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  • #16
    0-3? LOL...Hey Mike, remember dont forget to brush up on your MONEY MANAGEMENT PRACTICES. That is the most important skill and discipline you need to learn inorder to survive in this game. Blaming others for you losing your bankroll is not going to solve anything for you, but make you look foolish.

    Lastly, dont forget that this is a MARATHON AND NOT A SPRINT....SO LEARN IT, LIVE IT, AND LOVE IT! ...Yesterday's 4-2 Record Overall (Top Rated Plays goes 3-1 combined) was just another successful day I had in this Marathon ...And today will be another...Remember MM is KEY!....GL and ALOHA CC.
    Last edited by Co-Captain; 04-12-2005, 12:23 PM.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Co-Captain
      0-3? LOL...Hey Mike, remember dont forget to brush up on your MONEY MANAGEMENT PRACTICES. That is the most important skill and discipline you need to learn inorder to survive in this game. Blaming others for you losing your bankroll is not going to solve anything for you, but make you look foolish.

      Lastly, dont forget that this is a MARATHON AND NOT A SPRINT....SO LEARN IT, LIVE IT, AND LOVE IT! ...Yesterday's 4-2 Record Overall (Top Rated Plays goes 3-1 combined) was just another successful day I had in this Marathon ...And today will be another...Remember MM is KEY!....GL and ALOHA CC.
      There is no money management with this guy as he loses ALL his plays!!!! Whether you bet a penny or 100 on his plays they all lose. I received your plays yesterday Private and they all lost so stop trying to scam everyone! You have been chased from every board you have ever been on so beat it fatty!


      • #18
        Originally posted by BigMike
        There is no money management with this guy as he loses ALL his plays!!!! Whether you bet a penny or 100 on his plays they all lose. I received your plays yesterday Private and they all lost so stop trying to scam everyone! You have been chased from every board you have ever been on so beat it fatty!

        Excuse me MICHAEL KIENHOLZ, you did NOT receive any of my plays yesterday so STOP SPREADING YOUR LIES...You came and got a few of my plays in cbb, a very few times...But you chose to pick and chose from the card, what to play when you got them and you lost...But, if you look at my other threads here, you will see that I posted a lot of Winners and also those few that lost as well....Winning and losing is all part of this game, so no need to hide from it...

        Your attempt to slander me is ridiculous and full of BS...Dont you know that unlike the other handicappers here, I have been posting the majority of my plays released and also given out everyday as comp selections with Write-Ups on some of them here and other forums....All my Comp Plays are actual rated selections that I played and released to clients...Surely you and everyone can see that those comp plays kicked some ass as well....So nice attempt again with spreading more of your lies and BS, but it wont work my friend...Just go back and look at the past threads which I kept an active running update of how things were going...I do this for a reason, and one of them is to prevent liers like you from posting your bogus slander and claims...While the other was to show, as I mentioned how things were going....Wonder why other handicappers dont do the same....However, it is clearly obvious to me that you didnt realize why I did this, huh...LOL.

        One thing you forgot to mention here is that when you did my card, you chose to unload your wad on a selected few of them, something I always stated not to do...No game is to be used this the way to win in this game is to practice sound Money Management, and also to be consistant in following my plays, as overall they produced yet another successful CBB Season for me and those who did this season.....You seriously cant expect to be successful in this game when you chose to plays games here and there, and when YOUR chosing to do it, can you?...Then when you did follow them, you threw all MM practices out the window...

        I never advocate using any of my plays to go for the Big Score, Quick Hit, or to Double Up and Catch Up...I always stress to my clients to remember to practice MM....Even my best plays which are my "BGP'S" are not to be used this way....Why?....Because eventhough my "BGP'S" is hitting Over 70%, since 2003 and in All Major Sports combined...they are plays which is capped out and played with the long haul in mind...These plays are hitting over 70% since 2003, yes, but that is basing them in its entirety..not on a few plays here and there.....Furthermore, these plays are also part of the entire picture with the rest of my plays I released, that go into producing an overall winning season.

        Reg Plays, Top Plays, and BGP's are rated plays which I released on the Card together when they come up together.....So it didnt make any sense why you chose NOT to play the other games on the Card, which btw WON, giving me an overall Winning Day.....Your choice to pick and chose what you played from the Card I released, those very few times you got them from me, ended with you losing....But, the Card played in its entirity using MM, ended with me and others Winning....So again, stop with your lying my wont work, and I have the emails where you even admitted not playing the other plays I gave you, some of which were very strong plays which I included big Write-Ups on them as well.

