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Opinion Question

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  • Opinion Question

    My question is do you think 3-5 years from now the big name services like Northcoast, Feist, Wayne Root, etc. will exist as they do today?
    I feel with the internet and more and more people finding out each day that the plays are available for nothing, it is just a matter of time before there is virtually no one left to call and/or sign up on the internet for their picks, and many will close up shop.
    Do you agree with me and/or do you think the big pay services will somehow come up with a way to survive?
    Last edited by savage1; 01-21-2005, 01:46 PM.

  • #2

    Sport services will continue to thrive because there always is a continuous stream of youngsters who become neophyte gamblers.

    As a safety measure services such as Northcoast who are affiliated with casinos are making side deals to insure revenues which are being lost due to internet chat rooms posting their games for free.

    You and I both know Steele is tied to Milennium Sportsbook . He busted out customers in Pre season , his Games of the Year , and the post season. His regular season Marquis games did well. In return he gets a piece from Millenium. In the past he has performed just the opposite ... Pre and Post season --- DYNAMITE !!! GOY ---- DYNAMITE !!! Regular season - SO -SO.

    Expect more of the same as services will protect themselves and with little concern for their customers.




    • #3

      man, i got to get back to work.......i get on this site and can spend all day here.........but i like that question

      what i think about that is that if those people who are posting for free took any time to advertise their picks in similar forums or even get some sort of serious media attention, these idiots would go out of business..........ultimately, i think they will go out of business.......i think the tout services will suffer the same fate as the 'neighborhood bookie' we all knew who is now out of business because the internet betting sites which are outstanding

      the problem is, and i think i can speak for most of the people who post with any degree of success here at BC, 1)we all have day jobs, 2)as bad as we feel when we lose posting free plays, most of the classy guys here would feel even worse going on the air claiming something as a lock of the year and then taking peoples money for it........

      i do not think these guys make much money anymore the way it i have said many times, many of these people have criminal records, are failed salesman, almost all have assumed names, and most of them probably have a debt to asset ratio that match 3rd world countries.........sure, there are exceptions and i am sure there are some out there that have a lot of money and are doing it to make extra money, but i am guessing those are not the jackasses screaming into our radio's and tv's about their Ivy league GOY they have going tonight


      • #4
        Coverboy and Shorty-thanks for the great responses, and I agree with both of you.
        Coverboy-great points re: Stool;I well remember the suspicious stuff I got in the mail at the beginning of the season from Royal, which is affiliated with Northcoast, promising me virtually everything from Northcoasr for FREE-all of Northcoast's Executive Service for the season, late phone service, Powersweep depending on how much money I sent them.
        You are correct-Phil can't lose and actually does well with kickbacks from the offshore if he loses, as his subscription base is dying anyways.
        As I stated earlier, Phil tries to project himself as this lily while, incredibly honest guy;folks like you and I know better though.


        • #5
          savage how many times are you going to start service threads in All Sports Discussion? I see newbies doing but why am i constantly moving threads of your's? SERIOUSLY?


          • #6
            Originally posted by wayne1218
            savage how many times are you going to start service threads in All Sports Discussion? I see newbies doing but why am i constantly moving threads of your's? SERIOUSLY?
            IMO this thread belongs in the All Sports Discussion. It's a discussion about sports services.

            He's not promoting a service.


            • #7
              I agree with Cover. Watch the service request thread on a daily basis. That thread is dominated by many newbies looking for free service picks.


              • #8
                Originally posted by wayne1218
                savage how many times are you going to start service threads in All Sports Discussion? I see newbies doing but why am i constantly moving threads of your's? SERIOUSLY?
                Great point Frank .. and Wayne I am not trying to start anything at all but this forum is for educating the newbies ... This is a All Sports Discussion ... We are discussing Sport Services .. Not promoting them .. Isn't the Sport Service forum for advertising purposes ... I think that is the reason why so many members just follow sport services because they are not educated in them .. They need to learn how they operate ... JMHO ....


                • #9
                  i couldn't have said it better
                  “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."

                  Gerald Ford


                  • #10
                    Here's the description for each forum:

                    ALL SPORTS DISCUSSION
                    Share your Picks, Stats, Trends and discuss any other sports topic.

                    SPORTS SERVICES
                    Have a handicapping service? If so post your comp plays in this thread to gain more exposure for your site.

                    NON-GAMBLING ISSUES
                    Post anything that doesn't have to do with Gambling

                    To me its clear where this thread belongs. ALL SPORTS DISCUSSION


                    • #11
                      Wayne-If you notice, of late I have posted one or two of my threads in the sports service thread and was on the fence as to where to put this one.
                      Although I do agree with Frank and Spark on this particular matter, if you like, I will post ALL of my polls and questions NOT related to who is going to cover tonight in the sports service section;its up to you-personally I feel a question like this one should be left at least initially here where more are likely to see it, and then perhaps moved to the other forum. jmho


                      • #12
                        Guys your opinions are great but we have talked about this 1,000 times and there are many others that disagree. Sports Services have their own forum. The whole damn thing. This one (all sports discussion) is the "People's forum and if you want to know, talk, investigate, prop, or shit on services then please do it in "Their" forum! He is talking specifically about "Services" and we have a whole forum for them. Many people here stay in all sports so they don't have to see the CONSTANT post for and about and by Services. Please keep it there!



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by frankb03
                          Here's the description for each forum:

                          ALL SPORTS DISCUSSION
                          Share your Picks, Stats, Trends and discuss any other sports topic.

                          SPORTS SERVICES
                          Have a handicapping service? If so post your comp plays in this thread to gain more exposure for your site.

                          NON-GAMBLING ISSUES
                          Post anything that doesn't have to do with Gambling

                          To me its clear where this thread belongs. ALL SPORTS DISCUSSION

                          Frank with all due respect we have talked about this many times as i'm sure you know. That was there since day one and needs to be revised and i guess unless things are in black & white people don't want to listen.


                          • #14
                            Wayne, I vehemently disagree with you on this issue. Every post in this thread disagreed with you. I'd love to hear from members that think this thread doesn't belong in All Sports.

                            These threads don't get the expose they need being in this forum. Besides, since I've been here these threads have always been in the ALL SPORTS FORUM.

                            If that's the case move the Service Request thread into the Sports Services forum. That thread belongs in the Service forum more that this thread does. Don't be a hypocrite! I'm certain if you took a poll most members would agree with me.

                            You are right about one thing. It does have to be in B & W. If it isn't how do you expect members to listen.

                            With all due respect I believe you moved the thread because members did disagree with you. Otherwise why would it take you an hour to move it?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by SPARK
                              Great point Frank .. and Wayne I am not trying to start anything at all but this forum is for educating the newbies ... This is a All Sports Discussion ... We are discussing Sport Services .. Not promoting them .. Isn't the Sport Service forum for advertising purposes ... I think that is the reason why so many members just follow sport services because they are not educated in them .. They need to learn how they operate ... JMHO ....
                              Wayne, I agree with Spark. I think its import we attempt to 'educate' the newbies. Moving this to the service forum won't get the same exposure.

