It's Saturday morning. There's about a 99% chance that NCDIC
subsrcibers are smiling big this sunrise from yesterdays results. We
needed some big wins and we got 'em!!! 5 different systems, 10
different selections, and a record of (8-2)!!
Here's what we did Friday, straight from the NCDIC journal...
4 Team 10 point Teaser -
Miami +11/ Boston +9/ Detroit (PK)/ Minnesota +4.5 - Day 3 - (W)
M$S - Minnesota -5.5 - Day 4 - (W)
MLB Top Overall Composite Chase Selection(TOCCS) - ATLANTA - Day 1
Series Record - (1-0) - (W)
MLB Chase (Regular)-
Chicago White Sox - Day 1 - (W)
Kansas City - Day 1 - (W)
I-O Selections -
Indiana&Ov / Philly&Un - Day 5 - (W)
Memphis&Ov / Denver&Un - Day 1 - (l)
Golden St&Ov / Portland&Un - Day 1 - (l)
Houston&Ov / Cin&Un - Day 3 - (W)
San Fran&Ov / Col&Un - Day 1 - (W)
The bD Teaser chase is STILL undefeated on the season. TOCCS, whose
play comes from 10 different systems, is (2-0) in series this year.
But more than that, each series is only a game each, not much of a
chase! I-O Selections rolling along for the profit, again.
And the long term endeavor, the Million $$$ Spot. We got hit a few
days, but once again we prevail. One step closer the M$S...
Congrats to all subcribers on the successful night.
And if you're not subcribing to the NCDIC, then we understand. No we
don't. Don't wait, join the fun today! 8-)
Where else will you be provided with some of the webs most UNIQUE
style selections AND a REASONABLE shot to make $100,000 to $1,000,000
for next to nothing?
Get on board; the deeper we get, the more you're going to hate you
missed out on the earlier action. It sure is going to be hard to jump
into the M$S in month 5 or 6. And if you don't know what I'm talking
about, please go to the file section and check it out!!!
Whether you're a new or existing client, subscribe for 2 months at
ONCE and get the 3rd FREE. But this is a LIMITED offer!!! If you
really are serious about jumping in, this is the time!!!
The offer is about $7/ day for the Total Package and about $3/ day for
the Ltd Package. And you even get a discount from that if you take
advantage of the multi Month offer. It's up to you...
Contact me at bDnews@ya
As for the rest of us, let's keep making that money!!!
It's Saturday morning. There's about a 99% chance that NCDIC
subsrcibers are smiling big this sunrise from yesterdays results. We
needed some big wins and we got 'em!!! 5 different systems, 10
different selections, and a record of (8-2)!!
Here's what we did Friday, straight from the NCDIC journal...
4 Team 10 point Teaser -
Miami +11/ Boston +9/ Detroit (PK)/ Minnesota +4.5 - Day 3 - (W)
M$S - Minnesota -5.5 - Day 4 - (W)
MLB Top Overall Composite Chase Selection(TOCCS) - ATLANTA - Day 1
Series Record - (1-0) - (W)
MLB Chase (Regular)-
Chicago White Sox - Day 1 - (W)
Kansas City - Day 1 - (W)
I-O Selections -
Indiana&Ov / Philly&Un - Day 5 - (W)
Memphis&Ov / Denver&Un - Day 1 - (l)
Golden St&Ov / Portland&Un - Day 1 - (l)
Houston&Ov / Cin&Un - Day 3 - (W)
San Fran&Ov / Col&Un - Day 1 - (W)
The bD Teaser chase is STILL undefeated on the season. TOCCS, whose
play comes from 10 different systems, is (2-0) in series this year.
But more than that, each series is only a game each, not much of a
chase! I-O Selections rolling along for the profit, again.
And the long term endeavor, the Million $$$ Spot. We got hit a few
days, but once again we prevail. One step closer the M$S...
Congrats to all subcribers on the successful night.
And if you're not subcribing to the NCDIC, then we understand. No we
don't. Don't wait, join the fun today! 8-)
Where else will you be provided with some of the webs most UNIQUE
style selections AND a REASONABLE shot to make $100,000 to $1,000,000
for next to nothing?
Get on board; the deeper we get, the more you're going to hate you
missed out on the earlier action. It sure is going to be hard to jump
into the M$S in month 5 or 6. And if you don't know what I'm talking
about, please go to the file section and check it out!!!
Whether you're a new or existing client, subscribe for 2 months at
ONCE and get the 3rd FREE. But this is a LIMITED offer!!! If you
really are serious about jumping in, this is the time!!!
The offer is about $7/ day for the Total Package and about $3/ day for
the Ltd Package. And you even get a discount from that if you take
advantage of the multi Month offer. It's up to you...
Contact me at bDnews@ya
As for the rest of us, let's keep making that money!!!