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Bond's Baseball Fans Getting Robbed!

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  • #16
    LIE GASTON, thank you. The tought of your pathetic existence made me laugh my ass off which in turn helped me push out a massive stool. Thanks again you prideless, beggar of bread crumbs.


    • #17
      "Stand corrected your wrong, ZMAN was never a client just a scumbag putting in his 2 cents worth. He dealt with a guy in Vegas and assumed it was me, and it wasnt. Some guy named Davenport he said he dealt with, not my company. Anyone who has done business with me with VIP's or Code Zebra's can go ahead and speak their mind if you feel you have been burned by me, but I ensure no one will step forward and say I burned them cause that aint my M.O."

      Maybe something came up afterwards, but you were admitting that he was a client! You even did research as to what he paid and when, which he confirmed. So why are you now saying he was never even a client?

      Here's the link to that conversation:

      And here was your last post in that thread: "the deal with zmann was 1500 deposit on 17,500 code zebra package at the time which I gave him for 9500 a savings of 8000 because we were already deep into the season, he paid 1500, then after 4-0 paid another 1500, then after 10-3 overall he spent all the money he made and didnt have any more to pay cause he blew the money I made him he still owed 6 dimes more as part of our deal and quit calling.

      Plus 7 units is 14,000 -21,000 he told me he was moving 2-3 dimes, when he couldnt make any more payments I cut him off, I aint gonna give a guy games, make him money when he owes me money and just let him keep playing because he BLEW it all on his own games! Screw him the compulsive piece of shit, thats the facts.

      Tony Vegas; i assumed zmann's name and account number based on what he said in his writeup, the dates he claimed, the record he claimed, how much he paid, etc, and whats your point, you just believe buzzerbeater and zmann both guys lying, but are afraid to admit your wrong!

      Ty Gaston"

      I've never come on here and busted your balls about shit, but now it looks like you are flat out-and-out lying. Again, maybe something came up after this, but I never saw it, and you never, not once, disputed that he was a client, but rather confirmed that he was. So which is it?


      • #18
        Thanks Hoosier Daddy

        I had always heard how shitty Ty Gaston was, but that post truly opened my eyes. I was not here for the contest, but why is he not banned. He is the biggest scumbag alive and someone needs to take him out. Ty do us a favor and retire or put a bullet to your head.
        The 1927 Yankees weren't the best team ever. What everyone fails to realize is that the year before, with the exact same team, they lost to the Cardinals in the World Series.


        • #19
          I was a client...If I wasn't why do you still have guys calling my phone....

          A guy named Rick from Ty Gaston Pro Scouts in California, or so he saaid, called me repeatedly over the weekend of Aug 28 claiming some huge games and wanting me to get involved because as he said, "You were a client in the past." Still have the message saved on my phone.

          Also, ZMAN was a client, as you admitted in the post that someone brought back out, and now you're claiming he didn't deal with the number on your website that he was calling connected him with someone else? And your record is far from true, at least for that period when he was with you, outside of that time i can only speculate because you claimed about 30% higher over that time than you really were...
          Last edited by melonge; 09-17-2004, 04:21 PM.


          • #20

            I stand corrected with ZMANN, I was thinking of FASTBREAK, stand coorected ZMANN was a client he paid and he went 10-3 with zebras when he was supposed to make another payment on his balance he didnt so I cut him off, since i made the guy 14-21 grand how did i scam him. Strictly business, you dont pay your debts you get shut out. I wasnt going to continue giving him games when he owed more money, our agreement was for him to pay the balance, he didnt, so whats your point?

            You sell a guy a car and he quits making payments what do you do, pick up the car right? Well i couldnt go collect the rest of the money he owed so I quit giving him games. Bottom line

            SOUTHERN DANDY; why should I be banned beecause I won for a guy and he wouldnt pay his balance? Maybe you work for free on the street corner, with your massive swallowing techniques, but I dont work for free. SO grab your gun and pull the trigger after the next meth freak you blow.

            the records are accurate on the website, if you got called by rick it doesnt mean you were a client but someone who called us at one time or another and is in our databse, if you dont want to be called just tell them to take you off the list, I would hate to deal with a pimp bitch like you anyways!



            • #21
              Ty Gaston, what a Southern Gentleman you are! Seriously though, If I gave a bj for every pick you've fucked up, I would have throat cancer by now.
              The 1927 Yankees weren't the best team ever. What everyone fails to realize is that the year before, with the exact same team, they lost to the Cardinals in the World Series.