        Another LIE by Michael Kienholz, is that I have been chased from every board I am on....Funny, I have only been on a total of 3 which I am currently only using two of, Cov**s and Bettorschat...Dont have time really to monitor and spend all day on them anymore, and especially during the long MLB and CBB season...Got to many games everyday to cap out and research on....So again, stop your lying my friend...Others only need to go to the other forum I listed and they will see that you are lying...Hey why dont you do the same and get informed for yourself!...In fact I will say HI to your personally in my thread at the other forum just to confirm your lie about me not being able to post at another board...Make sure you look for it, ok.

        Again, I will repeat to you and everyone....that YOU MICHAEL KIENHOLZ (AKA BIG MIKE)...did not receive any of my plays yesterday or any of my plays, for that matter, outside of cbb.....So your statement about receiving them yesterday and in PRIVATE (wtf is that?)...Is a FLAT OUT LIE!!!!!!.....Furthermore, if you did receive them on Monday, then you would definately would not be here today claiming that they all lost, now would you...Especially because I went 3-1 on my Top Rated Plays (NBA & MLB) and 4-2 Overall (NBA and MLB)....So you see how you were just again caught in another LIE!

        A little advice to you next time, when I do send you a play which I say is my 2nd Best Play I have released all season, only 2nd to my "BGP"-GOY's (which I only release 1 in the reg season and 1 in post-season)...its smarter to play them, then it is not to play them, like chose to do....Also, when I give you a "BIG GAME PLAY" for FREE, its also smarter to play them as well....Cause if you played them like everyone else did, I am sure you wouldnt be on here trying to lie and slander me, cause it won and you are mad....Your emails to me stating that you chose NOT to play them, simply still boggles my mind and now makes me LMFAO because your chosing to now put the blame on me for your actions....That is simply WEAK!

        You see Michael, I dont have time or the need really to go on and on with this bullshit game your trying to slander me with....but since you wanted to continue it, I felt I should let others know what you chose to do in regards to all the plays I sent you, which if you followed them, would of made you a profit no doubt....However, your actions and choices you decided to follow, while also going against my advice to use MM,...deciding NOT to play my other BGP's I sent you, as well as, my 2nd strongest play released on the season,...ignoring the other rated plays (Reg and Top) which was part of the Card I sent you, leading to a winning day overall,....chosing not to play my "BGP"--GOY (an EZ Dog Winner on Mich St ov Kentucky...which was reposted in my other thread here for Documentation and Verification) a play that is my Ultimate Best Play I have and which also have a 9-0 Record since 2003 in All Sports combined (Documented), and again chosing at a different time NOT to follow an earlier strong BGP I released, which was at that time the strongest rated play released...Oh yeah, I even sent you 1 of my Special NBA selections Winner, which you didnt need to pay for either, and which I also posted here as a comp selection, but which you again chose NOT play...Your only reason was that you arent playing any day to day plays I have...My response was, do you think that I would waste my time doing a complete Write-Up and the rate these plays if they were just ordinary day to day plays...C'mon!

        Why do you do what you do?...Who knows, but that is your business, not mine...I am only here to try and set the record straight, which you are trying to twist around, in your attempts to get me to give you more FREE Plays cause your didnt play the ones I sent to you that a JOKE!....Now your choosing to slander me with all your lies and bullshit to get back at me...LMFAO...Like I said that is WEAK!.

        Remember Mike, YOU came to me to get these plays...I didnt go to you...And your decisions and choices you made on playing some of them, while ignoring the others, that caused you to NOT my fault my friend....I gave you the winning combo, inaddition to a few more which you didnt pay for....Plus, You know I have produced many Big Winners throughout the CBB Season, as you watched and waited and followed my updates and FYI's for almost the entire season, I posted them here....So my guess was that you were trying to see if the Winners was releasing would Stop...But, you saw that they didnt and that I was producing winners on a consistant basis....Thus, you chose to get on some of them when the season was near the end..... Do you know how STUPID YOU sound now claiming that I lose all my plays? ....Especially since I posted a lot of them with Huge Write-Ups in my threads for all to see....You know for a FACT that what your saying is not true....cause if it was true, then how can you explain coming to me to get them, huh?...LOL.

