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Is This How Sports Service Operates?

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  • Is This How Sports Service Operates?

    Sometimes I wonder what goes on when a sports service determines what picks to give out on a given night.
    As I see one service, Godspicks, has already given out Mich State as a GOY against undefeated Illinois, lets take a fictitious sports service and an offshore to see some possibilities into what goes into selecting a pick or in this case a GOY.
    We will call our service the Make Money At Any Cost Sports Services;we will call the two owners, who are partners and who make the picks Deceit and Logic.
    The name of the offshore is Collude With Us.
    Tuesday morning:
    Deceit to Logic:We have not been doing well of late and our business has been falling off;lets put out a GOY.
    Logic: Sounds good to me.
    Deceit:Lets use Illinois;they are undefeated, and they should win.
    Logic: Nah-thats too obvious;everyone expects that and won't be impressed even if the game wins.
    Lets take a shot and give out the other side instead, Michigan State.
    If Michigan States wins, everyone will say, wow-how did those guys know Illinois was going to lose?
    Deceit-That sounds like a great idea!
    Logic-And lets not forget in our promo to emphasize that The Collude with Us Sportsbook will give them a nice signup bonus if they sign up with them.
    Just think, if enough people sign up today and lose with MSU and our other plays or with plays of their own and then continue to lose day after day, they (Collude) will take care of us as they always done in the past.
    Deceit-And don't forget if MSU loses, in a few days we can try the same thing(another GOY) all over again and double dip.
    If it loses, we are golden; Also, if the GOY(s) win, thats ok too, because even though we won't get kickbacks from Collude, we will get many new customers and get the money that way.
    As long as we don't bet the games ourselves, we are golden.
    Logic-You are right except for one thing: those nasty people at Bettorschat keep posting our plays, which will cut into our business.
    Deceit-hmm you are right.I wonder if there is a way we can bribe those folks at Bettorschat not to post our plays or maybe give out the wrong plays.
    Logic-Well lets do the promo on the comp. phone and the internet and see what happens;now if youn will excuse me, I have to think of the next GOY to give out on Thursday, one which will benefit us whether it wins or loses.
    Deceit-Sounds good to me.

  • #2


    • #3
      I don't want to seem conceited by bumping this to page 1 but would like people just arriving home to see i.


      • #4
        I've been making money fading them!!! I'm on Illinois, so this makes me happy!!


        • #5
          Great stuff, Savage. And by the way, no self-respecting service would make this game a "GOY". Two high profile,top 10, public teams who will probably play right to the wire with the outcome in doubt till the final minute. Simply NOT strong GOY material.


          • #6
            The absolute best post I have seen on here! I can vouch that I believe that is actually what happens for I have been burned by scamdicappers one too many times! He Wayne and Coach Ron Meyer go yoursevles.
            You can live with one lung


            • #7
              Did you think yesterday was the end of this thread? No way! MSU lost last night, and now our imaginary service(or is it really imaginary?) has to decide how to deal with last night's disastrous GOY pick on Michigan State.
              Lets tune in and see what happens:
              Its Tuesday morning, and our two co-owners of our sports service are just opening up shop.
              Deceit to Logic: Logic, what are we going to do today? We are going to have a lot of irate people screaming at us on the phone for that losing GOY pick last night.
              Logic: Relax. They are only words,and as they used to say when I was a kid, "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but names can never hurt me."
              Look at the good side of it;you know the Collude with Us Offshore is going to take care of US, as they always do, for referring folks down there who lost bigtime last night. And don't forget also, we had a lot of folks who called and paid us $100 for the pick.
              Deceit:True but how do I appease the people who call and are angry? Should I tell them that we have another GOY or big play going tonight?
              Logic-No, don't do that;that is suspicious and would make them think we are simply giving out another GOY or big play so that they can try to get what they lost back and so that we can charge them again;we have to wait at least until the weekend to have another GOY/big game so that the folks can't accuse us of having a big play just for the sake of having one.
              Deceit: Ok but how do we get them to buy today's picks? We have to make it sound like we are sorry they lost last night and want to help them to get some of their moneyback.
              Logic-Lets see;lets tell them that today we have 4 regular plays, which I will decide in a minute when I see who is playing today, and that the cost of the plays is $39.
              Tell them that we will guarantee the plays also;we could tell them that the guarantee is that if they play the games and they don't win, the guarantee is that they will LOSE!
              Well on second thought,that would work with a few but not all.
              Just tell them, if we don't show a profit today, we will give them tomorrow's picks for $20.
              Deceit: Sounds good.
              Logic-Oh yes, and don't forget to once again tell them to sign up with Collude With Us Offshore so that they can get their 20% signup bonus and obviously more importantly so that we can get more money from Collude should our picks(hopefully) lose.
              Deceit: Ok I will get the promo/comp. tape ready to roll.
              Logic: Ok and I will have the picks ready for you in 2 minutes or so after I check the matchups today.
              So folks as you see, this is continuing saga, and the only appropriate words I can think of are "The Song Remains the Same." (Led Zepplin 1976).


