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Padres @ METS

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  • Padres @ METS

    yesterday: pirates -1.5 win
    today: mets -110

    WARRIOR'S August Record at Bettorschat:

    Since I take the time to research other capper's records, I thought it was only fair I post my record at b-chat. Up until the last 10 days or so I was having a rough August--about fifty fifty--but have been red hot lately--which makes it a good time to post

    I only went back to August 1st because I already know I had a strong Summer dating back to my Million $$$ games in April when I first began posting under "Warrior". I posted under "FootballFormula" last season.

    The record does NOT include three of the winners in last weekend's 7-0 Sweep in the NFL since they were not posted here. Only four of them were posted, atl, grb, jets, kc.

    The record reflects all sides, all totals, team totals, all sports, and all 2-team parlays. It does not reflect a handful (2 or 3) of 7-8 team parlays since those are not typical plays (you don't risk the typical amount on an 8-teamer), but rather just a few bucks to take a 'shot' at 100-1 back.

    As I do with other cappers in my 'search', I do not differentiate between the ratings. If it's posted at the site, it's a play. Whether a lean, a pick, a million $$$ game, or whatever title given.

    After a 4-8 start in August I went on a 13-6 run to put me in the black at 17-14/+1.15 Net games.

    Since that point I have gone 16-5 (9-1 last 10) to bring my August total to 33-19 and +12.75 Net games.


    *METS -110 (Leiter) over Padres (Lawrence)


    There are six days left to cash in on the 25% discount for my annual football tipsheet which is about five and a half bucks per issue. Everything I have to offer in football is included, even my top plays; there are no extra or hidden costs. I put out my sheet once a year to supplement my regular income. For more info you can conact me or check out any number of my zillion posts right here at b-chat. Thanks...

    [email protected]
    Last edited by Warrior; 08-25-2004, 08:47 AM.

  • #2


    With the approaching Football Season, it's time to address the issue of RATINGS.

    In the past I have rated my games from 2-5 stars with an occasional 10-star. Over the years, I have seen little or no difference between my 2, 3, 4, and 5-star ratings. I also have seen that to be the case with many cappers over the years. My 10-star selections, however, have shown a dramatic increase in winning percentage over the long run.

    With those thoughts in mind, please be advised that I no longer use ratings. A play is a play. The only exception will be when I come across what I formerly would have referred to as a 10-star. In that case, I will simply call it a DOUBLE PLAY.

    I have two ratings:

    *Standard Play
    *Double Play

    Standard plays should be played for the same amount. The amount is up to you, whether you prefer 1%, 2%, or even 5% of a given bankroll. The point is that whatever you choose, it's always the same amount with my Standard plays.

    Double Plays are exactly what is inferred--a doubling of the standard amount you play. In tracking the record, I will count a double play as 2 games for better or worse. The record will be judged according to the line specified at the time the Report is sent.

    The catchy title of MILLION $$$ Games will be history to avoid confusion about ratings. I will have STANDARD Plays and DOUBLE plays.

    As a subscriber to the Spread Report, you have been promised my Million $$$ games throughout the football season. These are simply DOUBLE plays and will be sent out as such.

    As you recall, Million $$$ games (now referred to as double plays) can be ANY Sport and ANY type of play: Side, total, team total, 2-team parlay, teaser, propostion play, etc. Mostly you will find them to be moneyline plays.


    1.) The Spread Report Online is an ALL FOOTBALL SHEET and includes everything I have to offer in Football and does not withhold anything; there are no extra or hidden costs.

    2.) My picks will be rated Standard Play or Double Play.

    3.) As an early bird subscriber, you will receive all of my Double Plays in other sports--as they develop.

    Keep in mind it is normal to go several days or more for Double Plays to develop and equally normal to have several Double Plays in one day. We wait on the right play; the right board.

    Dave, is there anything my Subscription does NOT include?

    Your subscription includes EVERYTHING pertaining to football. Naturally, it does not include a subscription to Hoops, Hockey, Baseball, etc. The only plays you'll receive in the other sports will be the DOUBLE Plays as they develop (that was the incentive of the early bird special). Daily picks in those other sports are a separate subscription.


    *METS -110 over Padres



    • #3
      We're gearing up as the Season draws near, and here's a blueprint of what this year's version of the Spread Report Online will look like...


      Football is FINALLY here! And I'll kick it off with my Superbowl projection: Baltimore Ravens vs Green Bay Packers, etc.

      I want to give an overview of the SRO, but first let me address three basic FAQ's that will help understand, use, and maximize the usage of the Spread Report Online. Before I address those 3 things, let me remind you that the Report is emailed out on Thursdays.

