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  • #16
    Okay class, repeat after me:

    I will not bet on bad teams. I will not bet on bad teams. I will not bet on bad teams.

    Very good. Now write it 100 times.

    The Royals selection was a loser because they are a bad team. Even though I based my selection on their home record and Lackery's horrible road performance's, it does not change one thing:

    The Royals are a bad team. My apologies for that one...although I did get the split with the WSOX.



    • #17

      You remind me of Bart Simpson at the beginning of the show writing on the chalk board................. the fact that the Eagles lost in the last three championship games b/c of McNabb not having "IT", I respectfully disagree. Maybe against the Rams that was the case but not the last two. Against TB, he ran into a great defense that just about any QB would have struggled against. While last year Philly couldn't stop a high school JV team's running game. Delhomme is surely not a great QB and is not better than McNabb but he won the NFC championship game, as did many other QBs that did not have "IT". I agree with Favre and Brady has having "IT" but I truly don't feel Manning has shown he has it yet. I mean that guy has more weapons then almost any other QB and he still hasn't made the big show.


      • #18

        If you watched the 9th inning you would have puked! If you didnt, and highlights come on Sportscenter, leave the will make you sick to your stomach...


        • #19
          GL with the Cowboys Dave. I don't see it. To me they showed their true colors toward the end of the year last year. They didn't do much to improve the team but go out and get 2 guys that are way past their prime. We will see that's why they play the games! And I can't wait!!!!


          • #20

            Tony - It seemed to me that Mc Nabb quit that playoff game vs. Carolina like a coward. Now I'm looking at a mentally inferior "leader" with a ticker problem. Testaverde is in the same sorry state as Mc Nabb ... ample physical skills but nothing else.

            NFC East should be interesting what with 2 losing QB's on teams being touted.

            For Parcells this is an ego trip with Vinnie . He figures if he can lead the Cowboys to a championship with Testaverde then he will go down as the greatest coach in history. .. and you know what ? He'd be right ... No one is capable of that miracle.

            Maybe Washington sneaks in there with Brunell ... at least he's got half a brain... and lots of passion.

            Anyway good luck and may your team win.

            I don't have the luxury of liking or disliking a team or an individual. I see what I see and judge accordingly . To me these athletes come and go like Garbage in and Garbage out .... churn em and burn em . I never get involved with anyone. LOL

            When it comes to this handicapping stuff I'm a cold hearted bastard but in any other aspect of life I would hope that all in all I'm a pretty decent and fair guy and a great friend.

            Best of Luck Tony .... Let's both make money this year !!!


            • #21

              I don't think McNabb quit at all, just had a rough game against a very good defense and a very good coach. But I can see your point. Three times in and three times a loser makes it look like a trend. To me the NFC East is the most interesting division. Can't wait for this season to start.

              Unlike you I have the luxury of disliking and liking certain players and teams. It is nice to know you can seperate yourself like that but I have a lot of trouble doing that. I love Miami, always have and always will, along with the Yankees!

              GL to you as always and look forward to cashing in with you!


              • #22
                QUIT??????? How can you say that about a guy that played a game on a broken ankle?? Did he quit in the Packers game too?? When he hit Freddie Mitchell for a 4th and 26 pass? He might not be the most accurate passer but he is NOT a quitter. Come on CB!


                • #23
                  Tony, sorry about the Dolphins man. I feel for the Dolphin fans!


                  • #24
                    Big Mike

                    I would love to love the Eagles ... I would love to be a fan ... but for me I can't handicap AND have likes and dislikes at the same time. . I have to be cold hearted or I'll get my lunch handed to me. LOL

                    The Eagles have been true road warriors against the spread as dogs for quite sometime .... They're rough and tough and play some great old time football

                    They have an excellent coach and some wild and crazy fans ... and ownership that cares about winning.

                    It just seems that they're 1 ingredient away from the BIG TIME and they haven't addressed that problem. In fact they let AJ Feeley go and he was great when filling in for McNabb ... This kid might have been a real comer.

                    How are the backup QB 's for Philly?


                    • #25
                      Koy Detmer and Jeff Blake. Blake has looked awesome in Camp and could have been a starter but wanted to come to a winner after playing for Arizona and Cinny. As I'm writing this I see that Kearse got hurt in practice. Shit!


                      • #26

                        I saw it...that's what bad teams do. Twenty four years in this bizniz and you'd think I would know better.

                        The Royals +140 was too hard to pass up with that pitcher matchup, but I paid the price for betting on a bad team.

                        I remember I had the Arizona Cardinals a couple years ago against the Saints. I had ARI +6 at home; they were losing by four.

                        On the last play of the game they throw a bone-headed pass that is intercepted and couldn't tackle the Saints DB right in front of them who ran it back about 60 yards as time ran out.

                        That's what bad teams do.

                        I had the Bengals about 5 or 6 years ago. Cincy +11.5 at home. They were losing 31-20 vs the Broncos.

                        Blake dropped back for a pass at midfield on the FINAL play of the game. I know he's going deep, so even if it is intercepted it is not likely Denver would run it back the whole way.

                        Here it is, I got a winner. INT can't hurt me...not even a sack can hurt me. The only thing that can hurt me is if Blake gets the ball knocked loose and the Broncos run it back 50 yards.

                        Blake got sacked, the ball popped out, and Denver ran it back 50 yards as time ran out.

                        38-20 Denver

                        That's what bad teams do.

                        I have learned not to go with bad teams and have gotten a lot better about not doing that. But every now and then I see something that looks really good--like the Royals yesterday.

                        Then after they BLOW the whole thing at the last minute, I can only ask myself, "Dave, what did you expect? You've been here before. When will you learn? This is what BAD TEAMS DO."

                        That is why they are, well, a BAD TEAM.

                        I just got through pointing out in my Tony Soprano write up the fact that Soprano has not posted a bad team to date. Only good teams. Or, at worst, an average team. But only if the average team has an ACE on the mound and not playing a good team; or, if the average team is playing a bad team. A bad team like, well, the Kansas City Royals.

                        Learn from it Dave!!!

                        Or not.


