hey guys we pick all games 25 for best on down to one here are the spreads please help all info appreciated marty gtech-5.5 syr bowling green4.5 memphis cincinnati pick marshall ucla 12.5 wyoming hawii4.5 uab virginia5.5fresnostate toledo3.5uconn miami oh 3.5 iowa state oregonstate3.5 notre dame colorado pick utep okla statepick ohiostate nc3.5 boston c new mexpick navy cali12.5 texas tech northern illpick trpy state alabama3.5 minny purdue7.5 aris st louisville14.5 boise state miamiflpick florida georgia6.5 wisky teaxas a/m 3.5 tenn fl state 8.5 west vir. lsu7.5 iowa texas 6.5 mich utah 16.5 pitts auburn7.5 v tech usc 3.5 oklahoma
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college bowl games need help