Today: Red Sox
Holy Cow Dave's taking Credit Cards
With the help of a friend of mine I have entered the 21st century. The end result is that you can now get my any of my stuff INSTANTLY.
So, if you're interested in my High Roller Package this weekend, it's just a "click" away at:
Last week my High Roller Games went 2-0. This Weekend I have 2 more--one Saturday and one Sunday. How creative...
What does it include? A hundred bucks gets BOTH of my High Roller Games and...
...The remaining 16 Issues of Spread Report Online FREE for the rest of the Season...including...
My NFL Blowout Formula Games
My NFL Formula Games
And of course ALL my Top Plays, commentary, write-ups, Game of the Year's, etc.
And, this Weekend's Mountain West Game of the Year!
Plus, hey, if BOTH of My High Roller Games do not Win this Weekend, you get 1 Month of my NBA Selecions--my BEST SPORT--for FREE (195.00 value).
They be comin' home! 2-0 last week will be 4-0 after this weekend!
Credit Card orders:
For more info or questions feel free to stop by the site or contact me personally...
[email protected]
Holy Cow Dave's taking Credit Cards
With the help of a friend of mine I have entered the 21st century. The end result is that you can now get my any of my stuff INSTANTLY.
So, if you're interested in my High Roller Package this weekend, it's just a "click" away at:
Last week my High Roller Games went 2-0. This Weekend I have 2 more--one Saturday and one Sunday. How creative...
What does it include? A hundred bucks gets BOTH of my High Roller Games and...
...The remaining 16 Issues of Spread Report Online FREE for the rest of the Season...including...
My NFL Blowout Formula Games
My NFL Formula Games
And of course ALL my Top Plays, commentary, write-ups, Game of the Year's, etc.
And, this Weekend's Mountain West Game of the Year!
Plus, hey, if BOTH of My High Roller Games do not Win this Weekend, you get 1 Month of my NBA Selecions--my BEST SPORT--for FREE (195.00 value).
They be comin' home! 2-0 last week will be 4-0 after this weekend!
Credit Card orders:
For more info or questions feel free to stop by the site or contact me personally...
[email protected]