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Ty Gaston's NFL Play of the Day for Sunday!

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  • Ty Gaston's NFL Play of the Day for Sunday!

    I have not posted for some time as I am fighting a tumor and some days are good and some days are bad for me, but the past few days I have FELT UP TO IT! Sorry for those who had followed me daily in the past and then my disappearance. Will try to get you guys winners daily as I FEEL it, thanks again!

    Ty Gaston likes Tampa Bay Arizona over 38 total points in Sunday's NFL Action!

    Good Luck
    Ty gaston

  • #2
    Sorry to hear that Ty!! Wishing you a speedy recovery :bestwishe


    • #3
      bump for Savage.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Tony Vegas
        bump for Savage.
        Thanks again. I just tried his website( and nothing there!


        • #5
          Ty must be feeling pretty good. He has only left 23 messages on my cell phone in the last 10 days. Dont you think that if someone did not call you back, say after 2 or 3 would quit calling. Ty was exposed last year and there is not a chance in a million years I would ever give him another dime of my money. Keep spending your money calling me Ty and getting my voicemail.


          • #6
            Don't you think after 2 or 3 calls without getting a return call... you'd stop calling them..... LMFAO.

            Yes a normal person would.... these guys are not normal. To prey on innocent victims is not an everyday hobby.... to lie and cheat about your records is not an everyday virtue.... to play the sympathy card when you know your down.... is just not honorable.

            ~~~ Tigger


            • #7
              man, it was so nice without the scum around!


              • #8
                Inasmuch as Ty's website is not in operation(at least not under, and since someone just said he has received repeated calls from him, I was curious so I did a search;this is what I came up with. I am not going to comment on this, but thought all of you would find it interesting:

                Scammer Alert - Ty Gaston
                We want to share with our viewers the underbelly of sports handicapping and what to be leery of (using our right to free speech). If you have been burnt by handicappers false advertising claims, feel free to contact us and we'll investigate!

                Ty Gaston claims unrealistic winning results across the board in every sport. His plays are not monitored and he professes that he has inside information and pro scouts working for him. In addition, he sells two sets of plays (VIP Plays for $100-$500 players) or you could pay $15,000 ($15,000 is not a typo) for his top of the line Code Zebra plays. What a great guy not giving all of his customers his best plays!

                Take a look at his Code Zebra Football ad below and judge for yourself. Also don't miss his emailed response to me showing his true colors!

                Ty Gaston's Code Zebra Club

                Ty Gaston's Code Zebra Club is the most prestigious and most expensive Club to belong to for your Football, Baseball, or Basketball selections. But well worth, the price. Each Code Zebra membership for each sport is sold separately and when you purchase the Code Zebra Club, you receive a toll-free number and an account, which is good for that entire sports season, no additional charges will be asked, but tipping is greatly appreciated!

                The Code Zebra Club selections are derived from Ty Gaston's Pro Scouts, most trusted inside information sources. These insiders are the best at what they do. These insiders provide direct information as well as stats, weather, injuries and any other pertinent information to Ty Gaston who then in turn deciphers the information and provides the Code Zebra Selections to his Code Zebra members. This club is for high rollers only!

                Code Zebra Members should bet at least $1000 per game!

                Football 2005-2006 NFL/College Football Package-$15,000.00 Complete

                When you purchase this package, you will receive your own private 800 number and account number to reach Ty Gaston daily for his Code Zebra Selections! Last year Ty Gaston's Code Zebra Games were an astounding 93 wins and just 43 losses, a magnificent plus 50 units for the season.

                In the 2003-2004 Season our Code Zebra record was 96 wins and just 43 losses for the season, a very nice plus 53 units for the season!

                In the 2004-2005 Season Our Code Zebra record was 93 wins and just 43 losses for the season a very nice plus 50 units for the season!