        You see Michael Kienholz...when you dont follow the successful plan which was laid out for you, because you chose not to...You cannot come back and then blame the person who gave you the successful plan to follow, when your own actions caused you to lose on your own....while others caused them to win....Take responsibility for your own actions and stop trying to lie and slander others.....You only make yourself look stupid and weak, like I mentioned to you it would.....It is easy for me to show you and others exactly where you are full of shit!..And others here can go back to my other threads posted here to see for themselves that you are full of shit....So quit while you ahead my friend.....I will end here, but if you continue, then I will have to continue as well....I dont need or have anything to hide from MICHAEL KIENHOLZ, SO DONT EXPECT ME TO DO THAT!...ONLY SCAMMERS AND FRAUDS DO THAT....AND THE ONLY ONE SCAMMING HERE IS YOU PROMOTING YOUR BS LIES.

        I have many other clients who I helped make a lot of $$$ and I have shared many of my plays and handicapping work with many people at different forums for going on 3 years now, but I have been handicapping sports for over 10 and way before I started sharing them over the net....This I think you know and so do others...And, that is another reason why you again chose to come to me to get the plays I cap out and release, REMEMBER!

        No matter where you go, there is always one or two Clowns in the Group, who continually wants to blame others for their own actions and failures...You gotta laugh, You simply gotta laugh!...Nice try Michael....To bad the proof (Facts) is in the pudding. ....End of Story...Now keep your Lies and BS out of my Threads..
        ================================================== =========================


        note: I wonder if Mike Kienholz will claim and lie again that he got my plays I released on Super Tuesday (and in Private like he claims, of course...LOL)...Who cares those that did get my plays, knows they went 4-1 in the NBA and MLB combined.....Another Winning day for me and my clients...Now 8W-3L= 72% Record Overall for the week and still looking for more $$$ to take from the Man.....Continue to practice consistancy and MM and you will find success...Dont, and the end will come faster than you want it to..

        I am starting to heat things up, so those wanting to get on is the time to do it.....Just let me know...GL till then and Aloha as always, CC.

        contact info: COCAPTAINSPORTS@YAHO*.COM

        comp play for tomorrow Weds: Chicago -106
        Last edited by Co-Captain; 04-13-2005, 02:33 AM.


        • #19
          Wow for not having time you sure wrote a lot of bullshit. I got thru 3 lines of your lies and fell asleep. I love how you talk to me about money managament as I have never discussed my betting habits to you. I called you PRIVATE because that is what you are not a CAPTAIN. Very classy posting my name 15 times, I bet it was real hard to get to as when I email it says it plain as day. Good job Mr Detective and like I said very classy move. YOUR Big Piece of Shit games are hitting over 70% but I got 3 of them and all 3 lost????? Hey weren't even close Private so stop with your LIES. I have been on this board too long and have no reason to lie. Now please take your non-capping ass back to your card board box. GL Private.


          • #20
            Originally Posted by MICHAEL KIENHOLZ (AKA Big Fuckin Losing Liar)
            There is no money management with this guy as he loses ALL his plays!!!! Whether you bet a penny or 100 on his plays they all lose. I received your plays yesterday Private and they all lost so stop trying to scam everyone! You have been chased from every board you have ever been on so beat it fatty!

            Excuse me MICHAEL KIENHOLZ, you did NOT receive any of my plays yesterday so STOP SPREADING YOUR LIES...You came and got a few of my plays in cbb, a very few times...But you chose to pick and chose from the card, what to play when you got them and you lost...But, if you look at my other threads here, you will see that I posted a lot of Winners and also those few that lost as well....Winning and losing is all part of this game, so no need to hide from it...

            Your attempt to slander me is ridiculous and full of BS...Dont you know that unlike the other handicappers here, I have been posting the majority of my plays released and also given out everyday as comp selections with Write-Ups on some of them here and other forums....All my Comp Plays are actual rated selections that I played and released to clients...Surely you and everyone can see that those comp plays kicked some ass as well....So nice attempt again with spreading more of your lies and BS, but it wont work my friend...Just go back and look at the past threads which I kept an active running update of how things were going...I do this for a reason, and one of them is to prevent liers like you from posting your bogus slander and claims...While the other was to show, as I mentioned how things were going....Wonder why other handicappers dont do the same....However, it is clearly obvious to me that you didnt realize why I did this, huh...LOL.

