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More OC Dooley Deception

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  • More OC Dooley Deception

    I am frankly getting sick and tired of the deceptive spin by many cappers, and I don't care whom I upset.
    Today at his website( or on his thread at godspicks), OC says how his clients made a fortune last night with his 5* on St. Josephs and his 2* on South Carolina for a total of 7 units.
    What he DIDN'T mention is that (assuming what was posted at BC was accurate) he had a 4* on OVER in the Maryland game, a LOSER ,and a 3* on UNDER in the St. Josephs game for a total of 7.7 units lost for a net total of .7 units lost.
    I guess under his rating system totals only count if they win.
    Of course if the total had won and the games lost, then he would have said that he had a great night for all his customers with the totals.
    He did this last week also, when he bragged about winning a 5* but no mention was made that the rest of his card went 2-4.
    I don't know how the rest of you feel, but I am offended by this kind of deception and believe all cappers owe it in their ads to tell the WHOLE truth and not just that part which suits them!!!
    Last edited by savage1; 03-30-2005, 11:41 PM.

  • #2
    You know what's funny is that any sports service that gives out false plays can legally be sued.


    • #3
      disgusting, seems to me savage like all of the cappers that come from or participate with scorephones always seem to only tell people their WINS and completely leave out their losses all together. You can hear this every night by just calling your local (non-800) scorephone and listening to the garbage that they spout out. It is astounding and I can't believe that they continue to get away with this without legal consequences. It is just not right that they can make people believe that they are sweeping the board with big wins when in fact they are losing overall for the night and the people paying for the picks are not winning money. How about ATS claiming (according to rip) that they have "won 50 units over the last 3 weeks" when in fact they lose every night and are now 40-50 games under .500 not counting juice over the last couple of months (they lost again tonight winning only 1 out of 3 games). These scumbags are the reason why everyone views the entire business as shady, unprofessional and unreliable. They should burn in hell for trying to thieve people's hard earned money.



      • #4
        As I have said before, since sports services as someone once said "operate within the gray area of the law," I think it would be difficult to sue them over lying about their record, as sports gambling is technically illegal in 49 states to begin with.
        I hate to say it, but as much as OC Dooley is a nice guy(I use to chat with him online on occasion), he is one of those who in his ad really misrepresents how he is doing.
        It seems that whenever his record is posted at BC over any significant period of time, it is very mediocre in spite of what he would have you believe.
        Simply go to his website sometime ( and read the hype and spin(I am not including the effusive phrase he also heaps every night on a certain sports book, which I also consider insulting to sports bettors), which is cleverly written to paint a totally false picture many times.
        Last edited by savage1; 03-31-2005, 08:36 AM.


        • #5
          There should be a government monitored Sports Monitor that they are monitored by.

          Then we would see who the good ones are


          • #6

            Originally posted by KarpDaddy
            There should be a government monitored Sports Monitor that they are monitored by.

            Then we would see who the good ones are
            Are you saying there are no corrupt officials....Money talks...These services in conjunction with the Casinos/Bookies can buy any one...Would be a matter of time before the Govt Officials would also be on their payroll...

            Only way to beat em is to -- AVOID em...the Kapt

            Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


            • #7
              It really has turned into a mockery with so many sports services going out of their way to tell their customers to bet their games(the service's game and their own) at so and so sports book and to tell them that "Groucho"(the sports service) sent them (for those of you not old enough to remember, that was a line used by the great comedian Groucho Marx telling his audience when advertising -I believe it was for the long defunct Desoto automobile that he had referred them), the difference being that Groucho was not compensated in the HUGE way that sports services are by sportsbooks for referrals especially when the referrals lose money.

