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Bond's Baseball Fans Getting Robbed!

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  • Bond's Baseball Fans Getting Robbed!

    Barry Bonds is in a class by himself! You can argue Pujols, Edmonds, or whomever is the League MVP, but your argument is taunt at best! Barry Bonds is in a class by himself. Bonds will end up with more walks, than any major leaguer has hits by the end of the season! Well maybe Ichiro may get more hits than Bonds get walks but that is another story! Would it be fair to walk Ichiro so he can't surpass the most hits in a season? Absolutely not!

    Maybe League Baseball should jump in and tell all teams not in playoff contention to give the fans their monies worth and pitch to him! It's ridiculous that Bonds getS walked by Colorado, Arizona and the bottom dwellers when these teams have no place to go. At a recent series in Arizona, the Arizona fans had nothing to cheer for as the Diamondbacks have lost 100 games, so they PAY to see BONDS hit, not Arizona to walk him numerous times!!

    Every time someone walks Bonds now while the Giants are on the road, the home team, boo's their home team! Can you even imagine how many more homers or hits he may get if teams didn't walk him? Or what his batting average may be if they pitch to him? Pujols yuck, Edmonds yuck, AROD yuck! People PAY big dollars to see this man play! I can understand teams that are in playoff contention walking him with runners on base, but do they have to walk him with no one on and no one out leading off an inning? C'mon let's play baseball people!

    This guy like him or not, is the best player to ever play the game! We want to see the challenge between the pitchers and BONDS, after all he has hit 413 homers off different pitchers in his career. Hats off to the Randy Johnson's and Greg Maddux's who challenge him! YOUR PATHETIC goes out, to the managers who let no name pitchers walk him. After all this is baseball, America's passtime!

    I feel that while the Giants are on the road and in playoff contention, the manager of San Francisco should bat BONDS in the leadoff spot, then let's see just how many managers will lead off a game with a walk and see just how many teams will pitch to him!

    Ty Gaston

  • #2
    Ty's Still a Moron

    Teams are trying to win games you friggin moron! If that means walking Bonds, so be it! NFL teams throw away from the better corners.. so I guess your stupid ass would say the NFL should force teams to throw at the better defenders. No wonder you went 1-9 in your contest, you idiot!


    • #3
      Look for idiots

      Look for Idiots explains your screen name to the max! There is no comparison to Bonds and what the NFL does you jackass!

      Put this in your books assbag, if Barry Bonds this year had NO HITS, he would still be in the top 30 in the league in on base percentage due to his walks!

      Put this in your books assbag, Barry Bonds will have more walks than 95% of the Players in Major League Baseball this year has hits!

      By the way I wasnt 1-9 in the contest, check your records dirtbag.

      My point in the writeup was that Alou should bat BONDS leadoff that's all but you had to put your damn worthless 2 cents in.

      I notice your first post had to be somethign to bash me, as I knoe who you are and your just pissed you cant afford the Code Zebra games!

      See Ya ERIC
      Ty Gaston


      • #4

        Forget about Bonds so-called "fans"
        getting robbed.
        The REAL crime is Ty Gasbags so-called
        clients getting robbed!!!...Literally!!

        Kids!!....Beware of this poacher!!
        This loser couldn't pick a winner if it
        bit him on his cosiderable posterior.

        You have to admit he is consistant....
        1) He has no sense of his real perception.
        2) He cannot produce winners!

        Who is the ROBBER???
        Why everyone knows his name....GASBAG!!



        • #5
          Ty is out of his mind

          Ty I went to your shitty website and found something amazing. How in your right mind can you list Pinnacle as a bad offshore company? That shows how ignorant you are. And by the way Barry Bonds takes steroids. If you would have taken steroids even you would have amounted to something. Well, probably not.
          The 1927 Yankees weren't the best team ever. What everyone fails to realize is that the year before, with the exact same team, they lost to the Cardinals in the World Series.


          • #6

            Southern Dandy;
            For those who use Pinnacle? Whatever, I won't use them. Complaints I receive from people using Pinnacle and those that have gotten stiffed were investigated and thier business practice was not appropriate. For instance one person put 500 on a card on a friday he won 1800 for the weekend, tried to get money from them and they put it on hold for 30 days saying since he used a credit card and had to wait. He told them just put $500 back on his card and pay him $500 and leave the rest of account, they neglected to do that!