                Ty's Response
                T1: Ty Gaston
                T2: [email protected]
                B1: Submit
                Date: Sunday July 24, 2005
                Time: 12:06:49 PM -0500

                It's funny how jealousy can lead people to write derogatory things about others. Your sites professionalism is the worst i have ever seen. My code zebra clients attest to my record, while you and other handicappers sell your 5 dollar picks,or your 200 dollar a month clubs, I have continued and strived to provide the higher echelon of sports bettors the opportunity to get real sports betting info, not just shit like you guys handicap while sitting on your fucking toilet seats.
                Your site sucks, why anyone would read anything you write is beyond me, but websites are made for jerkoffs like you and your readers as you are the piss of the world, if any of your readers ever want to make large bets that win they can call me at 1-800-362-3755 or email me at [email protected], other than that keep your worthless shit of a website and your penny pinching sportsbettors

                Ty Gaston

                Ron's Response

                You must be more delusional than I thought if you think there is any jealousy on my part.

                Thanks for your reply. The type of individual that you are comes through loud and clear in your email.


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                • #9
                  "Zebra Code Plays" Bwaahahahahahahahaa! It's definitely football season again.

                  ~~~ Tigger


                  • #10
                    Its funny how he always has 43 losses. HAHA.

                    He always talks about how his "Code Zebra" clients will back him up and tell the world how much money he's made them, but in the 1.5 years I've been on here, and the 7,200 + members we have, I've NEVER yet heard 1 person come forward to say that it is true and he wins them money????


                    • #11
                      what happend to ty gas bag??
                      2013 NCAA POD Record

                      8-3ATS +3.80 units

                      2013 NFL POD Record

                      1-2 ATS -4.50 units


                      • #12
                        Ty Gasbag

                        Originally posted by stargolf10
                        Ty must be feeling pretty good. He has only left 23 messages on my cell phone in the last 10 days. Dont you think that if someone did not call you back, say after 2 or 3 would quit calling. Ty was exposed last year and there is not a chance in a million years I would ever give him another dime of my money. Keep spending your money calling me Ty and getting my voicemail.

                        Are you kidding me.??......
                        There's a cancer relapse here....but I doubt that it's your "tumor". The only "tumor" you have is between your
                        ears. Now you use the sympathy ploy to try and hustle
                        "clients". You are perpetually pathetic.

                        It's like the man whose Wife was kidnapped. The kidnappers sent the husband his wife's finger along with the ransom note. when they called for the money the husband said, "Send
                        more PROOF".

                        Well, we don't need anymore proof...Just crawl back in your sewer where you belong.


                        • #13
                          you know the last 25 years or so these sport services seemed to have the same m o, that makes one leary of them, they have inside information, they have a sportsbook in vegas that tells them valuable information, then they have a high roller in vegas that gives them valuable information, and blah, blah, blah. Today with the internet, and espn you can find everything they know easily, don't believe me, we saw the gulf at the same time the president saw it, 911 we saw the 2nd plane hit the second twin tower as it happened, another thing in handicapping a game regardless of what sport you can have all the stats u want, and all the so called inside information you can get, but u still need a little luck involved with gambling. for instance, enotion which team is really emotionally charged for this game, injures what if your teams quaterback gets a dislocated shoulder the first series od down, now your stats are fucked along wiyh you so called vegas inside information, human errors, missed tackes, wrong routes,fumbes, you name it, so u see u do need some luck when playing the games, if this asswipe has so much information, what does he need your money for. at pinnacle you can play 20,000in bases and one minute later play another 20,000, and so on and so, he doesn't need clients if he is that frickin good, or the argivation either, just the name ty gaston sounds like a scammer, at least go by a name like jim miller or something that sounds like you know the frik u are takin avout, and drop all the hype of all the inside bs, you have no idea how cheap it makes u look.and any service that is rated number 1 in the industry, and respected world wide, and world renown, you scare people away from u, because those are the words 90 percent of services use, go take some gas yourself. ty ton-a-gas