            One thing you forgot to mention here is that when you did my card, you chose to unload your wad on a selected few of them, something I always stated not to do...No game is to be used this the way to win in this game is to practice sound Money Management, and also to be consistant in following my plays, as overall they produced yet another successful CBB Season for me and those who did this season.....You seriously cant expect to be successful in this game when you chose to plays games here and there, and when YOUR chosing to do it, can you?...Then when you did follow them, you threw all MM practices out the window...

            I never advocate using any of my plays to go for the Big Score, Quick Hit, or to Double Up and Catch Up...I always stress to my clients to remember to practice MM....Even my best plays which are my "BGP'S" are not to be used this way....Why?....Because eventhough my "BGP'S" is hitting Over 70%, since 2003 and in All Major Sports combined...they are plays which is capped out and played with the long haul in mind...These plays are hitting over 70% since 2003, yes, but that is basing them in its entirety..not on a few plays here and there.....Furthermore, these plays are also part of the entire picture with the rest of my plays I released, that go into producing an overall winning season.

            Reg Plays, Top Plays, and BGP's are rated plays which I released on the Card together when they come up together.....So it didnt make any sense why you chose NOT to play the other games on the Card, which btw WON, giving me an overall Winning Day.....Your choice to pick and chose what you played from the Card I released, those very few times you got them from me, ended with you losing....But, the Card played in its entirity using MM, ended with me and others Winning....So again, stop with your lying my wont work, and I have the emails where you even admitted not playing the other plays I gave you, some of which were very strong plays which I included big Write-Ups on them as well.

            Another LIE by Michael Kienholz, is that I have been chased from every board I am on....Funny, I have only been on a total of 3 which I am currently only using two of, Cov**s and Bettorschat...Dont have time really to monitor and spend all day on them anymore, and especially during the long MLB and CBB season...Got to many games everyday to cap out and research on....So again, stop your lying my friend...Others only need to go to the other forum I listed and they will see that you are lying...Hey why dont you do the same and get informed for yourself!...In fact I will say HI to your personally in my thread at the other forum just to confirm your lie about me not being able to post at another board...Make sure you look for it, ok.

            Again, I will repeat to you and everyone....that YOU MICHAEL KIENHOLZ (AKA BIG MIKE)...did not receive any of my plays yesterday or any of my plays, for that matter, outside of cbb.....So your statement about receiving them yesterday and in PRIVATE (wtf is that?)...Is a FLAT OUT LIE!!!!!!.....Furthermore, if you did receive them on Monday, then you would definately would not be here today claiming that they all lost, now would you...Especially because I went 3-1 on my Top Rated Plays (NBA & MLB) and 4-2 Overall (NBA and MLB)....So you see how you were just again caught in another LIE!

            A little advice to you next time, when I do send you a play which I say is my 2nd Best Play I have released all season, only 2nd to my "BGP"-GOY's (which I only release 1 in the reg season and 1 in post-season)...its smarter to play them, then it is not to play them, like chose to do....Also, when I give you a "BIG GAME PLAY" for FREE, its also smarter to play them as well...NC ov ILL was a Sweet "BGP" Winner, you chose NOT to follow....If you played them like everyone else did, I am sure you wouldnt be on here trying to lie and slander me, cause it won and you are mad....Your emails to me stating that you chose NOT to play them, simply still boggles my mind and now makes me LMFAO because your chosing to now put the blame on me for your actions....That is simply WEAK!

            You see Michael, I dont have time or the need really to go on and on with this bullshit game your trying to slander me with....but since you wanted to continue it, I felt I should let others know what you chose to do in regards to all the plays I sent you, which if you followed them, would of made you a profit no doubt....However, your actions and choices you decided to follow, while also going against my advice to use MM,...deciding NOT to play my other BGP's I sent you, as well as, my 2nd strongest play released on the season,...ignoring the other rated plays (Reg and Top) which was part of the Card I sent you, leading to a winning day overall,....chosing not to play my "BGP"--GOY (an EZ Dog Winner on Mich St ov Kentucky...which was reposted in my other thread here for Documentation and Verification) a play that is my Ultimate Best Play I have and which also have a 9-0 Record since 2003 in All Sports combined (Documented), and again chosing at a different time NOT to follow an earlier strong BGP I released, which was at that time the strongest rated play released...Oh yeah, I even sent you 1 of my Special NBA selections Winner, which you didnt need to pay for either, and which I also posted here as a comp selection, but which you again chose NOT play...Your only reason was that you arent playing any day to day plays I have...My response was, do you think that I would waste my time doing a complete Write-Up and the rate these plays if they were just ordinary day to day plays...C'mon!

