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Latest Stu Feiner Scam

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  • Latest Stu Feiner Scam

    Here you go:
    Stu starts off by saying on his comp. line(800-9822211) he will give away his two team TNT Parlay of the nothing on this particular message.
    He then says he is 141-61 on his 800 service.
    Next he says if this two team "free" parlay loses, he will give away the rest of the NBA and College basketball season away for free on his 800 service.
    Here are the picks-Cleveland and Houston.
    My comments:
    1) The 141-61 alleged record is a lie(no documentation and is sheer bs).
    2) Do you think Stu wants to win this parlay tonight so that you WON'T have to call his 800 service? The answer is not too hard to figure out.
    3) Assuming that at least one of the games in the parlay loses, and you call his 800 number, do you really think you will get all the plays for nothing OR that "perhaps" some saleman, who now knows your phone number from caller id or otherwise, will hassle you and tell you that the picks on the "free" service are not the best picks AND that you will have to pay more to get Stu's best picks?
    Come on Stu-surely we are not all stupid/naive;it is really not that difficult to see what you are up to.
    Last edited by savage1; 03-22-2005, 02:24 PM.

  • #2
    Dude....I hear ya....but this is how our society works now. I'm studying for the CPA exam and I ordered some study guide software. 3 days after I order it, a guy calls me to say that there was a problem with my credit card (I ordered over the web). In any case, I was very suspicious, because I checked my online banking in the morning and saw that they had backed the amount of the purchase out of my available balance, but had yet to post it to activity.

    So I told him that I would call his billing department back because i'm not in the habit of giving out my cc number to someone who calls my house. So then he goes into his pitch about why I should purchase the study guides to all 4 sections and their test pass guarantee, rather than just two sections.

    So even with something that seems as benign as the CPA exam, people lie and mislead you to sell you something.


    • #3


      • #4
        Wayne-What did you say? I can't hear you.
        Ok-from now on I will post these kinds of threads here;I disagree with you, because more people view the other forum than this one, and thus more folks will see it if it is posted initially there.
        However, you are the boss and I will comply.


        • #5
          The more I think about it, the more I think by Stu's standards he can't lose.
          If he loses or goes 0-2, some suckers will call him to take him up on the guarantee;now when they calls, as stated, they will get some song and dance act as stated in my first post and will be harassed forever by his salesmen trying to sell those persons the "better" games.(remember the scumbag salesmen now has their phone numbers),
          If Stu gets lucky and wins both games, he can crow about it tomorrow, say how great he is, etc., and use that as a selling pitch to try to sell his picks on the internet, OR he can offer the same "free" service deal every night until he doesn't win both games(that won't be very long).
          The only sure thing is that Stu didn't study marketing in school, because only a moron would not see what he is up to.
          Last edited by savage1; 03-22-2005, 09:07 PM.


          • #6
            savage all handicappers who sell their picks are liars and cocksuckers, ive been burned doing that shit to. ihate anyone who sells their picks
            Questions, comments, complaints:
            [email protected]


            • #7
              Well-what do you know, Stu won both games last night, BUT he really lost, as now no one can call to get the "free" service.
              End of story?-not quite.
              As predicted here yesterday, now that Stu won when he really wanted to lose in order to get people to call, he is coming right back TODAY not with just two teams but with three teams with the same deal;if they don't all win, you get remainder of NBA and College season for nothing.
              Here are the picks-New York, Phil. and Golden State.
              If he gets lucky (actually unlucky for him) and "wins" again, he will probably come back with a 4 teamer tomorrow, anything to get suckers to call his 800 number so that he can get your phone number and hassle you.
              ps His laugh at the beginning of his tape is hideous and is the sign of a severely disturbed individual(800-9822211);as he has done in the past, he then comes out with the overused line, "Why do they call this gambling;it is like stealing."
              The "free service" number to call if anyone wants to be the fall guy and call to take him up on his "generous" offer if he doesn't go 3-0 is 800-6767726.
              Last edited by savage1; 03-23-2005, 11:15 AM.


              • #8
                What bothers me about this is that there are going to be folks who call his comp. phone today and every day he makes this "offer" believing he is really trying to win when he is really trying to lose and play his games anyways.
                On the other hand, perhaps Stu should try to lose more often, because judging by the results yesterday, he might actually win once in a while.
                Then again in all fairness to "Your Source"(of bullshit), who am I to argue with a guy who claims a 70% winning percentage(141-61)?lol


                • #9
                  Stay tuned folks-only 4 hours to tipoff of first game to see if Stu can go 2-1 at the best and 0-3 hopefully(for him) so that zillions of callers will be flooding his office tomorrow for the remainder of the season ABSOLUTELY FREE in the NBA and college basketball.
                  We have all heard about point shaving;well this the corollary-a capper trying to lose so that his business will increase.


                  • #10

                    As always....Good Stuff.

                    Stu is one of the most
                    irritating touts...
                    Right up there with the worst of the worst... :angryfire


                    • #11
                      Games are beginning-Good luck to Stu-I sure hope for his sake he loses at least one game;rest be assured that if somehow he goes 3-0, he will come back with a 4 teamer tomorrow.


                      • #12
                        Hopefully He Winds Up 2-1

                        Originally posted by savage1
                        Games are beginning-Good luck to Stu-I sure hope for his sake he loses at least one game;rest be assured that if somehow he goes 3-0, he will come back with a 4 teamer tomorrow.

