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Thinking about this?

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  • Thinking about this?

    I found this on the Web, this is from someone else.

    I cant believe this:

    I say this to try and help those innocent people who are thinking of trying a service like this.

    I am a lousy handicapper, usually lose overall when I wager, and based on an advertisment I saw decided to watch Mr. Ty Gaston and his service. He did quite well in baseball and had a service special and decided to give him a try.

    It cost me 400 dollars, was for his VIP plays in college and pro for about 2 months.

    He seemed like a nice guy while we discussed his record, history and what he could do for me. I explained that I am a small time bettor, 100 and under and that if things went well I would continue to use his service all year if the record he showed was how he did.

    So I started playing with him and the first two plays went 2-0 and I thought it was a great beginning. Then the bottom fell out.

    I work hard and have family responsibilities so I wanted to get plays through email instead of calling his 800 number all the time. He said that was ok and we continued.

    He went on a cold streak, somthing like 0-5 and I got a bit bothered due to the ammount of money I was losing. The losing continued and I would receive more and more negative emails from him when I would ask what the deal was.

    So he went on an serious 0-13 run, for a total of 2-13 since I decided to try him out. Well I was kinda mad and sent him an email asking him why his website said he was 15-10 over the same time and I knew he was on a 2-13 run.

    He quit sending me plays, refused to send a refund and sent the following email instead when I asked why he didnt send sunday plays.

    "i went 3-1 and lost buffalo on the last play of the day or else i would have been 4-0 your the kiss of death and once i lost 0-3 with you i gave you alternate free plays instead"

    So I paid this guy 400 bucks, lost some games, asked for a reason why and he starts saying he sent dead plays. Not only am I mad at that, he also sold my personal number to other services and I got calls from other places as well.

    Please avoid this service, and spread this email to other sites, lets shut down Ty Gaston and his horrible lying service.

    Thought I would help this along, please circulate this to other sites too.


    :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire