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Anyone watched Ty Gastons TV show?

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  • Anyone watched Ty Gastons TV show?

    Wondering how full of sh*t this guy is on tv. since I don't have direct tv I don't get the show.

    I get my fill of wayne root and jim fiest right now. love watching these scammers predict winners and then go 1-5 and preach the next week about the one winner they had.

    it must be lonely to live without a soul.
    Get the best line possible....or you can just gamble!

  • #2
    I did years ago..

    It was funny for a few minutes but then it got annoying, I am sure like Roots show or Joe Wiz like I have seen too.

    Seeing these 50 yr old guys crack boob jokes and scream about their 100000000 star lock for 30 minutes is semi amusing but you may as watch Elmo for 30 minutes for what true value you get from those shows.

    Comcast Philly had 3 shows.. Wiz, Gaston and Lawrence..and to be honest the one with greatest value was Lawrence..


    • #3
      Check this out, cut and paste.........

      6 College Scouts Fired For Association with Gambler!
      Sep 15, 2004, 19:57

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      Associated Press News Release

      9/15/04 0935 am


      The NCAA has asked 6 Division 1 schools to relieve 6 College Football Scouts of their duties for associating with known gambler and tout service owner Ty Gaston. The schools in question are Florida State, Oregon, Southern Cal, Colorado State, Missouri and Boise State. The schools have not confirmed whether the unnamed individuals would lose their jobs. The NCAA has a blacklist of known gamblers and tout services as well as offshore sportsbook operations, but Ty Gaston does not appear on the published blacklist.

      Http:// is the blacklist located as the NCAA’s website. Sources close to the NCAA claim, Ty Gaston had associations with the 6 scouts and was providing payment to the scouts for their daily and weekly scouting reports. The scouting reports were game plans, scripted offenses, player statistics, team statistics, strategies, and injury reports, of the schools mentioned as well as their opponents. Ty Gaston was contacted at his California based office and replied;

      “Some of the information contained in the scouting reports, such as injuries can be obtained on over 300 websites. I was paying these scouts, who are friends of mine, because I wanted to know what was happening at the practices. These guys don’t make much money so I was helping them out. These guys and I, didn’t do anything illegal. The NCAA is way out of whack on this one! I speak to or get faxes on 106 different schools, and every NFL team with scouting reports. Are they going to fire every scout in the nation who tells someone Joe Blow is not practicing well? Let them fire them all, I have jobs for all of them and I pay better anyways! The majority of the college teams have open practices and anyone can go see what they are doing, I am just too busy to do it on my own. This is just harassment by the NCAA to try to tarnish my name as they have tarnished others names on their so called blacklist.”

      Ty Gaston also stated “Some people read magazines, the Goldsheet, or watch ESPN to figure out who’s going to win games. I’ve taken it a step further, and I want to know what’s happening at every practice in the country, college or pro. Is the NCAA going to take ESPN off the air because they give scouting reports and injuries on games? Hell No, because the NCAA makes hundreds of millions of dollars off TV revenue from ESPN. I have done nothing illegal by purchasing these reports, these are scouts, not head coaches or players and the scouts have no impact on the outcome of games whatsoever. Who cares, if I know the scripted plays of an offense, before they take the field or not?”

      Ty Gaston owns Pro Scouts Inc, and Magic Marketing Inc and has done national television shows nationwide, analyzing NFL and College football games. His company is better known as a tout service which sells information to sports bettors, who wager on sporting events.
      Good luck,


      • #4
        What a fucking LOSER!!!!!!


        • #5
          this is amazing. I hope that fag got was winning more than he was paying off people.

          what a fuk'n loser!!!!
          Get the best line possible....or you can just gamble!

