimmy Reilly's*Super System Lock that*is now*documented 46-15-2*this NBA Season and 1-0 in the MLB.*Our Super System Lock that we*developed at*and used with tremendous success for over a decade has a documented percentage of 81.4%. In the NBA, this Super System*is consisted of match-ups, trends, injuries, location and confirmed*confidential inside information and in the MLB, the Super System Lock Formula tracks the tendencies of pitchers combined with opponents batting average and the*most important factor which*is the*umpires and their strike zones.*It is difficult to find a game that*falls into this Super System Formula, but when it does, It's*a Winner!*Our Super System Lock Formula has a rating system that ranges from 1-25 and in order to release a Super System Lock, it must*fall anywhere between 20-25. Tonight,*the Super System Lock is*not only*rated a perfect 25, but according to the Super System*Formula that has been used with unparalleled success*for over*a decade,*tonight's NBA game will not only cover, but it is Guaranteed to win by double-digits and*the MLB Super System Lock release has tracked an umpire has called 8 straight*overs due to his wide strike zone. With tonight's super System Lock*Formula,*you*Can't Lose!*You Must Take Advantage,*games like this don't come around like this*every day!*Gentlemen, there is not another Sports*Service in the country that can Guarantee you profits like this and if your not receiving results like this, start incorporating our Money Management System with our inside information*today that includes Jimmy's 10,000,000 star*Super System Formula*NBA Playoff Double-digit*Blowout of*the Year and the 10,000,000 star*MLB Super System lock Formula Winner!*Jimmy Reilly is apart of a*syndicate of elite*professional gamblers in this industry that have*professional scouts under contract*that obtain this type of Inside Information from assistant coaches*and if you cannot obtain this Inside Information daily throughout the playoffs and MLB, the chances of winning are*meager at best! Look at the results,*a $100 client made*$8,910 following our Money Management System*already since the start of the NBA Playoffs at!*Gentlemen, only the Right Inside Information and a team of professionals behind you*can produce*profits like this, the oddsmakers are paid to beat you every week and has staffs that*compile inside information, stats and trends to set competitive lines*to confuse the public daily. Our team at always stays one step ahead of the oddsmakers with our staff made up of former oddsmakers, scouts*and*award winning professional gamblers who are amongst the elite in the gambling community that guarantee you weekly profits!*
    Start the Winning with us*Today and*Experience*the success of having a professional*team of scouts and handicappers behind you Tonight with the Right Inside Information! Receive*Jimmy's 10,000,000 star*Super System Lock Formula*NBA Playoff Double-digit*Blowout of*the Year*and*the MLB Super System Lock*Winner plus bonus selections*in the*NBA & MLB All On*Tonight's Card at*****
    *******Start*Winning Tonight with Jimmy's*Super System Guaranteed*NBA Playoff**Double-digit Blowout*of the Year and 10,000,000 star Super system Lock Formula MLB Winner and bonus selections in the*NBA & MLB*Right Now at**For Only $35.*Various other packages that best suit your needs including our discounted*NBA*MLB All-star Break*Package that gives you*ALL Top Rated selections in the NBA & MLB throughout the MLB All-star break*For Only $199.99 are*available on our home page at!*
    GET OUR WEEK PACKAGE FOR ONLY $49.99! - If you are not on board for the next seven days, to be honest with you, you deserve to lose. It is as simple as that. Join for our strongest*week of your wagering life.*We assure you of that. It will be a 7-day run you have dreamed about. BONUS PLAYS, Huge Winners! Receive 7 DAYS of all of our top 5,000,000*, 10,000,000* and ALL of our Guest Handicappers plays in NBA Playoffs and Major League Baseball Releases for about $7 each day!* Again, if you're here, you need! You're reading this because of what your old handicapper did to you, and guys, there is no reason to deny you're looking to bail out this week! These next 7 days are going to be unbelievable with HUGE solid winners all weekend long! *If you're still losing, take a long, hard look in the mirror because you have no one else to blame but yourself! Follow our simple formula for winning this week, and you will not only "bring it to the house", you will OWN the house!

    There is nobody on this planet making more money for players right now than! Jimmy Reilly has stressed MONEY MANAGEMENT to his players over the past decade and has made a wealthy lifestyle for himself and his private players by following his money management program at Jimmy Reilly now has a staff of 18 professional scouts for the 2004 Pro Basketball season which is more than any other professional handicapper in the business. Jimmy believes it takes money to make money and with the increased number of professional scouts and our GUEST CAPPERS including some of the World Series Of Poker Champions as seen on ESPN, this year's*NBA PLAYOFF SEASON at will be our most profitable season ever! Gentlemen, the bottom line at is*MAKING a PROFIT EVERY WEEK! If you missed out on the BIG WINNERS this week already at, WIN BIG TONIGHT with at!
    Jimmy is dominating in every sport with our 10,000,000* selections at* Our documented record speaks for it's self at We have not had a losing week this NFL and NBA season and this week at start building HUGE PROFITS throughout the 2005 NBA Playoffs and now Major League Baseball as 2005 will be our most profitable year at! *Our Money Management System is making our clients at BIG PROFITS EACH and EVERY WEEK! Implement our Money Management System with our daily selections at and you will GUARANTEE yourself HUGE PROFITS THIS WEEK! In the NBA, their isn't a handicapper in the industry even close to Mr. Reilly with his documented record of 76.4% with Top rated 10,000,000* selections and 67.4% with overall selections this 2004-05 NBA season at! *Again start winning now and visit us at or call toll-free at 1-888-433-5060 and get signed up today at!

    The staff at ***
    JR Tips
    Rated The #1 Online Professional Sports Handicapping Service
    Providing Premium Sports Picks

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  • #2
    Originally posted by Jrtips
    ...GET OUR WEEK PACKAGE FOR ONLY $49.99! - If you are not on board for the next seven days, to be honest with you, you deserve to lose. It is as simple as that...
    Thanks buddy.
    "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
    is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


    • #3
      Deserve to lose????

      Nice way to wish people luck!!!!

      ................I love these write-ups, they're a dime a dozen and they say the same BULLSHIT every single fucking day!!! Can't you guys be a little more original, CHRIST you have all fucking day to think something up.........all you do is flip a fucking coin and then give those as plays. Spend the other 7 hours and :59 minutes a day working on your marketing material.



      • #4
        and he gives you a losing POD---Dodgers ???????????

        and we deserve to lose...correct me if I'm wrong RJ, but didn't you win with the cards today....Did you deserve to win...hell was your own pick...

        They are hilarious...kapt

        PS--JR Tips, when was the last time you went 11-0 in one day...I did it yesterday, but I didn't deserve to win....another PS--less than 8 days ago I had a 7-0 day and 2 days ago a 4-0 day...Did I deserve to win...hell yes---I did my research/h0mework...kapt

        Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


        • #5
          The only losers here are you guys and you deserve to lose


          • #6
            beautiful said kapt


            • #7
              Please state where the 46-15 record cited is documented.