            Why do you do what you do?....Who knows, but that is your business, not mine...I am only here to try and set the record straight, which you are trying to twist around, in your attempts to get me to give you more FREE Plays cause your didnt play the ones I sent to you that a JOKE!....Now your choosing to slander me with all your lies and bullshit to get back at me...LMFAO...Like I said that is WEAK!.

            Remember Mike, YOU came to me to get these plays...I didnt go to you...And your decisions and choices you made on playing some of them, while ignoring the others, that caused you to NOT my fault my friend....I gave you the winning combo, inaddition to a few more which you didnt pay for....Plus, You know I have produced many Big Winners throughout the CBB Season, as you watched and waited and followed my updates and FYI's for almost the entire season, I posted them here....So my guess was that you were trying to see if the Winners was releasing would Stop...But, you saw that they didnt and that I was producing winners on a consistant basis....Thus, you chose to get on some of them when the season was near the end..... Do you know how STUPID YOU sound now claiming that I lose all my plays? ....Especially since I posted a lot of them with Huge Write-Ups in my threads for all to see....You know for a FACT that what your saying is not true....cause if it was true, then how can you explain coming to me to get them, huh?...LOL. :confused:

            You see Michael Kienholz...when you dont follow the successful plan which was laid out for you, because you chose not to...You cannot come back and then blame the person who gave you the successful plan to follow, when your own actions caused you to lose on your own....while others caused them to win....Take responsibility for your own actions and stop trying to lie and slander others.....You only make yourself look stupid and weak, like I mentioned to you it would.....It is easy for me to show you and others exactly where you are full of shit!...And others here can go back to my other threads posted here to see for themselves that you are full of shit....So quit while you ahead my friend.....I will end here, but if you continue, then I will have to continue as well....I dont need or have anything to hide from MICHAEL KIENHOLZ, SO DONT EXPECT ME TO DO THAT!...ONLY SCAMMERS AND FRAUDS DO THAT....AND THE ONLY ONE SCAMMING HERE IS YOU PROMOTING YOUR BS LIES.

            I have many other clients who I helped make a lot of $$$ and I have shared many of my plays and handicapping work with many people at different forums for going on 3 years now, but I have been handicapping sports for over 10 and way before I started sharing them over the net....This I think you know and so do others...And, that is another reason why you again chose to come to me to get the plays I cap out and release, REMEMBER!

            No matter where you go, there is always one or two Clowns in the Group, who continually wants to blame others for their own actions and failures...You gotta laugh, You simply gotta laugh!...Nice try Michael....To bad the proof (Facts) is in the pudding. ....End of Story...Now keep your Lies and BS out of my Threads..
            ================================================== =========================


            note: I wonder if Mike Kienholz will claim and lie again that he got my plays I released on Super Tuesday (and in Private like he claims, of course...LOL)...Who cares those that did get my plays, knows they went 4-1 in the NBA and MLB combined.....Another Winning day for me and my clients...Now 8W-3L= 72% Record Overall for the week and still looking for more $$$ to take from the Man.....Continue to practice consistancy and MM and you will find success...Dont, and the end will come faster than you want it to...Seems MICHAEL KIENHOLZ will NOT attempt to LIE again by claiming to have gotten my plays on Super Tuesday and that I lost... I wonder why that is? ...Hmmm, I guess he realized that his Bullshit and Lies made him look like a Bigger Loser and Idiot then he already is...He still Shot himself in the head when he decided earlier to spread his Lies and Weakness in my thread! ...I will though give him the credit for proving the validity of the saying, "NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF STUPIDITY"!

            Anyways Gang...I am starting to heat things up, so those wanting to get on is the time to do it.....Just let me know...GL till then and Aloha as always, CC.

            contact info: COCAPTAINSPORTS@YAHO*.COM

            comp play for tomorrow Weds: Chicago -106
            Last edited by Co-Captain; 04-13-2005, 10:18 AM.


            • #21
              UPDATE FOR WILD WEDS:

              Yet another WINNING DAY going 4-1, only losing the comp play on Chicago...This brings this weeks record now to 12-4= 75%..... Consistancy following my plays and MM is the Keys to Success ...I am still proving this to be true....Stay tuned for more to come Gang....Alooooha CC.

              contact info: COCAPTAINSPORTS@YAHO*COM