              • #8
                Sad,but it sounds more like the truth than not.Every time I see a GOY I run the other way.Its like saying bend over it will only hurt for a little while.Never get in the way of a streak.Like lLL last night. :angryfire


                • #9

                  The schemes are endless ... ever since Mike Warren ((real name - Laskey , from New York ) conjured up the idea of giving opposite sides to customers East and West of the Mississippi . By the Way I know that for a fact ... I became friendly with one of his disgruntled operators and he gave me all the inside dope ... I'd pay him money on the QT for Warren's inside plays ... it was sweet !!! Warren was the pioneer scammer of our generation. He made a fortune .... people got hep to his magic act .... he had an expensive wife ... made a horrible business decision ... " The Psychic Network " ... and lost it all. Now I see he's back. I'm pretty sure his nephew is Bob Chase ( ATS SPORTS ) .. but not certain.

                  A guestimate ... 15% of services are honest and the rest are strictly boiler room.

                  Phil Schtool was always honest .. but this year he sold out to a casino with pre and post season games and his games of the year ... kind of a trial run . If it was profitable for him we can expect more of the same next year . Of course you and I had him pegged and made $$$ fading his games of the year .

                  HOW SWEET WAS UCLA OVER OREGON IN NCAAF ? LOL We countered N Coast GOY ( Oregon ) with OUR GOY ( UCLA )

                  Services Providers here are very important to us ... once we all master the art of utilizing the information. Combinations are the key ... which to look at ... to fade ... and to ignore altogether.

                  The new fading thread initiated last night will be huge tool for us. Kudos to Spark and the many info providers in BC.

                  Each week I jot down a list of rules and guidelines that I will follow for the upcoming week and it works well for me. I alter them each week due to dynamics . Things are constantly changing.

                  Anyway You and I are SCHTOOLIES , right ? We are fixed on that little mobster from Cleveland and we always have fun going back and forth with stories.

                  Take care Savvy



                  • #10

                    i want to bump this thread so everyone can read it........

                    i agree with coverboy that about 15% are honest, maybe 15% is a little high........however, i do believe that 10%-15% are probably people who are doing it for the right reason and the other 85%-90% are failed (or failing) salesman who are trying to steal your money to help pay IRS liens, back child support, credit card interest or judgment liens from their last court appearance..........



                    • #11
                      Very Good and educating thread Guys .. I am going to move it now to the Sports Forum ...


                      • #12

                        Ohhhh you are so right - 15% might very well be high end ... I wanted to be fair and give some the benefit of the doubt.We're talking about Degenerates here .... ex busted out gamblers ... druggies, boozers, etc. They're cold as ice, hard as hard can be , and take no prisoners.

                        Good Luck Buddy



                        • #13
                          Coverboy-I loved your funny but insightful response, and I agree with you 100%.


                          • #14
                            It is high I think CB .. I can not talk that much about this because I was dumb enough to put my addy on the forum last year and some BOYS got a hold of it ... They sent me some threatening mail for months.. I do not want to change my addy cause too many people have it ... but f%@k em .. I know he may not be liked but Capone was the only one in the gang that stood up for me ..


                            • #15

                              Yeah Ole Buddy we live and learn . But just think what the year has done ... Now if anyone F's with you 100 of us would jump in for you and absolutely torch any asshole who gives you shit.

                              You are THAT damn good , Spark