            In other instances football games that had a line of -3 were posted at Pinnacle at -3, -135, why would anyone pay 135 juice if they lost when they can bet other places at -3 and lay -110? Doesn't make sense, yet they advertise -105 or -107 juice on football in all their ads.

            As far as my shitty website is concerned oh well it looks a hell of a lot better than 95% of the sports websites out there and I havent seen one other company post there daily records as we do here at Pro Scouts, they dont have the BALLS cause they dont win! Period! DOnt like it, dont click it!

            As far as the jerkoff FASTBREAK bashing me, you see my records daily at follow them and watch as we win, when you get tired of me winning my VIP and Code Zebra games sign up like others do. If you havent ever done business with my company other than getting free plays on a website keep your comments to yourself, no one who pays complains bottom line. Your just jealous cause you cant win and when you try to fade me you lose your ass. And that is just on free plays, you would be in a homeless shelter if you faded my ZEBRA's or VIP's

            Ty gaston


            • #7
              "no one who pays complains bottom line"

              Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Z-Man and some other guy (don't remember who), pay and complained?


              • #8

                Your so full of hot air. Please use that air for something good.

                America as had two big Hurricane already hit its soil. Why don't you go and stop Jeanne before it makes it here and blow it into the middle of the Ocean.
                1 of 1 Morons


                • #9

                  speaking of hot air, you can do what the hurricane's did, and blow me, I havent jumped on your ass, why you wanna attack me I said nothing to you

                  Hoosier Daddy;
                  Stand corrected your wrong, ZMAN was never a client just a scumbag putting in his 2 cents worth. He dealt with a guy in Vegas and assumed it was me, and it wasnt. Some guy named Davenport he said he dealt with, not my company. Anyone who has done business with me with VIP's or Code Zebra's can go ahead and speak their mind if you feel you have been burned by me, but I ensure no one will step forward and say I burned them cause that aint my M.O.

                  Please note: Wacth, someone with thier first post will come on here and say they did business with me probably Homer or Zmans' buddy what ajoke



                  • #10
                    Re: homer

                    Originally posted by Ty Gaston
                    speaking of hot air, you can do what the hurricane's did, and blow me, I havent jumped on your ass, why you wanna attack me I said nothing to you

                    Please note: Wacth, someone with thier first post will come on here and say they did business with me probably Homer or Zmans' buddy what ajoke

                    I knew that would get you going.

                    To easy
                    1 of 1 Morons


                    • #11
                      Hey, Ty. If you know that someone is going to jump on your shit at this site, why do tou post? Why come to this site?
                      Have you received any new business off of this site for your Code Zulu-Nation package?
                      Not one person has said anything good about you or your picks. Why not just break even, and leave. I'm sure there are some sites out there that no one gives you grief.
                      Why not stick with them?
                      I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one that thinks this.
                      There's no such thing as luck.


                      • #12
                        No one complains who pays is more reflective of the size of your customer base rather then their satisfaction. FastBreak has you pegged gasbag.


                        • #13
                          hee hee

                          i post because a few of you say you fade me all the time, well your losing money, and your eating chunks, its funny to me,

                          fastbreak; you seen me lose my challenge, Im ready to do it again, lets get together and do it, your such a bigmouth put your money where your little testies are! How bout you homer? got milk? Let's do it, my zebra clients are rolling, im rolling and I got lotsa cash to throw around



                          • #14
                            Re: hee hee

                            Originally posted by Ty Gaston
                            i post because a few of you say you fade me all the time, well your losing money, and your eating chunks, its funny to me,

                            fastbreak; you seen me lose my challenge, Im ready to do it again, lets get together and do it, your such a bigmouth put your money where your little testies are! How bout you homer? got milk? Let's do it, my zebra clients are rolling, im rolling and I got lotsa cash to throw around


                            That is great.........Homer, got milk?

                            Ty, just give us another winner this week buddy! That will show them


                            • #15
                              Re: hee hee

                              Originally posted by Ty Gaston
                              i post because a few of you say you fade me all the time, well your losing money, and your eating chunks, its funny to me,

                              fastbreak; you seen me lose my challenge, Im ready to do it again, lets get together and do it, your such a bigmouth put your money where your little testies are! How bout you homer? got milk? Let's do it, my zebra clients are rolling, im rolling and I got lotsa cash to throw around

                              Got Milk

                              You make my day. Did it take you all day to come up with that?

                              Maybe you should spend that time capping games instead of losing them :eek: :eek:
                              Last edited by Homer; 09-16-2004, 09:04 PM.
                              1 of 1 Morons