      Also, I will not be rating the games this season. I have two plays: STANDARD and DOUBLE. Standard plays are all rated the same and a Double Play is just that--a double. A Double Play will count as TWO games for better or worse. My official RECORD will be judged against the line that is printed in the SRO at the time of sending it. Okay...

      1.) What is the Spread Report Online?
      2.) How do I use it?
      3.) What should I expect?

      1.) What is it?

      The SRO is an INFORMATION online sheet. Much like a pointwise or goldsheet, the SRO contains first and foremost INFORMATION. Secondly, it contains a few of "Dave's Faves" (Top Plays) which might be similar to the Gold Sheet's "Key Releases". While the specific 'kind of' info is undoubtedly unique and much different than what you would find in other information sheets, it is nonetheless ultimately a sheet designed to give you information to aid you in making wise selections.

      2.) How should I use it?

      That is, should I use just dave's faves or the formulas or what? I'm expecting a good year from the Top Plays (Dave's Faves). Meanwhile, the formulas will either win or break-even. That's not a certainty, but I'm most confident in them. The thing with the formulas is that they put out a good number of games sometimes. What you might do is play smaller amounts on them. Then, if any of them have a 'breakout year', you'll be on top of them. Meanwhile, if they don't, the risk is minimal since I would not expect any kind of serious losing year from any of them.

      3.) What should I expect?

      Regarding the formulas and systems, expect the same as last year; namely, a mix of some of them continuing to do well while some of them might be around 50/50 or a small juice burner. But as a whole, I expect them to win like they did last year. Regarding my College plays, you'll be relieved to know that I won't be releasing a bundle of them this year. Same with the Pros. With a 60% guarantee at stake, I'll be on my toes and I'll be selective.

      Now, here's the basic overview of how the SRO is laid out:

      First, the prologue--commentary on last's weeks highlights and lowlights. Second, the listings of what the individual formulas are picking. Third, brief commentary on the NFL games. And fourth, Dave's Faves (my official picks; that is, my Top Plays).

      Now let's get started...

      *****NFL Week One Plays*****

      01.) NFL Real Number Formula:

      Plays begin Week Four and run through Week Seven (4 weeks)

      02.) NFL Yardage Formula:

      Plays begin Week Four

      03.) NFL Turnover Formula:

      Plays begin Week Four

      04.) NFL Turnover Super System:

      Plays begin Week Two

      05.) NFL Rush Yardage System:

      Plays begin Week Two

      06.) NFL Blowout Formula:

      Plays begin Week Seven

      07.) NFL COMMENTARY:

      Packers @ PANTHERS

      The Packers have a chance to play the game they missed out on last year--a road trip to Carolina in the NFC Championship Game, etc.

      08.) Dave's Faves (Pro):

      *Ravens -2, etc.

      09.) NCAA ASR Formula:

      No Plays


      Florida State @ MIAMI FLA

      The Seminoles open against the Hurricanes in what could be considered a virtual end to one of these team's Championship hopes, etc.

      11.) Dave's Faves (College):

      *Florida State PK, etc.

      12.) Dave's Props and Non-Traditionals: (opinion; not counted against record unless listed under dave's faves)

      No Plays

      *NOTE: All plays will be judged by the line as sent out in the SRO. It is understood that lines will change and vary among subscribers, books, monitoring services, etc. Be smart, shop around if possible. I will send it out the way I see it--find it or buy it!

      **DISCLAIMER: All the information contained within the Spread Report Online or at are intended as newsmatter and information only, and they are not intended to violate any existing City, County, State, Federal, or International Laws. The information herein is just that--information.

      If you choose to use the information for gambling purposes, please do so legally and in accordance with City, County, State, Federal, and International Law. If you have a gambling problem, please seek help. It is Free @ 1-888-777-9696.

      We believe handicapping and prognosticating games is an art form--a hobby--and can be quite exciting and a challenge as well. It is understood that anyone who chooses to use the information for gambling purposes does so under volition of his/her own free will, and it is therefore that person's responsibility to do so legally and in compliance with all City, County, State, Federal, and International Laws.

      The Spread Report Online, and/or David Toop, is not responsible for any losses, be it financial, emotional, or other, incurred by the reader(s) of the Spread Report Online or It is expected that the reader(s) will use the information contained herein responsibly and within the proper context of law and hobby. Remember, if you need to win, you need to quit: 1-888-777-9696

      x x x x x x x x x x


      • #4


        • #5

          You get as many clicks on your threads from you bumping than actual members clicking, having a hard time selling the $14.95 spread reports? Ask me about marketing, maybe you'll learn something, your long winded and really it says nothing in your write-ups

          Ty gaston


          • #6
            Ty Gasbag...

            Here we go again. Your chrome-dome is
            lucky to be back at B.C. Just pipe
            down and get back in your little corner.

            You cannot leave well enough alone.:angryfire
            This GENTLEMAN has a documented winning record at B.C.
            You have a documented LOSING record at B.C.

            TY NOT bring a knife to a gunfight!!

            You walked down that road before
            and got you rear-end handed to you
            by another big-time LOSER.

            Warrior chews you up and spits you out
            when it comes to picking winners.

            By the way, someone who asks about your
            being a fraud and a liar gets more clicks then your
            free losers.

            Do yourself a favor and get on the Stairmaster!


            • #7

              Thank you for bumping my thread.

              I am not sure how you get under the skin of some of the posters, but based on some of their responses, man, I'm glad it ain't me.

              Sometimes I wonder what I would do and how I would react if I were on your end of it. I'm sure it would be a real challenge for me. But not one that I could not overcome. I really think I would be moved to do some soul searching. But's that just me. I'm wierd that way. Meanwhile, please allow me to nip and tuck your comments so as to reflect more accuracy.

              1.) Obviously, your comment about my couple of bumps outnumbering the over 100 clicks was not meant to be received as true (since anyone can do the math). With that thought in mind, I know that you meant nothing by it.

              2.) Your comment about having a hard time selling comes across as somewhat sarcastic, but I like to believe the best about people, so I'll choose to believe that you simply meant exactly what you said--even if it ain't so polished--and did not mean it in a wrong spirit.

              3.) The cost is not $14.95, but rather $5.41 per Issue. Just to be sure, that's the second inaccuracy regarding math in one sentence. But I understood your point, and that's all that matters.

              4.) Thank you for the offer to help me with my marketing. I'll accept any help you can give me, but only if I am comfortable with it. I'm not as interested in the Marketing psycho babble they teach in the Universities as I am in simply laying out the product.

              In marketing, I prefer to appeal to an individual's intellilect and not their emotions. A hard sell full of pressure and half-truths sells, but it is not my preference. You see a lot of sports services doing that (and let's be fair, a lot of OTHER businesses too), and that's fine if that works for them. But I would rather sell less and sleep.

              The problem with selling to the emotion, for me, is that it paints a picture of a vulture attacking prey at their weakest. I cannot live like that. I like to lay out the product and let the consumer make an informed, intelligent decision to buy or not buy. Yeah, I'll sell less. But at $5.41 per Issue, does it look like I'm trying to get rich? I love what I do, and I love doing my sheet each year. It supplements my income this time of year.

              5.) The phrase "maybe you'll learn something" comes across as condescending since it implies that a person might not learn even if taught. So that there is not a misunderstanding--and I am almost certain you already know this--speaking down to people is not good marketing.

              6.) Yes, I tend to be long-winded, but I prefer to call it thorough. My Mom always thought I should have been a lawyer. Really. She always said I have a lawyer's mind. I hope that's good...

              7.) The idea that my posts say nothing is a stretch; atleast in my admittedly self-assessed observation.

              In an idealistic world, the idea of buyer's remorse would not exist because selling to the emotion would not exist. But let's face it, it is not an indealistic world, and I cannot control that fact. But I can control how I deal with people--and how I treat them--in my world...



              • #8

                Nice write-up, I appreciate the fact that someone has an intellect above most, no pun intended, just thought I had to say my feel, as you stated in my writeup about bashers, that people charge alot for thier services. I charge more than most so took it as a bash at me, I polished my sword and slammed back, all in fun.
                I enjoy your posts and read em, but my emphasis on writeups was not on all the heebie jeebie stuff, rather than why you like a game and important stats, Email me at [email protected] I would like to speak to you, if you have time

                Thanks TG


                • #9
                  Had to go back and re-read what I wrote. I did not even realize it was in your thread (I just clicked on the title).

                  My comments were aimed at the industry in general. It's an insult to be told by some of them that what you already paid for does not include 'this or that', that'll cost more.

                  Not sure if you operate that way or not, that's your business. If you're winning, then it doesn't matter. But if a client is not winning, then I can see why they would be upset if the 'good games' are withheld from them. A lot of services operate that way.

                  As a sidenote, I don't know how you command the prices you do, but that's hard to pull in this business unless you're winning or unless you're a salesman...hope it's the former...

                  I'm off to work, I'll call you when I get a chance Ty...probably tomorrow. Later...


