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Who is the ABSOLUTE WORST 'capper/Service on the net?

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  • Who is the ABSOLUTE WORST 'capper/Service on the net?

    Brian mac, reasoning - not only will he lose the most units, he unlike other services, will swear if you just stick with him a little longer (and longer, and longer) all your dreams will come true. Because after all "the big guys" don't win every night and if you want to be a pro, you must be in it for the long haul, etc, etc.

  • #2
    Who is the ABSOLUTE WORST 'capper/Service on the net?

    Yes, you read correct, the ABSOLUTE WORST CAPPER on the entire internet. Everyone always wants to follow a hot capper, but im of the belief that its easier to lose consistently than win. So that said, I think im just going to try and find the absolute worst service out there, and fade everything they put out. So that being said-

    who do you think the worst Capper/Service is out there?


    • #3
      I dont think is a fair question. Those who place their picks online is trying to help those win money. And for you to say who is the worst.....nah bro. Most cappers on this site are good such as Blake , Prae, Wiz (I dont know if he's still here), rjemermy, and couple others. Either way, good luck on your search but dont be suprised if people get mad...
      NFL Kruise

      *updated as of 9/9


      • #4
        service - ATS

        they are terrible. fade and make money.


        • #5
          Originally posted by tkim11
          I dont think is a fair question. Those who place their picks online is trying to help those win money. And for you to say who is the worst.....nah bro. Most cappers on this site are good such as Blake , Prae, Wiz (I dont know if he's still here), rjemermy, and couple others. Either way, good luck on your search but dont be suprised if people get mad...

          I THINK he is referring to sport services, at least I hope he is


          • #6
            Originally posted by leadhand
            I THINK he is referring to the touting sport services , at least I hope he is cause the guys that do it for free here are all good and they don't blow smoke up your ass.


            • #7
              Kelso Sturgeon. Mike Warren. You make a phone call to these guys and they will call your house for 10 years. I know from personal experience that you may get the plays that you pay for but there is always another higher level service or inside information that these guys have to sell you that will cost you more than you could possibly bet on the game. I still to this day get Kelsos weekly newsletter because of the purchase of a few plays in 1994. I dont know from experience but have heard stories about Jack Price.


              • #8
                From what I have seen, THIS SEASON ONLY (because I don't know about their longterm results)

                Mike Rose and Marcus Langdon have been absolutely

                You can never go wrong fading those two this season because they absolutely stink!



                • #9
                  I think you're probably the worst capper on here. So just write down all your plays and go OPPOSITE on all of them.

                  You'll do FINE!!!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by leadhand
                    I THINK he is referring to sport services, at least I hope he is
                    Yes, I mean SERVICES or Cappers like Feist, Lawrence, Root, etc......not people on this board, but SCAMDICAPPERS........:D


                    • #11
                      With Basketball now in full swing, what SERVICE do you see just absolutely BURYING it's clients?


                      Marc Lawrence?


                      do either of those two guys you mentioned do hoops?

                      Thanks.........oh, and what part of Texas are you from? Dallas-ite here.....:D


                      • #12
                        yea i'd like to know 2. any more suggs?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by BBB
                          yea i'd like to know 2. any more suggs?

                          all of them


                          • #14
                            Reprt put out daily by "Trotter"

                            Trotter puts out a report, as well as Spark, showing the Major Services and their records, in respective reports...Maybe Spark/Trotter would stick one here--the latest--you do your own research, compilation, judging....

                            Records speak for themselves...No matter what you do, locals here are far superior to the Sports Services overall..Some exception...I've done a breakdown on a couple of the reports, backtrack them, and you may be surprised...

                            Each to his own, but it'll be a cold day in hell when I start making plays based on Fades...Some one with a 500 record, you may get aboard when they lose 9-10 in a row, or vice versa, win 9-10 in a row..All cappers have good-bad streaks...Only a few are consistent..Read the the math...decide yourself...

                            I reiterate, locals are more consistent...For example, Jimmy Spats started out a fantastic 19-4, since then has faded...
                            If you got on him early---Win $--if you got on him after streak was hot--lose even more $....Its all timing...

                            I prefer the consistency of as you may...LOL in whatever you do...kapt

                            Be prepared for FrankB03 to enlighten you some more, on who is who, in Services....

                            Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


                            • #15
                              I would have to say I am the worst without a doubt. I have a team that can not be beat...

                              If you think you are not going to watch this game then think again. Dont worry about the outcome.

                              AINT IT OBVIOUS?????

                              CLICK IF YOU DARE!

                              HUGH JASS SPORTS....LAKER/HEAT H.J.L!