                        Well hate to say it because I agree with you 100% but Stu nailed his "MSG GOY" as the Knicks did crush Boston by more than three TD' can't believe that actually happened, I mean I am a Knick fan but every word that comes out of this guys mouth is a crock...Amazingly, Philly is actually "pissing all over Detroit" by 24 as we speak (I type)...I really hope he goes 2-1 because Dallas is a "Rip Fade"!!....Rip vs Stu Slimer...Who do you like??

                        On another Feiner point, did anyone see that HBO special years ago on guys like Jack Price (Pre-Corey Black days) and Stu Feiner??....They were exposed as frauds and wouldn't talk to the cameras and yadda,yadda,yadda...Guys who had worked for them had their faces blocked out and voices altered but admitted they had flipped coins to pick winners and all that...It was sickening...And I had already fallen victim to one of those "Rest of the Season Free" scams from one of those type guys, might've been Stu himself I forget...I'm over it and all I do is laugh now if I ever call those messages because I know he is a scam artist and in a strange way it is kind of funny listening to him and Jack and others...All you can do is warn the newbies about Jack and Stu and others and let it go...Savage has these guys nailed but it's up to the people to listen
                        Maximum Rippage!!!!


                        • #13
                          Rippage-Great post and I did see the HBO Special to which you allude and was fascinated, laughing and shocked at the same time.
                          Now on to the news:
                          FLASH-Stu Feiner is in ecstacy after LOSING his last game of the night on Golden State, meaning he went only 2-1 on the night and more importantly ensuring some suckers/fools will call his 800 number tomorrow to allegedly receive the rest of the baseketball season "ABSOLUTELY FREE."
                          I can hear him now trying to use last night's performance two ways: he will brag that he went 4-1 the last two night, BUT as promised, since he lost one of the games, any caller to his 800 service will receive every NBA and college game for the rest of the season for free.
                          Not stated is that as I said previously, if you call, you will be told by some low life bitch or scumbag salesman who works for Stu(maybe if you are "lucky", you can have the dubious honor of speaking to Stu himself) that they have been flooded with calls and if they can have your phone number in order to call you back.
                          If you refuse to give out the number, chances are that they will have it anyways on caller id when you call;thus you are doomed in any event-doomed to be called, told and hounded daily by one of his salesman that what you received as part of Stu's offer are the lesser rated picks and that you will have to PURCHASE the higher rated plays;did you think you were going to get something for nothing?
                          I am tempted to call from a payphone to see what happens, but really don't want to demean myself;if anyone else wants to try it, I would love to hear the results.
                          Well-I will be back later to tell what Stu says on his comp. line assuming he doesn't party too late;rumor has it that he, Jack Price, and Corey Black are all out together partying over the fact that Stu lost a game this evening, and that they might have a three way lovemaking session to cap off the evening which go on to the wee hours of the morning-stay tuned.


                          • #14
                            The 1 to turn 2

                            Originally posted by savage1
                            Rippage-Great post and I did see the HBO Special to which you allude and was fascinated, laughing and shocked at the same time.
                            Now on to the news:
                            FLASH-Stu Feiner is in ecstacy
                            Savage, do you remember one of those Saturday Morning Handi-scammer shows in the Fall years back that used to feature "Your Source" Stu Feiner ( everything was FREE,FREE,FREE ) and other "Legends" like Kevin Duffy and the only man who coached two different teams to Final Fours (That was his claim- I think it was like in Division 10 or Dr. Ron Bash...He always cracked me up because he was "The 1 to turn 2"...
                            Maximum Rippage!!!!


                            • #15
                              Rippage-first of all in answer to your question, yes I remember the show to which you alluded and watched it every week-Feiner, Bash and Duffy-what a collection of LOSERS, LIARS and SCAMMERS!
                              I remember the show with Mike Warren and the Professor also-another couple of beauts.
                              Back to the present-as I predicted last night Feiner started comp ad today by bragging about his 2-1 night yesterday and the two blowouts, and then as I also predicted , he states that even though he went 2-1, all callers to his 800 service receive the remainder of the NBA and College season for nothing.
                              Now the fun begins: he then starts by bragging about his allegedly great record on his 800 service and then starts talking about how the Illinois.Wisc. Milwaukee will be the biggest game of his life, and then a bettor should bet 100 times his normal amount, yada, yada, yada;he says that this is his NCAA Tournament GOY, which he has won 15 years in a row(yawn).
                              What is interesting is that he says this game will be available on his 800 service without reference to those who allegedly will get the rest of the service for nothing;it is obviously a setup.
                              Here is what will happen if you are brave/stupid enough to call.
                              First, they have your number right off the bat from caller id probably, and some low life scum will tell you that someone will call you back because they are very busy(I know I said this yesterday, but it needs to be repeated).
                              When the person calls you back, and you ask for the "free" service including the winner of Illinois, Wisc. Milwauke,, you will be told that this game is not included and that all you are getting will be a couple of low rated picks.
                              Then of course, you will be given all kinds of pressure, bullshit and lies to try to get you to purchase this very "special" play, and if you do purchase or don't, you will be hounded for a longtime unless you change your phone number to an unlisted one.
                              I know no one will call this con artist to see how close I am to calling this correctly, but it would certainly be nice if someone did(not me lol).

