From reading around on this website You could see there are many scam services out there. I am not going to criticize them nor defend them because their practices are none of my business.
I'm sure that some of the services on this site get an unfair rap however I am also sure most of the horror stories are true.
I will say this about Every Single Play we give out, whether it wins or loses will be posted on the home page of the website for everyone to see. We have nothing to hide. We can not and will not win every play we release. We will not win every free play we release. We will never use the terms "lock of life" or "play of our careers". Thats all ridiculous hype to get people to buy plays.
This past week we went 16-7 overall on the website. Our Premium Plays were 11-4 and our Free Plays were 5-3. Every play from last week is posted on the home page.
What people want to buy are winners. Whether you believe it or not, we will HONESTLY tell you our exact record every single day. The decision to come on board with us is yours, We will not use fancy terminology to get customers. Our Plays, because we do our job correctly, will speak for themselves every week.
If anyone would like to contact us or subscribe to our Free Newsletter, please feel free to email us at [email protected]. If you would like to email me personally, you may do so at [email protected]
I wish all of you the best of luck and have a great night.
We will be back tomorrow with a Free Play.
Eddie Matthews
I'm sure that some of the services on this site get an unfair rap however I am also sure most of the horror stories are true.
I will say this about Every Single Play we give out, whether it wins or loses will be posted on the home page of the website for everyone to see. We have nothing to hide. We can not and will not win every play we release. We will not win every free play we release. We will never use the terms "lock of life" or "play of our careers". Thats all ridiculous hype to get people to buy plays.
This past week we went 16-7 overall on the website. Our Premium Plays were 11-4 and our Free Plays were 5-3. Every play from last week is posted on the home page.
What people want to buy are winners. Whether you believe it or not, we will HONESTLY tell you our exact record every single day. The decision to come on board with us is yours, We will not use fancy terminology to get customers. Our Plays, because we do our job correctly, will speak for themselves every week.
If anyone would like to contact us or subscribe to our Free Newsletter, please feel free to email us at [email protected]. If you would like to email me personally, you may do so at [email protected]
I wish all of you the best of luck and have a great night.
We will be back tomorrow with a Free Play.
Eddie Matthews