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He Must Have A Crystal Ball!

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  • He Must Have A Crystal Ball!

    The Rules state that you need to post a FREE play with every post, not just a ton of ads. You need to start doing that to pay for your FREE advertising here.
    Last edited by wayne1218; 01-12-2005, 06:58 AM.

  • #2
    Hey, thanks for keeping us informed. However, at the bottom of each post, we inform all members that they can receive a complimentary play by visiting the site and clicking on the link for the daily free pick. We did this to monitor how many readers we receive. Please, send me a copy of your link to post on our website ([email protected]). Thank you!


    • #3
      You need to post a comp play here not a link to one, period!

      Go to this thread to contact who you need to.....


      • #4
        Greetings Wayne! This is Don at Slight Edge Sports, writing you in further of the previous message with regards to the message you left us concerning posting a free play. While you are absolutely correct, it is never our intention to compromise your rules, I believe we were adherring to your rules by informing the form subscribers that they can receive a complimentary play by going to our website and registraing to receive our free pick. This was an idea that I and my fellow colleages came up with shortly after we began postings on the forums at Bettorschat. Wayne, again, we never intented or felt that this would be unaccessible. We only implimented this as a means of monitoring who was actually, seriously reading our daily posts. I can forward you 5 email addresses of individuals who have registra to receive the free plays as a result of viewing our posts at Bettorschat. I can reassure you that each party can verify that they receive a free pick from us everyday. Please, accept our apology if you feel we compromise your service at any shape, form or fashion? If there is anything that there is necessary for us to change now that you are aware as to the method to our maddness. Please, informed us and we would be delighted to comply, immediately. Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter. Respectfully, Don Rizzo.
        P.S. - What happened to today's post?


        • #5
          Today's post was erased due to a lack of understanding i guess. I know why you put your link and it doesn't matter. YOU NEED TO POST A COMP PLAY HERE!

          Do like others and post a comp play then a link where they can get a 2nd comp play, i really don't care but you need to post a comp play HERE or your posts will not be allowed.

