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Anybody Heard Of This Guy

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  • #16
    I asked the same question on Sunday about this Guy.....

    Well I've been watching him and he sure talks a good talk, but I think he his full of shit and a liar. You can say whatever you wnat but when you don't back it up with prooof then you're as bad as the rest of the Scumdicappers....

    I guess I don't understand all you losers wanting some fuck's plays that's a blowhard! Even if he might win sometimes he's load of crap....


    • #17
      That's right he's not monitored go figure. Even if he was some fuck that's a kike claiming to be Italian just proves to me he's a fucking lying Jew Bastard!


      • #18

        HMMMMMMMM Doesn't look like they covered it's easy to promote winners when everyone's on your dick.....but I've been following these free plays and they're BIG TIME LOSERS, JUST like your BOSS Gimme a break he's no different than any other TOUT!



        • #19
          Don't Waist The Dime Calling This Guy He's Full Of Crap


          • #20
            49er Defense im glad to know that this forum is full of good old fashioned biggots. I love how this place worries about BS and Bullshit services but allows some scum to post a comment like this. Very nice where are all the famous moderators on this site who jump to protect the veterans on this site when they are challendged about their records but leave this racial trash up on the board


            • #21
              Listen Jerkoffs,
              I Have The E-mails Of The Plays, When He Is Hot He Is On Fire And Everyone Kisses His Ass Butwhen He Loses A Few He Gets Death Fickle Pricks ! I've Seen The Man Go 20-5 On Some Weeks.
              The Factsman Is Legit, He Did Go 67% In The Nfl And I Have Made A Lot Of $$$$$$$$$$$ From His Picks.
              So You Doubters Can Suck My Ass. And If Anyone Of You Prejudice Pieces Of Shit Wanna Go Head To Head Against His Plays Just Say So And In The End You Will Be On The Short End Of A Dollar.

              Betting sports is like dating a woman...
              Know when to PLAY EM...
              & know when to LAY EM...


              • #22
                Listen Jerkoff,
                I Have The E-mails Of The Plays, When He Is Hot He Is On Fire And Everyone Kisses His Ass Butwhen He Loses A Few He Gets Death Fickle Pricks ! I've Seen The Man Go 20-5 On Some Weeks.
                The Factsman Is Legit, He Did Go 67% In The Nfl And I Have Made A Lot Of $$$$$$$$$$$ From His Picks.
                So You Doubters Can Suck My Ass. And If You, 46 Prejudice Piece Of Shit That You Are Wanna Go Head To Head Against His Plays Just Say So And In The End You Will Be On The Short End Of A Dollar.

                Betting sports is like dating a woman...
                Know when to PLAY EM...
                & know when to LAY EM...

