Ceasar Sports had a 3-3 (+4) day yesterday with:
4*Mich St (Winner)
3*Vandy (Winner)
3*Houston (Loser)
2*UConn (Winner)
1*Rockets (Loser)
***7-3 L/10 Plays***
RECORDS FOR 2004-2005:
NCAA RECORD: 69-53-3 (+14)
NFL RECORD: 72-42-7 (+70)
NCAA HOOPS: 156-147 (+30)
NBA RECORD: 73-54-3 (+45)
Get the plays emailed each Weekday after 6:45 PM EST
and Weekends after 11:45 AM EST!!!
NCAA March Madness offer!!! Get all the action thru NCAA Finals for ONLY $149.00!!! Thats $200.00 OFF the Regular Price...Offer ENDS MARCH 5th!!!
Other deals:
1 Day of Service $8.95
1 Week Positive Guarantee $79.95 or $50.00 cash back for a Negative Week
1 Year Hoops and Football $695.00
Weekend Special $25.00 (3 reports)
Thursday Comps:
Game of the Day: Louisville
TV Game: Indiana Pacers
Revenge Game: UCLA
BlowOut: Stanford
Dog: Rice
Total: Suns-Under
Comps were 4-2 yesterday!!!
4*Mich St (Winner)
3*Vandy (Winner)
3*Houston (Loser)
2*UConn (Winner)
1*Rockets (Loser)
***7-3 L/10 Plays***
RECORDS FOR 2004-2005:
NCAA RECORD: 69-53-3 (+14)
NFL RECORD: 72-42-7 (+70)
NCAA HOOPS: 156-147 (+30)
NBA RECORD: 73-54-3 (+45)
Get the plays emailed each Weekday after 6:45 PM EST
and Weekends after 11:45 AM EST!!!
NCAA March Madness offer!!! Get all the action thru NCAA Finals for ONLY $149.00!!! Thats $200.00 OFF the Regular Price...Offer ENDS MARCH 5th!!!
Other deals:
1 Day of Service $8.95
1 Week Positive Guarantee $79.95 or $50.00 cash back for a Negative Week
1 Year Hoops and Football $695.00
Weekend Special $25.00 (3 reports)
Thursday Comps:
Game of the Day: Louisville
TV Game: Indiana Pacers
Revenge Game: UCLA
BlowOut: Stanford
Dog: Rice
Total: Suns-Under
Comps were 4-2 yesterday!!!