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vega s sni tch buries clients

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  • vega s sni tch buries clients

    4-16 on vault plays today
    perfect storm play which is supposed to be there
    best plays went 1-4 yesterday
    guys-you need to be fading these guys-they are horrible

  • #2

    SAN ANTONIO :angryfire


    • #3
      blake, I am going to cut/paste this to service thread because this is the info that the service followers need to know and then I will move this to the service forum .....

      Thanks for the info


      • #4
        dont mean to jump in on your post...thought this was interesting though....just recieved this email:


        Greetings ****** Investors.Our Perfect Storm team has found their strongest game of the year. So, strong that if the Perfect Storm loses on the day, THEY WILL BE NO CHARGE to all followers. They feel so confident, that the Perfect Storm Team has asked the Vault and ****** Team to continue to give away comp plays at a rapid pace, because this Super Perfect Storm play is ALL YOU NEED to finish off the football season. Remember they come in with a 21-4 football record and it WILL be at least 22-4 after Sunday Night. Remember, if they don\'t win THERE IS NO CHARGE AT ALL. And once they complete the great football season, look for them in March Madness. This Super Bowl WON\'T even be close to the posted lines. Please take advantage of this and attack your books aggressively like the Bowl Games. Last week in the NFL Championship games they went a disappointing 2-3. Do you really think they will lose this weekend? Remember, NO CHARGE UNLESS GAME WINS.This is their strongest play of the year. We expect game to be over by half time. Do not miss the Super Sunday Perfect Storm with a win-win situation. We give away plays for free.We do as much as we can do for free. We risk playing many games knowing it exposes us to poor days, but we just want people to know we DO POORLY AND ADMIT TO IT WHEN WE DO!!!But, we\'re still the best!!! All we ask is to take advantage of this offer as we know after this win your word of mouth will spread like wild fire.This total is WAY off!!!!

        Best Wishes

        Vegas ******


        • #5
          Trip X and VS have always sucked ass, they proved it here on this site twice, once as Trip X and the other as Trip 8' make any coin with this loser you would have to stay by your PC all damn day and catch him posting all his bail out 2nd half plays on EVERY game cause he's losing them all.

          This chump would have had better success just choosing 3-4 games a day and posting them early, or better yet letting a monkey pick for him.
          "You like the odds of lightning?"


          • #6
            Blake-an honest answer please and correct me if I am wrong.
            I believe you were buddies with these guys at one time when you posted at GamblersTalk, and you actually gave me their phone number(we talked on the phone) to get their late phones, half time picks, etc. on tape. Am I correct and/or do you remember that?
            I am not calling you out for this and I did appreciate it that you gave me the phone number;I am simply curious as to whether I am correct or not.


            • #7
              used to be-long time ago-no more

